
routing interview questions

Top routing frequently asked interview questions

How can I find out the current route in Rails?

I need to know the current route in a filter in Rails. How can I find out what it is?

I'm doing REST resources, and see no named routes.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why do routes with a dot in a parameter fail to match?

I've got an route for my users like /iGEL/contributions, which works fine. But now a user registered with a name like 'A.and.B.', and now the route fails to match, since the name contains dots.

My route:

get "/:user/contributions" => 'users#contributions'

Any ideas?

Source: (StackOverflow)


IIS URL Rewriting vs URL Routing

I was planning to use url routing for a Web Forms application. But, after reading some posts, I am not sure if it is an easy approach.

Is it better to use the URL Rewrite module for web forms? But, it is only for IIS7. Initially, there was some buzz that URL routing is totally decoupled from Asp.Net MVC and it could be used for web forms.

Would love to hear any suggestions..

Source: (StackOverflow)

Routing to static html page in /public

How can I route /foo to display /public/foo.html in Rails?

Source: (StackOverflow)

ASP.NET MVC Routing Via Method Attributes [closed]

In the StackOverflow Podcast #54, Jeff mentions they register their URL routes in the StackOverflow codebase via an attribute above the method that handles the route. Sounds like a good concept (with the caveat that Phil Haack brought up regarding route priorities).

Could someone provide some sample to make this happen?

Also, any "best practices" for using this style of routing?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is it possible to make an ASP.NET MVC route based on a subdomain?

Is it possible to have an ASP.NET MVC route that uses subdomain information to determine its route? For example:

  • user1.domain.com goes to one place
  • user2.domain.com goes to another?

Or, can I make it so both of these go to the same controller/action with a username parameter?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to get current route in Symfony 2?

How do I get the current route in Symfony 2?

For example, routing.yml:

   pattern: /page/
   defaults: { _controller: "AcmeBundle:Test:index" }

How can I get this somePage value?

Source: (StackOverflow)

A potentially dangerous Request.Path value was detected from the client (*)

I am receiving the rather self explanatory error:

A potentially dangerous Request.Path value was detected from the client (*).

the issue is that my url contains a *:


This url is used to populate a search page where 'test*' is the search term and the rest of the url relates to various other filters.

My question is if there is a simple solution to allow me to add these special characters as search terms?

I have tried including the following in the web.config but it has no effect on if the error message is displayed.

Should I be manually encoding / decoding the special characters?

Is there a best practice for doing this? I would like to try and avoid using a query string but i guess it is an option.

The application itself is a c# asp.net webforms application that uses routing to produce the nice URL above.

Source: (StackOverflow)

What algorithms compute directions from point A to point B on a map?

How do map providers (such as Google or Yahoo! Maps) suggest directions?

I mean, they probably have real-world data in some form, certainly including distances but also perhaps things like driving speeds, presence of sidewalks, train schedules, etc. But suppose the data were in a simpler format, say a very large directed graph with edge weights reflecting distances. I want to be able to quickly compute directions from one arbitrary point to another. Sometimes these points will be close together (within one city) while sometimes they will be far apart (cross-country).

Graph algorithms like Dijkstra's algorithm will not work because the graph is enormous. Luckily, heuristic algorithms like A* will probably work. However, our data is very structured, and perhaps some kind of tiered approach might work? (For example, store precomputed directions between certain "key" points far apart, as well as some local directions. Then directions for two far-away points will involve local directions to a key points, global directions to another key point, and then local directions again.)

What algorithms are actually used in practice?

PS. This question was motivated by finding quirks in online mapping directions. Contrary to the triangle inequality, sometimes Google Maps thinks that X-Z takes longer and is farther than using an intermediate point as in X-Y-Z. But maybe their walking directions optimize for another parameter, too?

PPS. Here's another violation of the triangle inequality that suggests (to me) that they use some kind of tiered approach: X-Z versus X-Y-Z. The former seems to use prominent Boulevard de Sebastopol even though it's slightly out of the way.

Edit: Neither of these examples seem to work anymore, but both did at the time of the original post.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I remove the Devise route to sign up?

I'm using Devise in a Rails 3 app, but in this case, a user must be created by an existing user, who determines what permissions he/she will have.

Because of this, I want:

  • To remove the route for users to sign up.
  • To still allow users to edit their profiles (change email address and password) after they have signed up

How can I do this?

Currently, I'm effectively removing this route by placing the following before devise_for :users:

match 'users/sign_up' => redirect('/404.html')

That works, but I imagine there's a better way, right?


As Benoit Garret said, the best solution in my case is to skip creating the registrations routes en masse and just create the ones I actually want.

To do that, I first ran rake routes, then used the output to re-create the ones I wanted. The end result was this:

devise_for :users, :skip => [:registrations] 
as :user do
  get 'users/edit' => 'devise/registrations#edit', :as => 'edit_user_registration'
  put 'users' => 'devise/registrations#update', :as => 'user_registration'

Note that:

  • I still have :registerable in my User model
  • devise/registrations handles updating email and password
  • Updating other user attributes - permissions, etc - is handled by a different controller

Actual answer:

Remove the route for the default Devise paths; i.e.:

devise_for :users, path_names: {
  sign_up: ''

Source: (StackOverflow)

Routing with Multiple Parameters using ASP.NET MVC

Our company is developing an API for our products and we are thinking about using ASP.NET MVC. While designing our API, we decided to use calls like the one below for the user to request information from the API in XML format:


As you can see, multiple parameters are passed (i.e. artist and api_key). In ASP.NET MVC, artist would be the controller, getImages the action, but how would I pass multiple parameters to the action?

Is this even possible using the format above?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Akka Actor not terminating if an exception is thrown

I am currently trying to get started with Akka and I am facing a weird problem. I've got the following code for my Actor:

class AkkaWorkerFT extends Actor {
  def receive = {
    case Work(n, c) if n < 0 => throw new Exception("Negative number")
    case Work(n, c) => self reply n.isProbablePrime(c);

And this is how I start my workers:

val workers = Vector.fill(nrOfWorkers)(actorOf[AkkaWorkerFT].start());
val router = Routing.loadBalancerActor(SmallestMailboxFirstIterator(workers)).start()

And this is how I shut everything down:

futures.foreach( _.await )
router ! Broadcast(PoisonPill)
router ! PoisonPill

Now what happens is if I send the workers messages with n > 0 (no exception is thrown), everything works fine and the application shuts down properly. However, as soon as I send it a single message which results in an exception, the application does not terminate because there is still an actor running, but I can't figure out where it comes from.

In case it helps, this is the stack of the thread in question:

  Thread [akka:event-driven:dispatcher:event:handler-6] (Suspended) 
    Unsafe.park(boolean, long) line: not available [native method]  
    LockSupport.park(Object) line: 158  
    AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject.await() line: 1987   
    LinkedBlockingQueue<E>.take() line: 399 
    ThreadPoolExecutor.getTask() line: 947  
    ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run() line: 907   
    MonitorableThread(Thread).run() line: 680   
    MonitorableThread.run() line: 182   

PS: The thread which is not terminating isn't any of the worker threads, because I've added a postStop callback, every one of them stops properly.

PPS: Actors.registry.shutdownAll workarounds the problem, but I think shutdownAll should only be used as a last resort, shouldn't it?

Source: (StackOverflow)

AngularJS - How can I do a redirect with a full page load?

I want to do a redirect that does a full page reload so that the cookies from my web server are refreshed when the page loads. window.location = "/#/Next" and window.location.href = "/#/Next" don't work, they do an Angular route which does not hit the server.

What is the correct way to make a full server request within an Angular controller?

Source: (StackOverflow)

I'm getting a "Does not implement IController" error on images and robots.txt in MVC2

I'm getting a strange error on my webserver for seemingly every file but the .aspx files.

Here is an example. Just replace '/robots.txt' with any .jpg name or .gif or whatever and you'll get the idea:

The controller for path '/robots.txt' was not found or does not implement IController.

I'm sure it's something to do with how I've setup routing but I'm not sure what exactly I need to do about it.

Also, this is a mixed MVC and WebForms site, if that makes a difference.

Source: (StackOverflow)

AngularJS dynamic routing

I currently have an AngularJS application with routing built in. It works and everything is ok.

My app.js file looks like this:

angular.module('myapp', ['myapp.filters', 'myapp.services', 'myapp.directives']).
  config(['$routeProvider', function ($routeProvider) {
      $routeProvider.when('/', { templateUrl: '/pages/home.html', controller: HomeController });
      $routeProvider.when('/about', { templateUrl: '/pages/about.html', controller: AboutController });
      $routeProvider.when('/privacy', { templateUrl: '/pages/privacy.html', controller: AboutController });
      $routeProvider.when('/terms', { templateUrl: '/pages/terms.html', controller: AboutController });
      $routeProvider.otherwise({ redirectTo: '/' });

My app has a CMS built in where you can copy and add new html files within the /pages directory.

I would like to still go through the routing provider though even for the new dynamically added files.

In an ideal world the routing pattern would be:

$routeProvider.when('/pagename', { templateUrl: '/pages/pagename.html', controller: CMSController });

So if my new page name was "contact.html" I would like angular to pick up "/contact" and redirect to "/pages/contact.html".

Is this even possible?! and if so how?!


I now have this in my routing config:

$routeProvider.when('/page/:name', { templateUrl: '/pages/home.html', controller: CMSController })

and in my CMSController:

function CMSController($scope, $route, $routeParams) {
    $route.current.templateUrl = '/pages/' + $routeParams.name + ".html";
CMSController.$inject = ['$scope', '$route', '$routeParams'];

This sets the current templateUrl to the right value.

However I would now like to change the ng-view with the new templateUrl value. How is this accomplished?

Source: (StackOverflow)