

Scala GraphQL implementation Sangria - Scala GraphQL Implementation sangria - scala graphql implementation

How to create a graphql schema that can be searched on different fields?

I'm testing out sangria to build a graphql/relay server. I have a very simple User class:

case class User(
  id: Int,
  username: String,
  gender: Gender.Value)

I want to allow queries by either ID or username. I have created a schema that allows this, but the fields have different names:

val Query = ObjectType(
  "Query", fields[UserRepo, Unit](
    Field("user", OptionType(User),
      arguments = ID :: Nil,
      resolve = ctx => ctx.ctx.getUser(ctx arg ID)),
    Field("userByUsername", OptionType(User),
      arguments = Username :: Nil,
      resolve = ctx => ctx.ctx.getUserByUsername(ctx arg Username))

Unfortunately, I need to query these with different fields names, user and userByUsername, e.g.:

curl -G localhost:8080/graphql     
  --data-urlencode 'query={userByUsername(username: "Leia Skywalker") {id, username, gender}}'


curl -G localhost:8080/graph    
  --data-urlencode "query={user(id: 1025) {id, username, gender}}"

How can I create a schema that allows a single field called user to be queried on either ID or username? E.g. both of the following should return the same user object:

curl -G localhost:8080/graphql     
  --data-urlencode 'query={user(username: "Leia Skywalker") {id, username, gender}}'


curl -G localhost:8080/graph    
  --data-urlencode "query={user(id: 1025) {id, username, gender}}"

Source: (StackOverflow)