
screensaver interview questions

Top screensaver frequently asked interview questions

Any way to detect what is disabling the screensaver?

Is there any Windows application out there that will determine what process is preventing the screen saver from becoming active?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a utility for running a screensaver as a standard window?

Since I have a large widescreen, I'm splitting its area into rectangles (Using winsplit revolution), and thought it might be nice to run a screensaver in one of the smaller unused areas.

Is there a tool or a way to run a screen saver in a window?

Perhaps the preview mode can be used for that somehow?

Source: (StackOverflow)


How can I prevent a policy-enforced screen lock in Windows 7?

Our corporate BOFH imposes the screen lock setting with a ridiculously short delay. It's frustrating and counterproductive.

Is there a way to prevent the automatic screen lock? I would assume there is no way to override the policy-enforced setting, but maybe there is a software that mimics user activity.

Just asking before I set up a perpetual mouse wheel. (get it?)

Source: (StackOverflow)

Change Linux console screen blanking behavior

How do I change the screen blanking behavior on Linux virtual terminals?

For example, if I switch to a VT from X, login, and leave the system alone for 5 minutes or so, the screen will blank like a screensaver. It comes back with any keypress, like a screensaver.

Mostly I just want to change the timeout, but I'm also interested in other settings.

If it helps, one of my systems is running Ubuntu 10.04 with the stock graphics drivers. fbset shows the console using the radeondrmfb framebuffer device.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I display a web page as my Gnome screensaver?

We'd like to change our screensavers to show the current status of our service at a glance. We already have a page that shows uptime, build status, and more as large red and green squares, and that page refreshes automatically.

We're all running Gnome. How can we make that page our screensaver?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I set a hot corner in Windows 7?

I have a dual monitor setup on my Windows 7 box at work. I'd like to know how (if possible) I can set a hot corner to start the screensaver or put the display to sleep?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What is the usefulness of a screensaver on a computer using a LCD monitor?

Old computers were using CRT monitors and when an image was continuously displayed on the screen, it became marked. So, screensaver where invented to avoid screen burn-in.

Laptops and modern computers almost all uses LCD display now and, AFAIK, they are not affected by this effect.

So, should I completely deactivate this feature and use power management instead or I am wrong?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Screensaver won't start in windows 8

I had windows 7 on my computer for some times, I decided to install windows 8. Had no problem with windows 7 with the same hardware. But now the screensaver won't start. Even if I set it to start after 1 minute. I have a wireless mouse and a wired keyboard.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to wake from screensaver directly to the login screen in Ubuntu

(a.k.a. How to switch users without entering password, part II) (see part I)

I've got Ubuntu 9.10 with a user account for my wife, and one for myself. "Wake-from-screensaver" should result in "choose user" without having to enter any password. I know how to do that in Windows, but I'm not good with Linux (yet).

Part of this was answered in my earlier question which helped me get past the login screen without passwords (after booting, and after choosing "switch user"), but once the screensaver kicks in and I wake it up again, the system does not present the "choose user" screen. Instead, it either turns off the screensaver and presents the desktop of the most recent user, or (if the screensaver is set to lock the screen) prompt for the user's password (which can be handily surpassed by clicking the "switch user" button and choosing the same user again).

So, the login ("choose user") screen has been dealt with. How do I make the (any) screensaver return to the login screen at wake, rather than to the current user's desktop? Windows can do this, I'm sure Linux can too - but how?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Lock Screen after screensaver starts + delay

I would like to have my win7 desktop lock after say 15 minutes of idle time. I also want my screensaver to start at 5 minutes of idle time.

I tried using programs that run a command after a certain amount of "idle" time, like Idle Start or Idle Controller. These programs however, seem to calculate idle time themselves, based on mouse movement and keyboard activity. And this will lock my screen while I'm watching a movie.

When you watch videos, your mouse and keyboard are idle, but Windows knows not to start the screensaver or turn off your display.

Is there any method to attach an event (lock the screen) to whatever Idle timer Windows uses, the one that is aware of videos and games and whatnot?

Alternatively, it would be awesome if I could lock the screen when my monitor turns off (which is already set at 15 min).


In case anyone is unclear, I do not want my computer to sleep. There are settings in Windows to lock the screen: 1. on screen saver, and 2. on wake. I do not want either of those.

I was asking if anyone knows of any "arcane" tricks. Could Task Scheduler or a registry hack help?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Transparent screensaver for linux?

I want to have a few console windows running tail -f on logs. Unfortunately this means that anyone with access to the computer can press Ctrl+c and have shell access.

So I want to lock the screen while still leave everything on the desktop visible.

So has anyone heard of a transparent screensaver or do you have a better idea on how to solve my problem?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to set the Screen Saver Grace Period for Windows 8?

I manually added the ScreenSaverGracePeriod (REG_DWORD) value in seconds to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon registry key and it didn't enable the screen saver grace period in Windows 8 (64-bit consumer preview). Has this functionality been removed, or is there a different way of doing this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I disable the SuSE screensaver?

Running SuSE 11.1 w/ KDE 4. Screensaver keeps blanking out my screen on me and I can't find a setting to turn it off. A secondary issue is that it also eventually locks my screen on me if screen is blanked for awhile. Would like to make it stop doing that too! Hard to use it as a monitoring/display session if it keeps blanking out my screen!

Source: (StackOverflow)

Disable screensaver / screen blank via command line?

I am attempting to disable screensaver, screen blank and screen lock via the command line. This is because the settings will be applied in an unattended install.

From my own research this appears to be possible through xorg.conf.

I have tried setting:

Section "ServerFlags"
    Option          "BlankTime" "0"
    Option          "StandbyTime" "0"
    Option          "OffTime" "0"
    Option          "SuspendTime" "0"


Option "DPMS" "false"

in the Monitor section.

But even with these settings, when the machine is inactive for a period of time, the screen blanks and shortly after locks (password is required to disable screen blank).

Can someone please point me in the right direction?

I am running the XFCE spin of Fedora 19

Source: (StackOverflow)

Prevent windows screen lock when playing with joystick

My windows 7 system is set to lock the screen after 20 mins of inactivity. (Office enforced policy; cannot change settings..)

When I am using the keyboard/mouse, windows treats them as user inputs & thus, the screen remains unlocked. However, when I am playing any game using only joystick, windows treats that as no-activity. Thus, the screen gets locked after the timeout.

Is there a way to prevent screen lock while using joystick based games?

As a work-around, I am currently playing some random video (muted) in background VLC, which prevents screen lock. But there should be a better way to handle this problem...

I could possibly write a script, which would simulate some keystrokes like {NUMLOCK}{NUMLOCK} via sendkeys. However, there is always a possibility of side-effect of this. e.g. That would prevent me from using these keys in my game options.

Source: (StackOverflow)