
ps interview questions

Top ps frequently asked interview questions

How to examine processes in OS X's Terminal?

I’d like to view information for processes running in OS X. Running ps in the terminal just lists the open Terminal windows. How can I see all processes that are running?

Say I’m running a web browser, terminal and text editor. I’d like to see information for the text editor and web browser.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to find port number for a particular process id in unix?

In UNIX OS, how can I find the port number when i know the process name or pid ?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Is there a way to change effective process name in Python?

Can I change effective process name of a Python script? I want to show a different name instead of the real name of the process when I get the system process list. In C I can set


But in Python

argv[0] = "othername"

doesn't seem to work. When i get process list (with ps ax in my linux box) the real name doesn't change. I prefer a portable solution (or else one solution for posix and another for windows environments), if it exists.

Thanks in advance

Source: (StackOverflow)

Matplotlib Plots Lose Transparency When Saving as .ps/.eps

I'm having an issue with attempting to save some plots with transparent ellipsoids on them if I attempt to save them with .ps/.eps extensions.

Here's the plot saved as a .png: png

If I choose to save it as a .ps/.eps here is what it looks like: ps

How I got around this, was to use ImageMagick to convert the original png to a ps. The only problem is that the image in png format is about 90k, and it becomes just under 4M after conversion. This is not good since I have a lot of these images, and it will take too much time to compile my latex document. Does anyone have a solution to this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to bring an Orphaned Background Process back to Foreground?

Well it goes like this, I had to run a program from my home by sshing into the server in my institution. I did not want my program to be terminated when the session closes(I didn't know about screen).

What i did was press Ctrl+Z and then type bg so that it executes in the background. The session got terminated. Now when I login from my institution machine and type ps -u username, it shows that the program is still running but I'm unable to bring it to foreground.

I tried fg and jobs but these commands don't give me any output.
Please someone help me..

Source: (StackOverflow)

return code of system()

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

int res = system("ps ax -o pid -o command | grep sudoku | grep gnome > /dev/null");

printf("res = %d \n", res);

return 0;

I want to see if sudoku is running or not by just examining the return code of system() (or any other call for that matter). I do not want any output to be printed anywhere.

I do not quite understand the return code of system() even after looking at the man page

Whether sudoku is running or not, I get res = 0.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Check if program is running with bash shell script?

This is an example of a bash script which checks for some running process (daemon or service) and does specific actions (reload, sends mail) if there is no such process running.

        # check the args
        if [ "$1" = "" ];
                return 0

        #PROCESS_NUM => get the process number regarding the given thread name
        PROCESS_NUM='ps -ef | grep "$1" | grep -v "grep" | wc -l'
        # for degbuging...
        if [ $PROCESS_NUM -eq 1 ];
                return 1
                return 0

# check wheter the instance of thread exsits
while [ 1 ] ; do
        echo 'begin checking...'
        check_process "python test_demo.py" # the thread name
        CHECK_RET = $?
        if [ $CHECK_RET -eq 0 ]; # none exist
                # do something...
        sleep 60

However, It doesn't work. I got "ERROR: Garbage option." for ps command. What's wrong with this scripts, thanks!

Source: (StackOverflow)

Find the pid of a java process under Linux

Hello I am using MPJ library in java program for Pagerank algorithm. I compile it by

javac -cp .:$MPJ_HOME/lib/mpj.jar MpiPageRank.java

and run by

mpjrun.sh -np 2 MpiPageRank

where -np is number of process

Now i have to find its pid

ps -ef|grep java


mpjrun.sh -np 2 MpiPageRank & sleep 2
ps -ef | grep java

I get

pnewaska 27866 27837 99 21:28 pts/45   00:00:09 java -cp /u/pnewaska/mpj-v0_38/lib/smpdev.jar:/u/pnewaska/mpj-v0_38/lib/xdev.jar:/u/pnewaska/mpj-v0_38/lib/mpjbuf.jar:/u/pnewaska/mpj-v0_38/lib/loader2.jar:/u/pnewaska/mpj-v0_38/lib/starter.jar:/u/pnewaska/mpj-v0_38/lib/mpiExp.jar runtime.starter.MulticoreStarter /nfs/nfs1/home/pnewaska/DistributedSystems/Project3 10 smpdev useLocalLoader EMPTY MpiPageRank -i input.500k0 -n 10 -o

Now I want to extract MpiPageRank from only 1 linux comman to get its pid ie 27866. how do i do that ?

Source: (StackOverflow)

linux: how find out which process is using a file?

I tried to remove a file in Linux using rm -rf file_name, but got the error:

rm: file_name not removed. Text file busy.

How can I find out which process is using this file?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How does ps show the argv for all processes on Mac OS X?

I'm trying to identify when a particular process is running, based on its arguments, on Mac OS X. There may be several processes running with the same name, but only one will have the arguments I'm looking for. The processes are not owned by the same user who will be running my code. They will not have modified their argv in any way.

The 'ps' command shows exactly the information that I need. But I would greatly prefer not to have to spawn 'ps' and parse its output.

I originally tried the solution from this question, using sysctl, but it turns out that only works for processes you own; see my other question for more info.

So how does ps obtain argv information for processes owned by other users?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Setting argv[0] in Haskell?

Is there a way to set argv[0] in a Haskell program (say, one compiled with ghc)?

I found the getProgName and withProgName functions in System.Environment, but it doesn't seem to change what ps reports (Ubuntu).

import System.Environment

main =
  do name <- getProgName
     putStrLn $ "Hello, my name is " ++ name
     withProgName "other" $ do
       newname <- getProgName
       putStrLn $ "Name now set to " ++ newname
       putStrLn "What is your name: "
       -- allow time to run ps
       ans <- getLine
       putStrLn $ "Pleased to meet you, " ++ ans

Source: (StackOverflow)

Counting open files per process

I'm working on an application that monitors the processes' resources and gives a periodic report in Linux, but I faced a problem in extracting the open files count per process.

This takes quite a while if I take all of the files and group them according to their PID and count them.

How can I take the open files count for each process in Linux?

Source: (StackOverflow)

view output of already running processes in linux

I have a process that is running in the background (sh script) and I wonder if it is possible to view the output of this process without having to interrupt it.

The process ran by some application otherwise I would have attached it to a screen for later viewing. It might take an hour to finish and i want to make sure it's running normally with no errors.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Using bash ps and cut together

I need to extract PID, UID and command fields from 'ps' and I have tried it like this:

ps -L u n | cut -f 1,2,13

For some reason, this behaves as there is no cut command whatsoever. It just returns normal ps output. Then, I tried

ps -L u n | tr -s " " | cut -d " " -f 1,2,13 and this returns total nonsense. Then, I tried playing with it and with this:

ps -L u n | tr -s " " | cut -d " " -f 2,3,14

and this somehow returns what I need (almost, and I don't understand why that almost works), except that it cuts out the command field in the middle of it. How can I get what I need?

Source: (StackOverflow)

ps aux | grep returns pid for itself too

I am using this command to get the process ID of another command:

ps aux | grep 7000.conf | awk '{print $2}'

This will return two PIDs:


I only want the first one. The second is the PID for grep in the above command. Thanks in advance to any one who knows how to alter the above command to return just the first pid.

p.s. open to a new command that does the same thing

Source: (StackOverflow)