
read-only interview questions

Top read-only frequently asked interview questions

Can I encrypt data in a way that it can be read normally but can't be copied or edited? [closed]

I want to share my 500 GB hard drive with a friend but I want to encrypt it in a way that all data can be read normally but cannot be copied or edited in any way.

Is that possible?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Windows 7 - Cannot remove read-only attribute

I am logged in on my admin account. When I was trying to edit a python project using PyCharm (an IDE), it told me that the folder was marked as read-only (square box).

I open the folder in explorer, go to properties and uncheck read-only. I then press ok. I open the properties and it's set to read-only again! I looked up the folder hierarchy and all the parents are also read-only, all the way up to C:/. Any time I create a folder it's also set to read-only.

How can I fix this?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Make a USB drive read only

I have a 1.5TB USB drive with many important files that I want to give to a friend (they have Windows7) for reading only purposes. thumbscrew appears to flip a registry switch but it seems to be on the local pc only.


Are you aware of any USB drives that have such functionality built into their firmware?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to get a list of non read only files in Windows?

I need to find a way to get a list of all the Non Read Only files under a specific path on windows server 2003.

I tried the following command, but I also got all the directories which are non Read Only.

DIR c:\Project\Finance /A:-R /S > Open_Files_List.txt

Then I saw on the Web that the "D" attribute might help me, but no matter how i use it, i can't get the wanted result...

Here are the ways I tried to make it work...

/A:-R -D /S
/A:-RD /S
/A:-R -D /S
/A:-DR -D /S
/A:-D /S
/A:-DR /S

As you can guess, no success!

Can you please assist?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can't edit files in Eclipse even though not read-only

This is such an amateur question I'm embarrassed I even have to ask.

In Eclipse, sometimes I can't edit a file. I can open it, but it behaves as it if it's a read-only file—typing has no effect. It only happens sometimes though, and that's what's driving me crazy.

The only perspectives I use are Java and Perforce, and normally I check out a file via Perforce, like so:

Checking out a file via Perforce

Once checked out, it looks like this:

A file checked out via Perforce

But I can't edit this file. Meanwhile, you see the file directly underneath, "VWAPParameterManagerImpl.java"? I can edit that one just fine, checking it out using the same steps. Furthermore I was able to edit "VWAP.java" just yesterday@ I have also witnessed this happening with non-java files. In Windows Explorer, I checked the file's attributes and verifed it wasn't read-only (if that means anything; I didn't know what else to check).

So, why can't I edit files in Eclipse sometimes, and what can I do make such files writable?

Obviously I can open the file up in gvim or another program, but I'd like to edit within Eclipse. I'm primarily a C++ developer and accustomed to a UNIX environment, so this Java/Windows thing is really tripping me up. Thanks in advance to anyone who might be able to advise...

Source: (StackOverflow)

Create an unformattable USB drive [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
Make a USB drive read only.

Is it possible to format a USB memory stick so that it cannot be formatted again?

What I actually need is to write software (using C# preferably) and then run that software on a specific PC when a USB memory stick is inserted to the USB port, and allow users copy files into the USB drive then somehow lock that USB drive so that it cannot be formatted or changed anymore!

I am not sure it is possible but I wonder if somebody has got any idea that it is achievable.

Thanks very much!

Source: (StackOverflow)

SD cards often mount read-only on Windows despite being unlocked and always working in cameras

I have a HP netbook that's at least three years old and running Windows 7 Starter. It has a built-in SDHC card slot.

I have a couple of 8 gig SDHC cards that I switch between my digital camera and the netbook. They're full-sized cards like the computer slot is. Not MiniSD or MicroSD. They are from different manufacturers and were bought at different times, but each is now a few years old.

I've gone through half a dozen point-and-click cameras and none of them have ever complained that the SD card is write protected. I never set the write-protect tabs to "locked".

Yet increasingly when I insert the SD card into the computer it will mount as read-only. It used to happen once in a while but now it happens about two times out of three.

The only workaround I have found so far is to eject the SD card and reinsert it. This works about half the time.

Is this a known bug in Windows or in certain HP netbooks? Is there a known fix? If not is there a more reliable workaround?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Accessing the user folder from a previous Windows installation (content on a read-only image)

Before upgrading from Windows 7 to Windows 10 I imaged the Windows 7 system using O&O DiskImage Professional. After a clean upgrade (wiped the original installation) I started restoring content, and eventually came across something I had forgotten to pull from my old personal folder before reinstall. To my surprise I couldn't access the \Users\MyOldFolder on the image, apparently because its Admin and user UUIDs were now different. As an admin on a new install I would normally just assume ownership of the old content and would be good to go, but the image is read-only so I can't alter the permissions on it.

My question is: Is there any way to access that content – i.e. as an admin of the Windows 10 Pro installation make Windows to ignore the offending old permissions? Or is my only option to write the image onto a disk so that I can modify the permissions as needed? I tried to turn UAC off but that did not make a difference.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can't remove read only attribute from folder windows 8.1 [duplicate]

I am using windows 8.1 64 bit

I am unable to remove the read only attribute on folders on my computer. I have tried multiple folders on my desktop, and in my documents folder, if I uncheck the read only box and hit apply, then close and reopen the properties window, the box is checked again. This applies to all folders I have checked. How can I allow full read and write privileges to these folders?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do you make the root of a flash drive read-only?

I'd like to make my flash drive read-only just for the root to stymie the Trojan Dropper autorun.inf's and bad EXE's on computers I'm fixing.

Anyone have any good ideas to keep from getting these Trojan Dropper files and autorun.exe's?

Thanks! -JFV

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can Windows OS be installed and run as read-only?

I have a DoD CentOS install on a CD, so even if the code in RAM is infected, a reboot eliminates the malware. But I am not a UNIX guy and would prefer to work with Windows.

I had an old vs of Windows on a CD that did the trick (but lost it). Is there a variant of Windows that I could install and then make read-only? I assume the swap file would need to be on a read-write drive.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Cygwin - how to edit a read only file?

I'm trying to edit /etc/hosts using Vi in Cygwin but it's read only. Is there a command similar to sudo? How do I edit a read-only file?


Source: (StackOverflow)

Having trouble with Windows XP Read Only Settings on a folder

I am having trouble with a folder that needs to be read-write for iTunes to open. For a while it was read-write, but it seemingly inexplicably changed to read-only now. When I try to change it back from that, it says it does it, but as soon as I try to open iTunes or the properties for the folder it will be listed as read-only again.

If anyone knows how I can change the folder from read-only so that it will be permanently read-write it would be incredibly helpful. How can one change the properties of a file/folder from read-only to read-write in Windows XP?

Source: (StackOverflow)

MS Word goes into read-only mode when trying to save document

I just installed a clean copy of MS Word 2016 for Mac today. I opened and started writing a essay, but I can't save it.

When I try to save, either with +S, ++S, the save option under the file dropdown, or the save-as under the dropdown, the top meny grays out and I can't edit the document anymore.

Also, after it goes into read-only I can change it back under the Word dropdown and click the Activate Office button.

2 screenshots of before and after:

Before: Before I hit ⌘-S, normal mode

After: After I hit ⌘-S, readonly mode

I can't do anything like this. How can I stop this from happening?

I already activated office from the wizard that popped up when I first installed and opened MS Word. I entered email and password, and it found my license and said I was good to go.

So it shouldn't be de-activating on me. I did purchase it, and it was MS Office 2016.

I am running the lastest OS X version, El Capitan 10.11.4.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Checksum for Protecting Read-Only Documents

My father owns a small business and has to hand over several year's worth of financial documents to his insurance's auditor. He's asked me to go through and make sure everything is "read-only" so the data (the files) absolutely, positively cannot be modified or manipulated (he's a bit paranoid).

We're talking about 20,000 documents (emails, spreadsheets, etc.).

My first inclination was to place everything inside of one root folder ("mydadsdocs/") and then write a script that recursively traversed its directory subtree and set the file permissions to read-only.

But then I got to thinking: that's a lot of work for me to do to satisfy an old man who is just being paranoid, and afterall, if someone really wanted to modify a read-only file, it would be pretty easy to change file permissions anyways, soo....

Is there like a checksum I could run on the root folder, something that was very quick and easy, and that would basically "stamp" the data in that folder so if someone did change it, my father would have someone of knowing/proving it?

If so, how?

If not, any other recommendations that are quick, cheap (free) and effective?

Source: (StackOverflow)