
retweet interview questions

Top retweet frequently asked interview questions

Is there an easy way to find out a tweet I re-tweeted?

I vaguely remember there was a "retweets" link somewhere in an older version of the interface, but it's gone now (?).

Is there a simple way to find a tweet I've re-tweeted (that I found when it was re-tweeted by someone I follow)? A search query I'm missing perhaps? I'd prefer not to resort to the API (I'm lazy), but if that's the only way... ;)

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is it possible to track new style RTs to an account I don't have access to?

If I have access to an account, I can use either twitter.com/#!/retweeted_of_mine or give retweetrank.com/retweeted.in/etc (read-only) access to see who has new style RT'ed the account.

Is it possible to see this info at all if I don't have access to the account?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Why can't we actually retweet?

Instead of a recipe that copies & pastes the texts in other people's tweets, why can't we literally retweet? Often times, there isn't enough room for all of the words, so the endings are cut off. It'd be nice if people were seeing an actual retweet instead of just text. Is this even possible? If not with IFTTT, then another app/website?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I see who Retweeted my tweets?

Twitter now has an 'activity' tab where the 'retweets' tab used to be. How can I find out which of my tweets have been retweeted, and by whom?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I take my tweets OFF private?

I don't know why but some of my tweets have a lock beside them and people can't retweet them. My accounts isn't on private and not all of my tweets have a lock icon. So how do I get rid of it?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I see who Retweeted my tweets - 2013 edition [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:

Yes, this was answered in 2011, but the Twitter interface keeps changing, and changing, and changing. As of 1 July 2013, how do I see who retweeted my tweets on twitter.com?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why can't I undo retweet the retweets I retweeted years ago?

I've been searching for hours on how to do this. I now have my Twitter archive and I want to undo-retweet retweets years ago. I know that you can simply click on the retweet button which is in color green to undo-retweet, but I my retweet button isn't green—it's grey. I can see my profile on the who-retweeted-list, so I guess I still have it retweeted, but how can I undo it?

Source: (StackOverflow)

In TweetDeck, is it possible to disable retweets in a list?

I've set up a Twitter List and when viewing the list directly on twitter.com, list member retweets are not shown. This is my expectation for a list.

However, when using Tweetdeck (either web.tweetdeck.com or the Chrome app), I'm seeing retweets by list members in the list column.

Is it possible to disable this behavior, so that Tweetdeck operates like twitter.com?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to track clicks from retweets and get the Twitter user who retweeted?

I would like to track clicks from people who retweet my tweet.

Is it possible know which user's retweet was clicked?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I get ifttt to do automatic retweets that are formatted correctly?

I am trying to set up a recipe in ifttt.com to retweet everything from account samplesourceuser to account sampletargetuser (I have control over both accounts, names have been redacted of course). The traffic/tweet levels are not high.

I have created a recipe which looks a bit like this:

enter image description here

(the twitter account configured in ifttt.com is sampletargetuser's)

However, the @ is always missed out in the resultant tweet from account B, which makes it look like RT samplesourceuser: the tweet content. I would rather than this follow standard retweeting format, so it looks like RT @samplesourceuser: the tweet content.

How can I do this with ifttt.com?

Source: (StackOverflow)

When you favourite a tweet that's been retweeted by someone you follow, will he get a notification?

  1. Person X tweets a post—I don’t follow X;
  2. Person Y retweets X's tweet—I follow Y;
  3. I favourite the tweet that Y retweeted.

Will Y get a notification? I know it does give notification if I retweet a tweet that's been retweeted. But is it the same for favourites?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do you delete a retweet in Tweetdeck web version?

I found the answer about how to delete a tweet you've posted but not how to delete a retweet in Tweetdeck web version.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Twitter -- How do I filter everything except tweets by people I'm actually following

I'm coming back to give Twitter another try after a time away.

For now, what I want to do is this: there are a number of people I want to follow, and read their tweets, but I don't want to see anything else. That includes tweets mentioning my 'followeds', retweets of their stuff, and so on.

Just to clarify, here are some examples. I'm following @Moses, but not @Pharaoh:

Yes: @Moses tweets    "Just got the Ten Commandments"
No:  @Pharaoh tweets: "@Moses Meh"
Yes: @Moses tweets    "@Pharaoh 's quite a nice guy"
No:  @Pharaoh rt:     "  --"-- "
Yes: @Moses rt:       "@Moses Meh"

Is there a way to do this? And, if possible, all the other crap that Twitter throws at me? On=the=Web, Windows, or Android clients are OK.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can people see that you've liked their retweet on Twitter?

So if somebody retweets something on Twitter and you click to view it, but click onto the original account that tweeted it and like it from there, will the person who retweeted it get a notification?

Source: (StackOverflow)

twitter greasemonkey script to add a "retweet with comment"?

I as wondering if anyone knows a greasemonkey script which would add a "retweet with comment" to the timelime items. I was looking for something that would have a similar appearance to tweetfilter, with the little buttons added at the end of the tweet.

Source: (StackOverflow)