

ReCaptcha helpers for ruby apps ambethia/recaptcha · GitHub recaptcha - recaptcha helpers for ruby apps

reCaptcha show "input error: invalid referer"

I have registered an account on recaptcha.net with mydomain.com.

While I'm developing on my localhost it works fine, but whenever I try to open the page from another machine in my local network it shows "input error: invalid referer" error message!

I'm not using recaptcha plugins.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Change New Google Recaptcha Width

We've just started to implement the new google recaptcha as listed https://www.google.com/recaptcha/intro/index.html

However the new method seems to be contained within an iFrame rather than embedded into the page thus making applying CSS more difficult.

However we've got our form which is 400px wide so would like to have the recaptcha the same width.

Currently it looks like, however we'd like it the same with as the rest.

Does anybody know how to do this yet?


recaptcha layout example

Source: (StackOverflow)


recaptcha https problem on https://api-secure.recaptcha.net/

I am using recpatcha on an SSL site but I am not getting the image on some browsers because the ssl certificate of it has been expired !


if I reference the non-secure link, the browser will give warning message.

so what is the alternative?

I am using it under ASP.NET MVC.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to make reCAPTCHA work with a ValidationGroup in ASP.Net (captcha)

I am using the ASP.Net plugin and control provided by reCAPTCHA. I can successfully get the control to work if the submit button on the web form is not in a validationgroup. There is no validationgroup attribute for the reCAPTCHA control.

Has anybody had any success with this or any solutions to get the reCAPTCHA control to work when there is a validationgroup on the web form?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Alternative to Recaptcha [closed]

Ours is a java web application on struts2 framework. Currently for contact us form and download reports form we are using Recaptcha. We have to refresh the captcha at least 4-5 times to get the readable words. We are looking for some simple alternative to Recaptcha which prevents getting Spam requests. Guys can you suggest me a replacement for Recaptcha.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How does this checkbox recaptcha work and how can I use it?

I've recently signed up to the oneplusone website https://account.oneplus.net/sign-up, and noticied this checkbox recaptcha

checkbox recaptcha

How does it work, and how can I use it on my sites? Much better than those criptic words/digits :)

The recaptcha site does not mention any new recaptcha method... https://www.google.com/recaptcha/intro/index.html

Thanks, P.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to Reload ReCaptcha using JavaScript?

I have a signup form with AJAX so that I want to refresh Recaptcha image anytime an error is occured (i.e. username already in use).

I am looking for a code compatible with ReCaptcha to reload it using JavaScript.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Using reCAPTCHA on localhost

I'm developing a website using PHP and I want to make a human verification in one of the sessions. For the development, I'm initially running the system locally and when it is ready, I'm gonna make put it on in a certain domain.

In the reCAPTCHA website it is said that the plugin will only work at the given domain (and subdomains).

My question is: Is there any way to use the reCAPTCHA plugin on a localhost?

Source: (StackOverflow)

ReCaptcha not working properly on iPhone

I have a website with a simple contact form. The validation is somewhat minimal because it doesn't go into a database; just an email. The form works as such:

There are 5 fields - 4 of which are required. The submit is disabled until the 4 fields are valid, and then you can submit it. Then everything is validated on the server again, including the recaptcha (which is not validated by me client side). The whole process is done with ajax, and there are multiple tests that must pass on the server side or 4** headers are returned, and the fail callback handler is called.

Everything works like gangbusters on Chrome on the desktop (I haven't tried other browsers, but I can't imagine why they'd be different), but on the iPhone the reCaptcha always validates even if I don't check the box for the test.

In other words: I still have to fill out the four values correctly in order to submit, but if I don't check the box for the reCaptcha, the request still succeeds.

I can post some code if anyone thinks that would be helpful, but it appears that the problem is with the device and not with the code. Does anyone have any insight into this?

Note: The server side is PHP/Apache if this is helpful.

Update: 5/28/2015:

I'm still debugging this, but it seems like Mobile Safari is ignoring my response headers on my iPhone. When I output the response to the page what I get on Desktop for (data,status,xhr) is:

  1. data: my response which at this point just says error or success -> error

  2. status: error

  3. xhr: {'error',400,'error'}

On Mobile safari:

  1. data: error

  2. status: success

  3. xhr: {'error',200,'success'}

So - it seems like it's just ignoring my response headers. I tried explicitly setting {"headers":{"cache-control":"no-cache"}} but to no avail.

Update: 6/3/2015

Per Request, here is the code. This is almost certainly more than you need. It has also become more obtuse because of the changes I've made to try and fix it. Also note that, while it may appear that there are variables that haven't been defined, they (should) have been defined in other files.

The client side

 $('#submit').on('click', function(e) {

    $(this).parents('form').find('input').each(function() {
    var $btn = $(this);
    $btn = $btn.button('loading');
    var dfr = $.Deferred();

    if ($(this).attr('disabled') || $(this).hasClass('disabled')) {

        return false;

    } else {

        var input = $('form').serializeArray();
        var obj = {},

        $.each(input, function(i, a) {

            if (a.name === 'person-name') {

                obj.name = a.value;

            } else if (a.name === 'company-name') {

                obj.company_name = a.value;

            } else {

                j = a.name.replace(/(g-)(.*)(-response)/g, '$2');
                obj[j] = a.value;



        obj.action = 'recaptcha-js';
        obj.remoteIp = rc.remoteiP;
        rc.data = obj;

        var request = $.ajax({

            url: rc.ajaxurl,
            type: 'post',
            data: obj,

            headers: {
                'cache-control': 'no-cache'


        var success = function(data) {

            $btn.data('loadingText', 'Success');

        var fail = function(data) {

            var reason = JSON.parse(data.responseText).reason;
            switch (reason) {

                case 'Recaptcha Failed':
                case 'Recaptcha Not Checked':
                case 'One Or more validator fields not valid or not filled out':
                case 'One Or more validator fields is invalid':

                    // reset recaptcha

                    if ($('#submit').data('tries')) {


                        myPopover('Your request is invalid.  Please reload the page to try again.');

                    } else {

                        $('#submit').data('tries', 1);

                        myPopover('One or more of your entries are invalid.  Please make corrections and try again.');



                    // reset page

                    myPopover('There was a problem with your request.  Please reload the page and try again.');





The Server:

function _send_email(){

/* * */

    $remoteIp=isset($_POST['remoteIp']) ? $_POST['remoteIp'] : false;

    /* ** */

        $response=array('status_code'=>'409','reason'=>'remoteIP not set');
        echo json_encode($response);


    /* ** */

    /* ** */

        $response=array('status_code'=>'400','reason'=>'Recaptcha Failed');
        echo json_encode($response);

    /* ** */



    /* ** */

        $response=array('status_code'=>'400','reason'=>'Recaptcha Failed');
        echo json_encode($response);

    /* ** */

/* * */

    $response=array('status_code'=>'400','reason'=>'Recaptcha Not Checked');
    echo json_encode($response);

/* * */

/* * */

    $name=isset($_POST['name']) ? $_POST['name'] : false;
    $company_name=isset($_POST['company_name']) ? $_POST['company_name'] : false;
    $phone=isset($_POST['phone']) ? $_POST['phone'] : false;
    $email=isset($_POST['email']) ? $_POST['email'] : false;

    /* ** */

        $questions=$_POST['questions']=='' ? 1 : $_POST['questions'];

        /* *** */


         $response=array('status_code'=>'400','reason'=>'$questions could not be sanitized');
         echo json_encode($response);

       /* *** */

    /* ** */


    /* ** */

    /* ** */
    if( count( array_filter( array( $name,$company_name,$phone,$email ),"filter_false" ) ) !=4 ):

        $response=array('status_code'=>'400','reason'=>'One Or more validator fields not valid or not filled out');
        echo json_encode($response);

    /* ** */

    $phone=preg_replace('/[^0-9+-]/', '', $phone);

    /* ** */
    if($company_name && $recaptcha && $name && $phone && $email && $questions):

        $phone_str='Phone:  ' . $phone;
        $company_str='Company:   ' . $company_name;
        $email_str='Email String:  ' . $email;
        $name_str='Name:  '.$name;
        $questions=$questions==1 ? '' : $questions;

        $headers   = array();
        $headers[] = "MIME-Version: 1.0";
        $headers[] = "Content-type: text/plain; charset=\"utf-8\"";
        $headers[] = "From: $email";
        $headers[] = "X-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion();

        /* *** */
        if(mail('$mymail', 'Information Request from: ' . $name,$body,implode("\r\n",$headers))):

            $response=array('status_code'=>'200','reason'=>'Sent !');
            echo json_encode($response);

        /* *** */

            $response=array('status_code'=>'400','reason'=>'One Or more validator fields is invalid');
            echo json_encode($response);

        /* *** */

    /* ** */

  /* * */

     $response=array('status_code'=>'412','reason'=>'There was an unknown error');
     echo json_encode($response);

function recaptcha_test($gRecaptchaResponse,$remoteIp){

    $secret=$itsasecret; //removed for security;

    require TEMPLATE_DIR . '/includes/lib/recaptcha/src/autoload.php';
    $recaptcha = new \ReCaptcha\ReCaptcha($secret);
    $resp = $recaptcha->verify($gRecaptchaResponse, $remoteIp);

    if ($resp->isSuccess()) {
        return true;
            // verified!
    } else {
        $errors = $resp->getErrorCodes();
        return false;

Source: (StackOverflow)

Recaptcha - Form Customization

Does anyone know if recaptcha can be fully customize without the default frame. I need the recaptcha image to only be a certain width as well as the input field. Has anyone done this before with success.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Google App Engine Golang - how to get user's IP address?

I want to integrate ReCAPTCHA to my GAE Golang web application. In order to verify a captcha, I need to get user's IP address. How can I fetch user's IP address from a form post?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Change the font of the new "No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA"

The new reCAPTCHA is awesome. Almost everything is great, except one thing. Its font. It's quite stupid to use a font that doesn't support other languages. My website is in Hebrew, and the font that the reCAPTCHA shows is awful. How can I change it?

Is there a Google Api for that? Does it possible to edit the CSS of iframe (cross-domain)?


Source: (StackOverflow)

new google recaptcha with checkbox server side php

i just set up the new google recaptcha with checkbox, it's working fine on site side, however i don t know how to do it in server side using php, i tried to use the old code bellow but the form is sent even if the recaptcha is not used.

$privatekey = "my key";
$resp = recaptcha_check_answer ($privatekey,

if (!$resp->is_valid) {
 $errCapt='<p style="color:#D6012C ">The CAPTCHA Code wasnot entered correctly.</p>';}

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I load a reCaptcha form using jQuery/AJAX while leaving the reCaptcha scripts in place?

I load my contact form into my page with JQuery/AJAX.

The contact form contains the reCaptcha scripts.

Unfortunately, JQuery removes the script tags before inserting them into my page. These script tags are needed because they output the captcha. now my loaded form has no captcha.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Are reCAPTCHA CAPTCHAs getting harder or is just me [closed]

As I have been testing sites, I have found reCAPTCHAs getting more and more difficult to read. Is it just me or are others having this problem too?

Along with this, I had a user this morning complain about receiving a Bristish Pound character in their reCAPTCHA. Of course the user didn't know what to do, even though I have message stating they can click the reload/refresh icon to get a new CAPTCHA.

Unfortunately, this implementation is on a site often used by people over 60 years of age, so more complicated or confusing CAPTCHAs are a problem, but the site still receives a lot of people attempting to produce spam.

Source: (StackOverflow)