

Profiler for your development and production Ruby rack apps.

Disable rack-mini-profiler in development

Trying to disable rack-mini-profiler by default across all environments, as I only want to enable it for specific requests.

Tried disabling the pre-authorization in the initializer:

Rack::MiniProfiler.config.pre_authorize_cb = lambda { |env| false }

and then created this before_action in my controller:

  def do_profiling
    Rack::MiniProfiler.authorize_request if params[:profile] == 'mini'

But the profiler won't show up.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to detect if MiniProfiler is enabled or disabled in Ruby on Rails?

In my Rails 4 app I created these two helper functions:

def link_to_switch_off_miniprofiler
  link_to "OFF", "?pp=disable"

def link_to_switch_on_miniprofiler
  link_to "ON", "?pp=enable"

Is there any way to detect if MiniProfiler is currently enabled or disabled, so I can combine my two functions into one?

Thanks for any help.

Source: (StackOverflow)


How to use rack-mini-profiler for ajax calls?

I managed to get rack-mini-profiler gem to run fine on the full pages we serve in our app. What I didn't manage is, how to directly get the data also for one of the calls we serve via ajax to another page. I found, that if I do the ajax call and then call one of our full page requests, I see also the ajax timing, but this is kind of cumbersome to do.

Do you have any tips on how to see the small menu also directly on the page where the ajax call is done? Our ajax call is returning html and there would be enough space to show the menu.

Source: (StackOverflow)

uninitialized constant Rack::MiniProfiler on staging

I must to enable rack-mini-profiler for dev and production. In ApplicationController I have:

before_filter :miniprofiler

def miniprofiler
  Rack::MiniProfiler.authorize_request #if current_user.admin?

In config/initializers/rack_profiler.rb

if Rails.env == 'development'
  require 'rack-mini-profiler'


In dev environment all works fine, but when i push to staging on Heroku, server falls with the

NameError (uninitialized constant Rack::MiniProfiler)

in this line

Rack::MiniProfiler.authorize_request #if current_user.admin?

I tried add

reqire 'rack-mini-profiler' to ApplicationController

but then I cann't even push it to staging with

Push rejected, failed to compile Multipack app

What i am missing?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to profile a rails controller that returns a json response with rack-mini-profiler?

I am using rack-mini-profiler in my rails 3.2 project.

In gemfile:

gem 'rack-mini-profiler'

Everything works great. But my application is mostly a set of json endpoints. So while it is very useful to be to able to inspect the performance of html pages, I would like to also be able to see the performance of controllers that return json.

Example of my controller:

class UsersController < BaseController
  def json_method
    # you don't see the mini profiler ui for this controller
    render json: { users: [:foo, :bar]}

If I go to localhost:3000/users/json_method, I see my json response but not the profiler ui.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Rails: gem rack-mini-profiler cannot extend to /routes

Long story short, I've installed rack-mini-profiler into my Dev environment. I'm not able to load rack-mini-profiler on any route aside from "home#index" (http://whatever.com:3000). I'd like to extend this into my routes (http://whatever.com:3000/venues).

Here's my routes.rb file:

Rails.application.routes.draw do

  devise_for :admins, :controllers => {:sessions => 'sessions'}

  resources :venues 
  root to: "home#index"
  get "venues/about"

This is probably a fairly newbish question, but I'm somewhat stumped at this point.

What's the deal?

Source: (StackOverflow)