

Ruby Arduino Development: a framework for programming the Arduino physcial computing platform using Ruby RAD

What are the best practices for database development with Delphi?

  1. How can I use the RAD way productively (reusing code). Any samples, existing libraries, basic crud generators?
  2. How can I design the OOP way? Which design patterns to use for connection, abstracting different engines/db access layers (bde-dbexpress-ado), basic CRUD operations.

Source: (StackOverflow)

What is .apt_generated folder in Web project?

What and why .apt_generated folder is created inside the Web Project within Eclipse or RAD workspace?

Source: (StackOverflow)


why doesn't everyone use RAD tools? [closed]

RAD tools like Clarion and WinDev claim to be 10x to 20x times faster in development and users of these tools claim the same. If that is thru, why are there so few people using these tools? if an application is made in 40 hours instead of 400 you would make a lot more money, right?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Eclipse (actually RAD) throwing WAR validation error (CHKJ3000E) on project

I have a project that I have just imported from CVS. It is working in several dozen other developers IDE, but in my case, it is reporting a problem:

CHKJ3000E: WAR Validation Failed: com.ibm.etools.j2ee.commonarchivecore.exception.DeploymentDescriptorLoadException: WEB-INF/web.xml

Googling for this suggests its an issue with the way Eclipse loads the context. For some users, cleaning the project works. It didn't for me.

Any ideas on what I could attempt next to resolve it?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Which Java IDE is the most RAD in a Delphi-like way?

I want to develop Java apps, real quick, what IDE should I choose?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Best practices in Access programming [closed]

I'm wondering about some ideas which can improve process of designing solutions using Access and VBA programming language. Of course I'm not talking about best programming practices in general, but only these directly related to Access and VBA.

Everybody knows, that VBA has poor object-oriented programming support, there is no inheritance, polymorphism and so on. So how to ensure DRY and KISS at one time? There are some solutions how to implement common in other languages patterns and strategies in VBA, but frankly speaking, they are often overcomplicated. Which of those are worth to implement?

Before I start a new Access project (if any ;) ), I wish to gather collection of best practices, because from my experience I know that with VBA in Access (and with Access in itself) it's very challenging to avoid bad design concepts and to end with messy, unreadable and repeated multiple times code.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Comparison between rational software architect(RSA) & rational application developer(RAD) IBM products

It seems Rational software architect (RSA) & Rational application developer (RAD) both IBM products are basically used as an IDE. But both have specific purpose to use. Please help me to understand when to use RSA and when RAD. What are the differences and what are the similarities between these two IBM products.

Source: (StackOverflow)

ASP.Net RADs: Dynamic Data alternatives

We have a set of tables and views that merely store some config data for embedded devices. this schema is change-prone and do not really required lots of logic, beyond some validation rules. so we considered using a RAD tool for maintaining these CRUDS.

In first stage: Dynamic Data

But the community size, books absence and the last modification dates of the MSDN articles (~July 2008) makes me want to hear your experiences. (actually DynamicData comes as a part of the ASP.Net MVC2 project)

  1. What has been your experience with Dynamic Data?

  2. What is your favorite ASP.Net RAD alternative? Why?

Thank you in advance guys!

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is MS Access still the most efficient RAD tool for small-scale custom apps? [closed]

Of the many other development tools I've used, nothing holds a candle to the 'Functionality to Development Effort' ratio of MS Access.

The reason I am asking is that I have been out of the language selection process for a few years, working on a large .Net system, and am only anecdotally familiar with the latest development tools outside the .Net world.

I'm well aware of the limitations of Access, but for a limited concurrency (usually only 1 user at a time), small business, custom app, has anybody found a comparable end-to-end solution or combination that comes close?

It doesn't have to be free, open source, or even Windows based. It just has to allow the same speed of development and maintenance, and maybe even provide some additional amenities like seamless autointegration with a server-based DB Engine (like Access does with its own 'Jet' dbms), better web support, and a file format more compatible with source control.

I don't want to miss out on anything. Please share your development experience with your suggestions. Thanks.

Source: (StackOverflow)

IBM RAD (Rational Application Developer) 7 and Websphere 6.1 slow and unresponsive

Does anyone have any performance tips or other help for local development with websphere and rad. I am using one web app of moderate size (1000? classes) and it is impossible to handle the app locally on a windows box. The websphere 6.1 configuration uses the default configs. RAD7 is configured to handle a max heap of 1024mb. I thought about increasing the heap of the server. at present the min and max are 128/300mb.

In terms of the unresponsive. Sometimes it may take minutes to load a page, if the page loads at all. Also, I disabled "Build Automatically" and Publish Automatically. Maybe those should be turned on?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What's the easiest way (language, tools, etc) to write quick-n-dirty ad-hoc GUI apps in Linux? [closed]

For example to create a simple form with couple of controls, doing some simple logic on them, generating a shell command or a web service call and executing it here and now, assuming that it is going to be no tomorrow for this application, no unexpected things can occur to be handled, computer resources are unlimited, etc. The code'd be compact and readable, everything'd fit in 1-2 files, better no special project/solution/makefile at all.

Source: (StackOverflow)

RAD tool for Mac OS X. Is there any?

I wonder if there is any RAD tool for Mac OS X. Something like Delphi for Windows.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How does jboss forge compares to spring roo? [closed]

I've just found out Jboss Forge

I wonder how it compares with Spring Roo

Can anybody highlight the principal coincidences and differences of these two tools?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is it still ok to use Linq-to-Sql

When Linq-to-Sql was first released, I used it quite a lot for small and medium sized projects where a true multi-tier architecture wasn't required.

NHibernate, Small Middleware, Overkill

Where I work, we now almost exclusively use NHibernate for true Domain Driven development.

I'm working on a small temporary (a lifetime of probably a year, maybe less) middleware component where NHibernate feels slightly overkill in terms of configuration and keeping the entities up to date. Especially because I haven't got any control over the DB, it sometimes changes, and it's a little bit "legacy".

Some changes were recently made to the DB, and the NHibernate mappings are not very complete.

Linq-to-Sql? Or EF?

I thought it might be easier just to rip out the IRepository implementation I have and replace it with a Linq-to-Sql implementation. Then I can just use lambdas for my simple queries, and just drag and drop the tables in.

RAD But Dead?

In this scenario the RAD elements of Linq-to-Sql make sense. But it's essentially old technology. Should I not use it? I've never used the Entity Framework. Should I use that, is it as easy and quick to use?


Source: (StackOverflow)

RAD sporadic errors - Could not initialize com.ibm.rational.team.client.ui.model.common.ImageManager

I am using RAD version 7.5.4 and whenever I am opening the IDE, the following error pops up.

An error has occurred. See error log for more details. com.ibm.rational.team.client.ui.model.common.ImageManager (initialization failure)

Please help if there is any jar needs to be added in the classpath

Stack trace: !ENTRY org.eclipse.ui.workbench 4 2 2011-10-24 14:50:47.258 !MESSAGE Problems occurred when invoking code from plug-in: "org.eclipse.ui.workbench". !STACK 0 java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.ibm.rational.team.client.ui.model.common.ImageManager (initialization failure) at java.lang.J9VMInternals.initialize(J9VMInternals.java:140)

Source: (StackOverflow)