Java Redis Client GUI Tool
I'm trying to implement a redis cache for my c# project. I used redisClient which is good to store normal datatypes like int and strings but not for storing objects. Then I moved to RedisTypedClient which should store my object in redis but it stores an empty object. And when i try to retrieve that object, it creates a new object and returns that.
Here's my test code which i'm trying to get to work but it's not working.
internal class Test
public int a;
public int b;
public string s;
public void show()
Console.WriteLine(a + " " + b + " " + s);
public class Program
private static void Main(string[] args)
using (var redisClient = new RedisClient("localhost"))
var t = new List<Test>();
t.Add(new Test {a = 1, b = 2});
t.Add(new Test {a = 3, b = 4});
var key = "e";
var rtest = redisClient.As<Test>();
var q = rtest.GetById(t[0].GetId());
I have also tried using redis list.
IRedisList<Test> tl = rtest.Lists["testl"];
tl.Add(new Test { a = 1, b = 2 });
tl.Add(new Test { a = 3, b = 4 });
var rlist = rtest.Lists["testl"];
But the same thing happens in this case also. It stores empty objects.
I'm new to redis on windows and it may be possible that I'm making some mistake. But I can't get it to work. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Source: (StackOverflow)
Session["User"] = "LTA";
I used this session in my application.
I am unable to view this stored session values in .net application.
I tried in below way:
ConnectionMultiplexer redisConnection = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect("hostname,ssl=true,password=privatekey,allowAdmin=true");
var redisServer = redisConnection.GetServer("hostname", port);
Here I can able to get key list and client list by using below code:
but key values are shows like
Is this encrypted key values? (This is my first query)
This result doesn't change if I open the application in multiple browsers. But actually I want need 4 results if I open the application in 2 browsers because 2 session has been handled when the application run in 2 browsers.
Why it gives same result?
Can I able to view stored session values in redis connection? if yes means How can I view the session values?
Thanks in advance.....
Source: (StackOverflow)
I'm trying to read and write some objects in redis using last version of ServiceStack library. This is the code to initialize the client:
string[] endpoints = Settings.Istance.RedisServers.Split(',');
string[] slave = Settings.Istance.RedisServersSlave.Split(',');
config.DefaultDb =0;
config.AutoStart = true;
config.MaxReadPoolSize = Convert.ToInt32(slave.Length);
config.MaxWritePoolSize = Convert.ToInt32(endpoints.Length);
PooledRedisClientManager pooledClientManager = new PooledRedisClientManager(endpoints, slave, config);
redisClientInt = pooledClientManager.GetClient() as RedisClient;
I received a lot of these error and My server go down for the load:
ServiceStack.Redis.RedisException: Exceeded timeout of 00:00:03 ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it
The ip addres of my redis server isn't but it have a specific IP saved in endpoints variable. I don't understund why the client call localhost.
Can you help me?
I'm doing something of wrong in the call or in configuration?
TY and regards,
Source: (StackOverflow)
This is about RedisClient, which is a C++ client.
I know that you can't store integers in Redis (that are internally converted).
RedisSyncClient::command itself does not support integers as RedisBuffer can't be initialized with int, so:
redis->command("SET", "mykey", 1);
won't compile (you need to add numbers as string).
However RedisValue can be initialized with int (not sure when it is used) and it contains a public "toInt()" method:
redis->command("SET", "mykey", "1");
result = redis->command("GET", "mykey");
cout << "INT: " << result.toInt() << " , STR: " << result.toString() << endl;
INT: 0 , STR : 1
At first I thought that internally strings were being converted to int, but it always return "0". Testing "RedisValue.isInt()" it seems it fails to recognize numbers as it returns "false".
- What is the intention of "toInt()" if numbers are only seen (by this library) as strings?
- Am I using it incorrectly?
- Is this a work-in-progress feature?
Source: (StackOverflow)