
remapping interview questions

Top remapping frequently asked interview questions

How can I run another app when pressing the calculator key on my keyboard?

I've a Logitech Media Keyboard 600 which features a separate button to launch the calculator. I need that quite often, but the Windows shipped calculator is useless; there are more advanced out there.

So I've installed another calculator application and want this special key start this other app instead of the default one.

Is that possible?

I'm not searching for a solution to pin the app to the taskbar and use another shortcut key to launch it.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Emulating the right Ctrl key on MacBook Pro keyboard lacking an actual right Ctrl key

I need to use the right Ctrl key in a certain application, but my keyboard doesn't have one.

The left Ctrl key has an entirely different function in this case. How can I emulate the right Ctrl key, for example by pressing the right Alt button?

I tried the “Right Option acts as Control” feature of DoubleCommand, but sadly, that causes the right Alt key to emulate the left Ctrl key instead of the right Ctrl. Aaargh!

Any ideas?

Source: (StackOverflow)


MacBook Pro Keyboard - How to Swap / Remap Keys?

I know this may be asked before in a different manner, but I still haven't really seen a solid answer. I'm hoping that providing these 2 specific needs will make it more clear.

I specifically want 2 behaviors that will make my transition from a long time PC user to being able to use a MacBook Pro.


  • I am a windows user that just got my first mac ever (in my life) this past weekend.
  • I am dual booting the MBP with Snow Leopard and Windows 7 x64

What I want to do (in both Windows 7 and Snow Leopard):

  • Swap the fn and control keys (not physically)
  • Be able to tap the eject key for a forward delete, but keep the ability of holding down the eject key to actually eject the disc.

Are these possible, if so what is the best way (software?) of accomplishing this in both Windows 7 and Snow Leopard?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I swap the Windows and Control keys in Windows 7?

I'm used to a Mac keyboard and that means my finger expect to find the shortcut key to the left of the spacebar. How can I turn the Windows key (command key on a Mac keyboard) into the Control key and vice versa?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Map capslock to control in windows 10

In windows 8 I used to remap my capslock key to control using the registry script


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout]
"Scancode Map"=hex:00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,02,00,00,00,1d,00,3a,00,00,00,00,00

After having upgraded to window 10, this does not work anymore. How can it be done?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I remap the Caps Lock key in Mac OS X Lion?

I would like to remap the Caps Lock key to some other unused key (in a system-wide fashion).

Being a MacVim.app user, I always liked to idea of remapping the Caps Lock key to some other key such as the "Help" key or the "End" key in order to use that piece of keyboard real estate to enter and exit insert mode.

Previously, in Mac OS X Snow Leopard, several options existed to do this, such as the excellent PCKeyboardHack which enabled the user to chose the key code that the caps lock key would send to the OS and operated at the driver level it seems. Or the other tool called DoubleCommand. None of these options work anymore under Mac OS X Lion (Gold Master). I tried to install them none the less and ended up with a kernel panic.

The "Keyboard" preference pane in the system preferences of both versions of Mac OS X has the possibility of remapping the caps lock key built-in as you can see in these pictures. But only to one of the other three modifier keys: namely "Control", "Command" and "Option". This is evidently not sufficient for creating a macro in vim. The Caps Lock key needs to be remapped to some other non-modifier key.

Other answers found in previous questions often contain a suggestion to use the Ukulele tool. This program has never had the ability to remap the Caps Lock key.

Other keyboard modifying software such as Consistent Keyboards has similar functionality but will not solve the problem.

Any help greatly appreciated !

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I remap a play-button keypress from a Bluetooth headset on OS X?

I have an LG Tone (HBS 700) Bluetooth stereo headset, and am using it with OS X Lion.

The headset has a play/pause toggle button, but unlike my keyboard's play button, which will toggle play/pause for, say, VLC media player if it is running, the headset's play button will launch iTunes if it is not already open, or toggle play/pause in iTunes if it is already open. It will not toggle play/pause in any other media player.

Can someone explain what system event is likely being triggered when I press play? It's clear that some system daemon is listening for something, since iTunes gets launched and can interpret the play/pause/next/prev controls just fine... Is there a way I can intercept the keypress event and remap its function? I would like it to have the same behavior as the keyboard's play button.

Thanks for your help!

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to swap ctrl and fn key on a MacBook Pro running Windows 7 via Boot Camp?

There are sooooo many discussion on the internet about swapping the fn and ctrl key on a MacBook Pro.

On the Mac side, a new software called ReMap4MacBook does a perfect job swapping the two key.

But on the PC side (specifically Windows 7), I can't really find a definitive answer. Most post refer to this article but I read the loooong article and followed the instructions to no avail.

I remember there used to be a program (maybe it was on XP) that not only swapped the two keys but it also controlled the fans on the MacBook Pro. But I can't remember the name and I also recall that that program stopped being updated like years ago.

EDIT: It's called Input Remapper.

So I am hoping there exist a simple program that I can simply run to swap those two keys.

Source: (StackOverflow)

MacBook Pro / Windows 7 : remap Cmd key to Ctrl, except Cmd+Tab to Alt+Tab

I'm using a MacBook Pro running Windows 7 under bootcamp. I'm used to switching between Mac kb / MacOS X software and Windows kb / Windows software but the crazy mixup of Mac kb / Windows software forces me to think think with every keystroke.

I had the idea to remap the Cmd key to Ctrl (as I mapped the Capslock key to Ctrl, which I like on any OS, Windows, Mac or Linux) but then Cmd+Tab would be wrong.

Any recommendations to do the following customization?

  • Cmd+Tab goes to Alt+Tab
  • Cmd+Right-Arrow goes to End
  • Cmd+Left-Arrow goes to Home
  • Cmd+Up-Arrow goes to PgUp
  • Cmd+Up-Arrow goes to PgDn
  • all other Cmd+ goes to Ctrl+

I think this sort of key layout would save my sanity, but I want some as reliable as completely remapping Win-key to Ctrl-key with a small number of exceptions.

Any ideas? Should I just dive in with Autohotkey, my old standby, or is there something more reliable that doesn't require an explicit list of keys -- and remembering to start up my AHK script after each reboot?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Remapping CapsLock key

I've remapped CapsLock key to work like this :

CapsLock + J = Left arrow key
CapsLock + K = Down arrow key

I've used xmodmap (as explained in Mapping Super+hjkl to arrow keys under X).

The problem is that I can't seem to be able to make following key combinations work :

Expected: CapsLock + Shift + J = Shift + Left arrow key
Actual: CapsLock + Shift + J = does nothing.

Do you have any ideas how to make it work? Thanks.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Mapping Ctrl+Arrow for Home/End/PageUp/Down

I'm using Windows 7 on Dell New Inspiron 14z Ultrabook. It doesn't have Home/End/PgUp/PgDn keys. Instead I have to use Fn + arrow keys.

Can I re-map those to Ctrl + arrows or Alt + arrows or Shift + arrows?

That way I could go one page up and down with only my right hands rather than with the left hand on the Fn key and right hand on arrow key.

Also, volume up and down is assigned to FnF11 and FnF12. Can I re-map them to F11 and F12? Existing functions assigned to F11 and F12 will be replaced by FnF11 and FnF12.

Is it possible?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How mouse button re-mappings work?

I installed my new mouse (Anker 2000 DPI Wireless) and then the driver which installs a program named '5-button mouse' that allows me to remap what each button does, standard stuff and everything works fine.

But it got me wondering where are the settings for what each button does stored? I presumed the registry but was unable to find anything and after looking online they don't seem to be stored there.

Looking at the mouse in device manager and it is using the generic mouclass.sys and mouhid.sys drivers that come with Windows so I'm just wondering how these drivers know what I want each button to do?

For example if I change one of the side buttons to cut rather than copy, where are these settings stored and how do the drivers know where they are?

I know the whole driver stack is very complicated but I would appreciate if someone could just give a basic overview of the process.


Source: (StackOverflow)

How do i execute a program based on a keypress from a specific USB keyboard?

I've been given one of these ubiquitous usb-sleep buttons which is basically a supersimple usb-keyboard. It's a big button that sends a SLEEP keypress to the computer when you slam it. But that is pretty boring. I'd love to remap it to do something more fun but I can't figure out how to bind to only the sleep press from the button and not from my ordinary keyboard.

The button identifies as

Bus 001 Device 035: ID 1130:600d Tenx Technology, Inc. 

I'd like to know if there's either

  1. a way of mapping a key from a specific keyboard to an action OR

  2. a way of remapping the sleep key from a specific keyboard to a new key-code or something like that.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Remap arrow keys in osx

I would like to remap my left, right, up & down keys to fn key + j, k, l, i in OSX.

Is there a way to do this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Send double-click with Autohotkey

I'd like to remap the middle mouse button to double-click using autohotkey.

A simple remapping (4th mutton -> middle button) worked fine using XButton1::MButton but I couldn't find a way to remap a button to send a left-button doubleclick.

I've already tried MButton::LButton 2 and MButton::LButton & LButton but those didn't work (apparently this syntax is only used in different AHK statements but not in remappings).

Source: (StackOverflow)