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Qooxdoo mobile: multiple selection in form

I am working on a Qooxdoo mobile application using the latest 2.1 release.

I have a requirement for a form with a mutliple selection inline. I did not find a multiselect in the mobile API docs. Does it exist?

Alternatively I could make my own widget with label and option checkboxes on the same line. Are there any examples out there to get started?

Source: (StackOverflow)

simple constructor causing error in qooxdoo - new qx.data.controller.Object();

I'm getting errors when using basic qooxdoo objects. I am able to use some things just fine, but I am getting an error when I do:

var controller = new qx.data.controller.Object();

I get an error. In safari:

TypeError: Result of expression 'qx.data.controller' [undefined] is not an object.

In firefox:

qx.data.controller is undefined

Do you know why such a basic thing might be causing an error? I am running this code in main() in Application.js


Source: (StackOverflow)


Resource interpreted as Font but transferred with MIME type application/x-font-woff

I followed the Web Fonts tutorial in qooxdoo documentation to add a web font to Font.js , but I notice there is a warning in Chrome's Developer Console:

My code is as follow:

/* ************************************************************************
************************************************************************ */
  extend : qx.theme.simple.Font,

  fonts :
    "silkscreen" :
        size: 8,
        lineHeight: 1,
        family: [ "silkscreen", "Tahoma" ],
                family: "Silkscreen",

How can I resolve the browser warning ?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What garbage collection algorithms do all 5 major browsers use?

I am currently rethinking the object dispose handling of the qooxdoo JavaScript framework.
Have a look at the following diagram (A is currently in scope):


Let's say we want to delete B. Generally, we cut all reference between all objects. This means we cut connection 1 to 5 in the example. Is this really necessary?
As far as I have read here, browsers use the mark-and-sweep algorithm. In that case, we just need to cut reference 1 (connection to the scope) and 5 (connection to the DOM) which could be much faster.
But can I be sure that all browsers use the mark-and-sweep algorithm or something similar?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What is the difference between the min and the regular file and which one should I use?

What is the difference between the normal and the min qoodoo js file?

Which file should I use to write some js for my web browser?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to integrate qooxdoo and PubNub?

PubNub works by calling callback functions you specify like this: http://www.pubnub.com/account-javascript-api-include

How to integrate this properly with the Qooxdoo JS framework? Qooxdoo application looks like this: http://demo.qooxdoo.org/current/playground/#Hello%20World-ria

How do you load the external JS library and make the global "PUBNUB" available?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Developing with Qooxdoo and multiple developers

I'm interested in Qooxdoo as a possible web development framework. I have downloaded the SDK and installed it in a central location on my PC as I expect to use it on multiple projects. I used the create-application.py script to make a new test application and added all the generated files to my version control system.

I would like to be able to collaborate on this with other developers on other PCs. They are likely to have the SDK installed in a different location. The auto-generated files in Qooxdoo seem to include the SDK path in both config.json and generator.py: if the SDK path moves, the generator.py script stops working. generator.py doesn't seem to be too much of a problem as it looks in config.json for an updated path, but I'm not sure how best to handle config.json.

The only options I've thought of so far are:

  1. Exclude it from the VCS, but there doesn't seem to be a script to regenerate it automatically, so this could be dangerous.
  2. Add it to the VCS but have each developer modify the path line and accept that it might need to be adjusted whenever changes are merged.
  3. Change config.json to be a path and a single 'include' line that points to a second file that contains all the non-SDK-path related information.
  4. Use a relative path to the SDK and keep a separate, closely located copy of the SDK for every project that uses it.

Approach 1 would be ideal if the generation script existed; approach 2 is really nasty; I couldn't get approach 3 to work and approach 4 is a bit messy as it means multiple copies of the SDK littered about the place.

The Android SDK seems to deal with this very well (using approach 1), with the SDK path in its own file with a script that automatically generates that file. As far as I can tell, Qooxdoo puts lots of other important information in config.json and the only way to automatically generate that file is to create a new project.

Is there a better/recommended way to deal with this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can TextArea widget be resized by mouse at runtime?

I am wondering can qx.ui.form.TextArea be resized by mouse at runtime? just as I can re-height question box in stackoverflow.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is it possible to use Django with Qooxdoo framework?

Guys i would like to use Django as my backend framework and qooxdoo as the frontend framework.

Is it practical to do this?

Has anyone tried to do this?

How did they do it?

Links and pointers would nice.


Source: (StackOverflow)

Is qooxdoo a good choice for this use case?

I would like to take a simple web page, and allow non-technie administrators to modify content simply by logging in, browsing to the page that is to be changed, and clicking on text to change things, or drag simple lists to re-order them.

My question is whether qooxdoo would be a good choice for this use case. I would want the text to display as it normally does, with magic htmlarea appearing on click, and similar features that don't disturb the visual layout.

Source: (StackOverflow)

qooxdoo - custom listitem widget selection

I made custom listitem view (based on http://news.qooxdoo.org/tutorial-part-4-2-custom-widgets-4).

I have problem with selection items on this list. There is always selected first element (no matter which element on list I will click).

What should I do to resolve my problem?

Here is my list-item widget:

qx.Class.define("project.MyView", {
    extend : qx.ui.core.Widget,
    include : [qx.ui.form.MModelProperty],

    construct : function() {

        var layout = new qx.ui.layout.Grid(4, 2);
        layout.setColumnFlex(1, 1);


    properties : {
        appearance : {
            refine : true,
            init : "listitem"

        icon : {
            check : "String",
            apply : "_applyIcon",
            nullable : true

        date : {
            check : "String",
            apply : "_applyDate",
            nullable : true

        description : {
            check : "String",
            apply : "_applyDescription",
            nullable : true

    members : {

        _createChildControlImpl : function(id) {
            var control;

            switch (id) {
            case "icon":
                control = new qx.ui.basic.Image(this.getIcon());
                this._add(control, {
                    row : 0,
                    column : 0,
                    rowSpan : 2

            case "date":
                control = new qx.ui.basic.Label(this.getDate());
                this._add(control, {
                    row : 0,
                    column : 2

            case "description":
                control = new qx.ui.basic.Label(this.getDescription());
                this._add(control, {
                    row : 0,
                    column : 1

            return control || this.base(arguments, id);

        _applyIcon : function(value, old) {
            var icon = this.getChildControl("icon");

        _applyDescription : function(value, old) {
            var description = this.getChildControl("description");

        _applyDate : function(value, old) {
            var date = this.getChildControl("date");


    destruct : function() {



... and here how I use it:

this.list = new qx.ui.form.List();
this.listController = new qx.data.controller.List(null, this.list);
    createItem : function() {
        return new project.MyView();

    bindItem : function(controller, item, id) {
        controller.bindProperty("description", "description", null,item, id);
        controller.bindProperty("icon", "icon", null, item, id);
        controller.bindProperty("date", "date", null, item, id);

    configureItem : function(item) {

Source: (StackOverflow)

Trouble Getting Data from a Webservice using Qooxdoo

My capstone team has decided to use Qooxdoo as the front end for our project. We're developing apps for OpenFlow controllers using NOX, so we're using the NOX webservices framework. I'm having trouble getting data from the service; I know the service is running because if I go to the URL using Firefox the right data shows up. Here's the relevant portion of my code:

var req = new qx.io.remote.Request("http://localhost/ws.v1/hello/world",
                                   "GET", "text/plain");

req.addListener("complete", function(e) {

var get = new qx.ui.form.Button("get");
get.addListener("execute", function() {
  alert("The button has been pressed");
}, this);

In the firebug console I get this message after I click through the alert:

008402 qx.io.remote.Exchange: Unknown status code: 0 (4)

And if I press the Get button again I get this error:

027033 qx.io.remote.transport.XmlHttp[56]: Failed with exception: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80070057 (NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE) [nsIXMLHttpRequest.open]" nsresult: "0x80070057 (NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE)" location: "JS frame :: file:///home/user/qooxdoo-1.0-sdk/framework/source/class/qx/io/remote/transport/XmlHttp.js :: anonymous :: line 279" data: no]

I've also looked at the Twitter Client tutorial, however the "dataChange" event I set up in place of the "tweetsChanged" event never fired. Any help is appreciated, thank you.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Table decoration in Qooxdoo

Is it possible to set the background color of one Row in a Table? I need to highlight a row when a condition applies. Something to the effect of < tr font="...">...< /tr> where I can specify the "font" attributes. (I need the whole row to be highlighted)

Thanks in advance :)

Source: (StackOverflow)

Running a qooxdoo Source Version from a Web Server

I'm trying to run the source version of my qooxdoo application from a web server. The application works fine when loaded from the file system but fails to load, when started from a web server.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Qooxdoo form elements and getSelection()

Here's my code:

var sb = new qx.ui.form.SelectBox();

sb.add( new qx.ui.form.ListItem("English") );
sb.add( new qx.ui.form.ListItem("Nederlands") );
sb.add( new qx.ui.form.ListItem("Deutsch") );
sb.add( new qx.ui.form.ListItem("français") );
sb.add( new qx.ui.form.ListItem("Српски") );

How do I use setSelection() to select "Deutsch", and what if the items are numeric values? Can I also set values for these labels or is SelectBox() limited to labels?

For example:

value: en, label: English
value: de, label: Deutsch

Source: (StackOverflow)