
rhythmbox interview questions

Top rhythmbox frequently asked interview questions

How do I install third-party rhythmbox plugins?

Now that the dust has settled and Rhythmbox has become (again) the default music-media player in 12.04 & 12.10, I'm interested in extending its functionality.

For example, the default lyric plugin does not work for me and there doesn't appear to be an sound-equalizer by default.

Having done a search, I came across the Gnome-website that lists a number of third-party plugins, some-of which I wish to install which can resolve the above.

However, there doesn't appear to be .deb packages or a repository containing these plugins.

Instead there are links to source-code websites such as GitHub and others.

So, I'm confused - I don't know which plugins works in 12.04 or 12.10 versions of Rhythmbox (v2.96 & v2.97) and I'm not sure how to install these.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I install an equalizer in Rhythmbox?

Previous I have never used rhythmbox by default because it seemed to be lacking in features to me. Just my personal opinion.

With rhythmbox back in 12.04 will ubuntu give it some attention to give it some usability one thing that was majorly missing on my last use of rhythmbox was an equalizer which is the most basic of requirements for an audio player let alone a preamp.

I have searched and found that on the rhythmbox website the plugin is available but in the plugins menu of rhythmbox it is not there.

I searched google and there are many guides from 2009 trying to install the equalizer. there is nothing recent and one would assume this would be a default plugin, there is no point after all searching for cover art if your music doesn't sound right.

How can I easily install the equalizer in 12.04?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Why is Rhythmbox becoming the default (again)?

So, it seems with 12.04, they're switching back to Rhythmbox, after switching from Rhythmbox a year ago. I don't get why. They say that it's because of a blocking bug in GTK3# (if I understand that correctly), but that's just one bug, and in the same breath they say RB is not well maintained. It seems Ubuntu guys were dissatisfied with Banshee in some way, but apparently the Banshee guys were never notified of any problems.

Also, it can't be to save disc space by dropping mono, because at the same day it was announced that the install disc will be enlarged by 50MB.

Also, isn't it a bit shortsighted to push Banshee for default inclusion, and then drop it again a year later? How is that a sustainable use of dev resources, or consistent? Apparently there was quite some heavy effort by banshee devs - David Nielsen used the term "bending over backwards for Ubuntu" iirc.

In summary: Can anyone shed more light on this?

Related question: Why is Banshee becoming the default?







Source: (StackOverflow)

How to use Rhythmbox python console

Maybe this is obvious and I am missing it, or maybe someone's already written a great guide and my (seeming exhaustive) googling is failing to turn it up, but I cannot figure out for the life of me how to get the darn python console in rhythmbox to do anything!

I've enabled it from the plugin menu, and then open it using Tools->Python Console.

It prints

You can access the main window through the 'shell' variable :
<rb.Shell object at 0xa6cdd24 (RBShell at 0xa14e000)>

But anything I type at the prompt does nothing! I've tried help, I've tried exit(), I've tried print "hello world", nothing does anything!

All of these things work, of course, in a normal python console. I haven't a clue what the devil the difference is here! Am I supposed to do something other than hit enter?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to migrate from Banshee to Rhythmbox?

As it has been decided, Ubuntu Precise 12.04 will feature Rhythmbox as the default music player. I am aware, that it does not mean that I will not be able to use Banshee, nevertheless I would like to switch to it.

I have been a Rhythmbox fan for a long time, but after the switch to Banshee in Natty I decided to give it a try and completely migrated to it. However, I am not very happy with it, it lags for me a lot and has some other issues.

I would like to export all Banshee data to Rhythmbox. That includes:

  • Music library
  • Playlists
  • Preferably playcounts and ratings
  • Radio stations
  • Cover pictures

What should I do to move all this data to Rhythmbox, get it to work as the default music player, and smoothly switch completely to it?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to add Rhythmbox controls to the sound menu?

I recently installed a fresh install of Ubuntu 11.10 64-bit on my notebook.

I personally prefer Rhythmbox over Banshee so I searched for and installed it from the Ubuntu Software Center. (including all plugins that were listed). Unlike previous versions of Ubuntu (11.04, 10.10, etc..) the (previous, play/pause, next) controls have been removed from the sound menu. Rhythmbox is still listed (above "Sound Settings...") but when clicked all it does is open the application. To add insult to injury the Banshee controls are displayed right above it - even though that application isn't running.

  • I have tried opening Rhythmbox from the Unity dashboard, the Unity launcher, and the sound menu with the same results.

  • I've also verified that I had rhythmbox-plugins installed.

  • I even tried to remove and install the application. Still no controls.

It looks like they were removed and that we are now expected to use Banshee. Why?

Here is a screenshot of what my sound menu looks like when I'm playing a file in Rhythmbox. (Notice that Banshee isn't running but it's controls are displayed) In Ubuntu 10.10 and 11.04 Rhythmbox had controls just like Banshee's controls in the screenshot.

Screenshot of sound menu with Rhythmbox playing a file. Banshee isn't running.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I edit the list of music library locations in Rhythmbox?

I previously set Rhythmbox to include a few different locations. Now following changes to my directory structure, I'd like to reflect these changes in Rhythmbox. But when I go to "Library Location", I see "Multiple locations Set" and I can only add to the list; no way to edit/remove.

I Googled this problem and the only relevant results I get date back to 2006, probably referring to a previous version of Rhythmbox and specifying components/locations that I can't find on my system.

Give a look at the documentation...kind of minimal.

Any clues?

Ubuntu 12.04
Rhythmbox 2.96

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I find duplicate songs?

The title says it all. How can I detect duplicates in my media library?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Rhythmbox still plays songs after exit

Is there anyway to get Rhythmbox to stop playing the current track when it closes without first pausing/stopping the song manually?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Rhythmbox doesn't add/import MP3s from ~/Music on Ubuntu Gnome 15.04

I just installed Ubuntu Gnome 15.04, all my music is located in /home/user/Music/, e.g. /home/user/Music/Back to The Future.

I run Rhythmbox and try to import all MP3s to the player, but nothing happens. I selected the path /home/user/Music/, but Import x listed tracks remains disabled. I checked the preferences, the parameter Music files are placed in has the right value: file:///home/user/Music. Why can't Rhythmbox just import my MP3s? What should I do in order to see these files inside Rhythmbox library?

All needed codecs are installed already. When I click on MP3-file it's opened with video player and played there. I paid attention that Gnome Music also doesn't display MP3s inside of ~/Music, probably, there is the same root of these two problems.

Execution of

ls -l ~/.local/share/rhythmbox


total 132
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user   1386 May  3 22:20 playlists.xml
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user      0 May  3 21:31 podcast-timestamp
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user 129653 May  3 22:16 rhythmdb.xml

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to install Rhythmbox Spotify plugin?

Is there an easy way to install the Spotify plugin for Rhythmbox in Ubuntu 12.04?

I can only find links to recompile Rhythmbox completely and the instructions aren't very clear.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Zune + Ubuntu, What are my options?

I have a Zune HD (don't ask).

Is there any alternative to using this in Ubuntu besides creating a virtual Windows environment (in say Virtual Box or VMWare) and running the Zune software there?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I change the Sound Menu's default music player?

I'm running Maverick at the moment and the default music player is Rhythmbox. It interfaces with the panel through the sound menu, so you can see it playing like this:

Screenshot of Rhythmbox playing in the Sound Menu

I know that, in Natty, Banshee is due to be the default music player, so I was trying it out the other day to get to grips with it. How can I change which music player interfaces with the panel like this (from Rhythmbox to Banshee and then back again)? Because, at the moment, when I run Banshee, I just get this:

Screenshot of the Sound Menu with Rhythmbox but not Banshee

...and no Banshee integration.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Building Rhythmbox from source

I'm trying to build rhythmbox from source to have a go at adding an extra feature. I'm running into issues with gstreamer

configure: error: Package requirements (    gstreamer-1.0 >= 0.11.92
gstreamer-audio-1.0 >= 0.11.92
gstreamer-base-1.0 >= 0.11.92
gstreamer-plugins-base-1.0 >= 0.11.92
gstreamer-pbutils-1.0 >= 0.11.92) were not met:

No package 'gstreamer-audio-1.0' found 
No package 'gstreamer-plugins-base-1.0' found
No package 'gstreamer-pbutils-1.0' found

I've tried what's in this post,

sudo apt-get build-dep rhythmbox

and installing some of the gstreamer packages to no avail.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How does one clear the Rhythmbox music library database?

How do I wipe the music database of Rhythmbox? I have imported lots of music into Rhythmbox. Now I want Rhythmbox to forget everything that I've imported.

Source: (StackOverflow)