
ramdisk interview questions

Top ramdisk frequently asked interview questions

Best approach to utilize RamDisk for Chrome?

I use a lot of tabs and after a while less recently opened tabs take some time to become responsive, which I guess is because they're being un-cached to HDD as they're not required.

So after creating a Ram-Disk I have two options, use


switch to do what it does. Or what I'm currently doing: using a directory junction for

"[...]\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default"

to move that entire folder over to Ram-Disk. I thought this would be better than just disk-cache but what do I know. Is it?

As one can guess it'll be a pain saving/loading the Ram-Disk image each time I start chrome but if it really is better than the former approach I'll write a script or something.

EDIT: enter image description here

So the "Default\cache" is not the only folder which is being accessed frequently. I took this screenshot when there were 21 tabs open and was trying to access least used ones way in the background window.

From this I conclude that moving entire folder to Ram would be faster that just cache. Any insights are more than welcome.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is putting the swapfile & temp folder to ramdisk a good idea in Windows 7 64 bit with lots of RAM?

I want my Windows to run as fast as possible. If I have 12GB RAM in Windows 7 64bit, quad core CPU, and all apps fit in memory, will the swap file ever be used for anything? The question is about if it's a good idea to put the swap file in a RAM disk.

Would a RAM disk help in any way or will Windows intelligently use all the available memory for all its work?

I am also thinking of putting the temp folder on a RAM disk. I know the RAM disk is volatile memory and I don't care about its content if it gets lost.

Source: (StackOverflow)


Install entire visual studio on ramdisk?

How would i go about installing visual studio 2010 and all of its dependencies entirely on a ramdisk? I have 16GB ram in my computer and a 4GB ramdisk just for visual studio.

If i just try to install visual studio using the normal installer it still adds a ton of things to my default hdd. I would like all dependencies to be on the ramdisk plus visual studio itself and any cache it might have etc. Thanks for advice.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Does every OS need RAM?

Is there an OS which can be used without RAM, specifically the kind I can create a bootable pendrive from and use it in the computer? This gets awkward, since booting is essentially loading OS in RAM.

Note: I originally wanted to know about a RAM-less OS to check if my laptop (which does not boot but presents a blank screen) RAM had gone bad, but I like the way this question has snowballed.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Which filesystem to use for RAM disk?

I have 8 GB of RAM and would like to allocate about 1.5 GB for a RAM disk, mainly to use for Chrome and possibly some other things later.

This guide says to format as NTFS while this guide says to use FAT16.

What differences are there between FAT16, FAT32, and NTFS for a RAM disk?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What is the difference between ramdisk and ramfs?

Kindly tell me the difference between ramdisk and ramfs.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Ramdisk ubuntu 10.04

I'm using Ubuntu 10.04(64bit) for my desktop.
The machine has a 5GB RAM.

I want to use RAM disk(1G or 2G) but I don't know how can I do this.

Is there any opensource product of RAM disk?

Source: (StackOverflow)

RAMDISK OS? Installing Windows 10 on a ramdisk

Is it possible to put the entire operating system on a ram disk? If I have 16 GB of RAM and it is an Intel Xeon. I don't have an SSD and my hard drive is killing my boot time. So can I just allocate some of my ram to work as if it were an SSD and install windows and vital software on it, to gain super fast speed. Or is it more trouble then its worth and would be better off just buying an SSD?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What happen if we reduce the size of hiberfil.sys

I today discovered that we can set the size of the hiberfil.sys using powercfg -H -size 100% command line tool. Ignoring the hard space you will get, what else will change if we set it to powercfg -H -size 50%? Does it limit max RAM usage to 50%? Will system doesn't hibernate if I we more than 50% of RAM?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why does RAM have to be volatile?

If computer RAM was to be non volatile like other persistent storages, then there would be no such thing as bootup time. Then why is it not feasible to have a non volatile ram module? Thank you.

Source: (StackOverflow)

When to use a RAM disk?

I know that RAM disks are fast, faster than any disk, but they lose their contents on a shutdown of the operating system. The capacity is limited to the RAM. Is there a useful implementation on a new 64-bit Windows 2008 server?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why would a RAMdisk be used today?

After reading this question I started thinking, "Hey, what happened to those RAM disk utilities we used to run in the ol' DOS days?"

I haven't heard about RAM disks for years until today, but why? Memory is still faster than disk and we have a lot of both.

Why aren't RAM disks more in use today?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is using a Virtual PC on a RAM DISK super fast? (putting the .vhd file in a RAM DISK)

I wonder how or if any one tried to create a RAM DISK, and then put the 2GB (or sometimes 1.2GB) .vhd file into it, and then run the virtual PC using this image.

It should be running super fast, as the hard disk is now simulated by RAM... I never tried but saw that there is tmpfs on Linux. So with VirtualBox, it should be doable... How about on Windows or on a Mac, anybody tried before and saw how fast it is?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can I put /tmp and /var/log in a ramdisk on OS X?

For non-critical Linux systems, I often move things like /tmp and /var/log to tmpfs to save on some disk writing. I've been doing this for a year or so and if I ever need the logs across reboots, I just comment out a line in /etc/fstab and then start debugging.

In any case, I would like to do the same thing on OS X. I've seen posts on creating a ramdisk for OS X, but I'm looking for a more permanent solution that works on every boot. I always want /tmp and /var/log mounted in a ramdisk, with the ability to turn that off with a bit of command-line editing in vi if I have to.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I change the amount and size of Linux ramdisks (/dev/ram0 - /dev/ram15)?

Using Linux, when I boot I automatically have 16 16MB ramdisks, however, I would like to create one really large ramdisk to test some software.

I found that I can adjust the size of the ramdisks already on the system with the kernel boot parameter ramdisk_size however, this makes all 16 ramdisks (/dev/ram0 - /dev/ram15) the size that is specified. So if I want to create a 1GB ramdisk, I would need 16GB of memory.

Basically, I want to create one 10GB ramdisk which would be /dev/ram0. How would I go about doing that? I assume there is a kernel boot parameter, but I just haven't found it.

Source: (StackOverflow)