

Repository for collecting Locale data for Ruby on Rails I18n as well as other interesting, Rails related I18n stuff

rails-i18n date_select error

In my view I have:

<%= f.date_select :start %>

and I get the error message: can't convert Symbol into String

I know that it's related to it.date.order rule, but I see that rails-i18n include it: https://github.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n/blob/master/rails/locale/it.yml#L51

what's wrong here?

full back trace: https://gist.github.com/4007557

EDIT: running I18n.t 'date.order' in the console give me => [:day, :month, :year]. That it's correct... so why date_select doesn't works?

issue on GitHub repo: https://github.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n/issues/273

Source: (StackOverflow)

rails 3 - I18n::InvalidLocaleData

I am making my website multilanguage using this railscast

But at the very beginning I get an error:

I18n::InvalidLocaleData in Users#index

Showing .../app/views/users/index.html.erb where line #1 raised:

can not load translations from .../config/locales/en.yml, expected it to return a hash, but does not


<% provide(:title, t('users.index.title.site_title')) %>
<h1><%= t 'users.index.title.head' %></h1>

<%= form_tag users_path, :method => 'get' do %>
  <%= hidden_field_tag :direction, params[:direction] %>
  <%= hidden_field_tag :sort, params[:sort] %>
    <%= text_field_tag :search, params[:search] %>
    <%= submit_tag (t 'users.index.search_form.search'), :name => nil %>
<% end %>


                site_title: "Users"
                head: "Users"
                search: "Search"

Source: (StackOverflow)


Translate model nested attribute validation message

I have a nested attribute on which I perform presence validation. I am trying without success to provide translations for the attribute name that is returned in the full error message text.

The model is called Identity and contains an attribute called identity The model is nested within another with a has_many relationship.

A typical error message is currently returned like this

Identities identity can't be blank

I want to translate the attribute (by default Identities identity) into something else.

I have

        identity: "whatever"

If I do this, I get an error

I18n::InvalidPluralizationData (translation data {:identity=>"whatever"} can not be used with :count => 1):

I have tried to add pluralisation data to this by altering the above to

          one: "one"
          other: "other"

This changes the error to

I18n::InvalidPluralizationData (translation data {:identity=>{:one=>"one", :other=>"other"}} can not be used with :count => 1):

I have also tried many instead of other without difference.

I have spent a few hours trying to make this work, having read other questions on Stack Overflow and elsewhere, without success. What is the correct way to write translations for attribute names ?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Override rails translations helper

I want I18n.translate() or I18n.t() to use a specific locale, but not I18n.locale. I don't want to use I18n.t(:my_key, locale: :my_locale) every time, so it would be great if I could override the function itself.

I tried to put it in a new helper:

# my_helper.rb
module MyHelper
  def translate(key, options = {})
    options[:locale] = MY_LOCALE
    I18n.translate key, options
  alias :t :translate

This works fine for "hard keys" like t('word'), but doesn't find the right path for "dynamic keys" like t('.title'), which should use the path of my partial, i.e. de.users.form.title.

Thanks for any help!

Source: (StackOverflow)

How ought I store localised values in a DRY and database efficient way - Ruby on Rails / i18n

What is the recommended approach to maintaining multi-language values within an ActiveRecord model.

I am looking into upgrading our database schema and Object Models to allow for widespread internationalisation of many of the values, and I am weighing up various ways to do this.

The standard rails-i18n system is largely silent on this, although it offers powerful tools for internationalising field and model names, in addition to the text within views.

The R18n gem allows you to overload your database with columns that store the localised strings, and which present the correct value depending on the locale. This presents a couple of problems.

Say we are talking about a model Sport — database table sports. We need to be able to search for Sport.where(name: 'soccer') even though in the UK they call it 'football', so the query becomes scope :with_name ->(n){ where("name_en_GB = ? OR name_en_AU = ?", n, n) }.

If we want to add another locale we need to both update the schema, and update any such queries on that schema. A rather brittle solution.

Another solution I've seen is to maintain a separate SportLocale model and associated sport_locales table, that holds the name and locale.


class Sport < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :locales

class SportLocale < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :sport

Then to find the right sport you'd do something like

class Sport < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :locales, class_name: "SportLocale"
    SportLocale.where(name: n, locale: I18n.locale).first.try(:sport)

This is fine if Sport is your only localised model but when you start adding all the other models it becomes a bit crazy, with each of them needing an associated *Locale model. Not the DRYest of solutions either.

I'd like a solution that allows

class Sport < ActiveRecord::Base
  include Localised
  localised_field :name

and magically Sport.where(name: 'football') will find the right sport.

Is there any such system out there already, or would I have to build it myself? How are other projects dealing with this sort of problem?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Changing devise_invitable mailer subject

on default, the subject for invitation mail is

        subject: 'Invitation instructions'

I'd like to change it to

subject: '%{invited_by} has invited you!'

but this requires to have invited_by variable accessible to the translate method for i18n.

How can I have this variable accessible/declared without changing default behavior too much?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to retrieve all translations from yml files in Rails I18n

I'm guessing that rails stores all the parsed translations yml files in a sort of array/hash. Is there a way to access this?

For example, if I've a file:

  test_string: "testing this"
  warning: "This is just an example

Could I do something like, I18n.translations_store[:en][:test_string] ? I could parse the yml file with YAML::load, but in my case I've splitted the yml files in subfolders for organization, and I'm pretty sure that rails already parsed them all.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Use another I18n key in an I18n interpolation

This might be I18n-ception but lets say I have an en.yml file as below

  my_var: Foo
  my_message: "This is a message where I'd like to interpolate I18n's %{my_var}"

Is there a way to indicate to I18n that %{my_var} should be the my_var key in en.yml?

I know I could accomplish it by doing something like

I18n.t 'my_message', :my_var => I18n.t('my_var')

but I was hoping I18n has a way to self reference keys.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is lazy lookup in Rails I18n a bad practice?

Using shorter i18n keys (e.g. t '.submit_button') in Rails views makes them easier to type, but is it actually good? When later you decide to refactor your views and partials you have to remember to update the respective localization entries. Wouldn't it be more robust to name them by their business meaning and always specify the full key-name?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Rails i18n how to get all values for a certain key?

In Rails i18n, how to get all values for a certain key using the following:

translations = I18n.backend.send(:translations)

get all the keys

I need to be able to get a certain section for example only return everything under "home"

    test: test

Source: (StackOverflow)

Rails I18n, check if translation exists?

Working on a rails 3 app where I want to check if a translation exists before outputting it, and if it doesn't exist fall back to some static text. I could do something like:

if I18n.t("some_translation.key").to_s.index("translation missing")

But I feel like there should be a better way then that. What if rails in the future changes the "translation missing" to "translation not found". Or what if for some weird reason the text contains "translation missing". Any ideas?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Rails: How to generate translation files like django

I am trying to use internationalization in rails. Here i've found that for the command

<%= t :hello_world %>

I know that Ineed to define :hello_world in the file config/locales/en.yml like this

# config/locales/en.yml
  hello_world: Hello world!

What i want to know is as in django it generates translation files using makemessages, is there any way to do it in rails? It becomes a tedious task to find and write whole translations.


Source: (StackOverflow)

I18n strange behaviour

I am using I18n with Redis store, and have a strange behavior after updating to Rails 3.2.13

[6] pry(main)> I18n.t("my_website_field")
=> "M"
[7] pry(main)> $redis.get("en.my_website_field")
=> "\"My website\""

I am getting only the first letters of the translations

Source: (StackOverflow)

I18n for flash messages with parameters in Rails

How can I add parameters to my parametrized and internationalized error message? Say, in my controller there's:

flash[:error] = t(:error)[:my_error_message] 

And in en.yml:

  my_error_message: "This is the problem XXX already."      

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I display a translation of a database column name as a table heading in a view, Rails 3

I have a model called User with an attribute called current_sign_in_at. In my en.yml file I have the display name as such…

        current_sign_in_at: "Last sign-in"

…which allows me to display the desired form label ("Last sign-in") using = f.label :current_sign_in_at.

But how can I use this same translation for a table header, i.e. not in a form?

%th= :current_sign_in_at

Source: (StackOverflow)