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What does the ic_launcher-web.png in my project root do?

Unbelievably enough, I couldn't find an answer when Googling for this very basic question!

I noticed that since I upgraded from Eclipse Helios to Eclipse Juno and updated the Android SDK, Eclipse places a file called ic_launcher-web.png in the project root whenever I create a new Android project. The file is the same as the application icon selected in the project creation dialog, but what does it do? As mentioned, it's in the project root, not in any of the /res/ folders. So is it included in the finished .apk file, and what is it's purpose?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Android Eclipse Import Existing Code

I am trying to organize my code for SVN so I can work from multiple locations without issue and potentially add more developers. The problem is that I can't get the code into a new project easily. I am trying to create a project from existing code.

Once I select the folder, the "main activity" shows up, but I can never use it. I've tried deleting all the .project files and what not in the folder as well, but the thing is always greyed out and I can never get it to import.

Why is it greyed out? What do I need to do to get it to import?

-- ADT Build v21.0.0-519525

Import Projects Grey

Source: (StackOverflow)


How can I exclude some folders from my Eclipse project?

I'm adding an eclipse project to our existing code-base, and I'd like to know if there is a way to exclude some directories from being picked up by eclipse at all? The reason is that we have a huge "third-party" directory in our repository that cannot be present in the project for the pair-programming plugin we are using to be able to sync efficiently.

Any clues?

Source: (StackOverflow)

In eclipse, unable to reference an android library project in another android project

As I was writing up this question I managed to solve it so repeat it here for the benefit of others. Here is the initial problem:

I have created a very simple library project which I want to reference in another project. I have done this previously with no problems so not really sure why it is not working this time. I have:

  1. Flagged the library project via project properties. The default.properties file has this set : android.library=true

  2. In my other project added reference to my library project via project properties. The default.properties file has the reference added as expected ie android.library.reference.1=K:/android_test_ws/applicationRegistrar

  3. The green tick against the referenced library project starts off green and then changes to a red cross.

This implies that there must be something wrong / missing from the library project but I don't know what. My library project on this occasion is MUCH simpler than the previous one I created.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Msbuild doesn't copy references (dlls) if using project dependencies in solution

i had a look on many similar questions on this side but none of them answered the question to my problem. The whole day i tried to solve this by finding a solution (via google etc.):

I have 4 projects in my VS solution (everyone targeting .net 3.5) - for my problem only these two are important:

  1. MyBaseProject <- this class library references a 3rd party dll (elmah.dll)
  2. MyWebProject1 <- this web application project has a reference to MyBaseProject

I added the elmah.dll reference to MyBaseProject in Visual studio 2008 by clicking "Add reference..." -> "Browse" tab -> selecting the "elmah.dll".

The Properties of the Elmah Reference are as follows:

  • Aliases - global
  • Copy local - true
  • Culture -
  • Description - Error Logging Modules and Handlers (ELMAH) for ASP.NET
  • File Type - Assembly
  • Path - D:\webs\otherfolder\_myPath\__tools\elmah\Elmah.dll
  • Resolved - True
  • Runtime version - v2.0.50727
  • Specified version - false
  • Strong Name - false
  • Version - 1.0.11211.0

In MyWebProject1 i added the reference to Project MyBaseProject by: "Add reference..." -> "Projects" tab -> selecting the "MyBaseProject". The Properties of this reference are the same except the following members:

  • Description -
  • Path - D:\webs\CMS\MyBaseProject\bin\Debug\MyBaseProject.dll
  • Version -

If i run the build in visual studio the elmah.dll is copied to my MyWebProject1's bin directory, along with MyBaseProject.dll!

However if i clean and run msbuild for the solution (via D:\webs\CMS>C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\MSBuild.exe /t:ReBuild /p:Configuration=Debug MyProject.sln) the elmah.dll is missing in MyWebProject1's bin directory - although the build itself contains no warning or errors!

I already made sure that the .csproj of MyBaseProject contains the private element with the value "true" (that should be an alias for "copy local" in VS):

<Reference Include="Elmah, Version=1.0.11211.0, Culture=neutral, processorArchitecture=MSIL">

(The private tag didn't appear in the .csproj's xml by default, although VS said "copy local" true. I switched "copy local" to false - saved - and set it back to true again - save!)

What is wrong with MSBUILD? How to get the (elmah.dll) reference copied to MyWebProject1's bin?

I do NOT want to add a postbuild copy action to every projects postbuild command! (Imagine i would have many projects depend on MyBaseProject!)

Source: (StackOverflow)

What is a sensible way to layout a Go project

I have a go project that is starting to become more complex, and want to lay the filesystem out in such a way to reduce pain.

Are there some good examples out there of what makes sense?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Android Studio: Default project directory

Whenever I create a new project in Android Studio it wants to put it in a generic default folder at a location something similar to (dependent on OS - Ubuntu here):


I want to change this directory to another location. Besides selecting this new location on the creation of every project, is there a setting (couldn't find) or path variable (couldn't find any documentation) that can set this directory (say /home/USER/Projects/AndroidStudio/) as the default?

Something similar to changing the workspace in Eclipse is what I am looking for.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I open an old MVC project in Visual Studio 2012 or Visual Studio 2013?

I have an old ASP.NET MVC 2 project which I do not want to upgrade to MVC 3 or MVC 4. I am working on a new machine running Windows 8, Visual Studio 2012 and Visual Studio 2013. When I try to open the MVC 2 project in VS 2012 or VS 2013 I receive the error:

This project is incompatible with the current edition of Visual Studio

The project is then unloaded and grayed out in Solution Explorer. I do not want to install another copy of Visual Studio. How can I open an old MVC project in a new version of Visual Studio?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Opening an Eclipse project already in my workspace

If I have an Eclipse project already in my workspace (say downloaded from version control), how can I open it in Eclipse?

Source: (StackOverflow)

When duplicating a target in Xcode, is there any way to set the name that the target will have before or as it is created?

Duplicating a target in Xcode is a great way to create multiple app or framework/library products that have somewhat different features using the same codebase as a result of conditional code controlled by environmental variables set within the target build settings or related schemes. First duplicate your known-working basic version, then set the environmental variables each target will use, then start splitting up your code behavior with inline preprocessor #ifdef statements.

However, any duplicated target will be named "Original Target Name copy". This can be renamed, but the info.plist will also have this name, it may also appear in a couple of essential build settings, and it can be a tedious and error-introducing process to remove all references to the non-informative "copy" version of the duplicated target name depending on how you do it. When I create iOS frameworks this seems to be especially prone to introducing issues.

My question is whether there is any technique for duplicating a target which allows you to specify the new target name at the time of duplication, so there is never a temporary wrong target name or any files being created which contain that temporary wrong name. Or, alternately, if there is some way to use the "refactor" functionality to fix this is an automated way.

If there is some kind of wrong assumption contained within the question that explains why this feature hasn't been included in Xcode, let me know. I'm using 4.3.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Does an updated 'vimtutor' exist? [closed]

vim comes with a nice built-in interactive tutorial. You can access this tutorial by just running:

 $ vimtutor

It is very easy to use because it creates working cases for basic commands. Is there a more advanced tutorial? Has any one thought to build one to help uses take their VIM skills to the next level? Most tutorial and cheat-sheet sites out there for vim only show commands but not necessarily specific uses and examples.

Is there an advanced tutorial out there? Is this the type of project that could be an open source document that everyone can add examples to? Like a Vim Interactive Wiki or similar to the RegEx sites that have the built in regex testers.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Import existing Android project in Eclipse: no gen source folder?

I'm trying to import an android project into Eclipse (from Git, but I don't think it's relevant), and I can't run or compile it because I get these errors:

Android requires compiler compliance level 5.0. Please fix project properties.  Serval-Video-Discovery      line 1  Android ADT Problem 
Project 'Serval-Video-Discovery' is missing required source folder: 'gen'   Serval-Video-Discovery      Build path  Build Path Problem

I think the first one isn't really a big problem, even if I don't really understand the warning.

The funny thing is that the "gen" folder exists on the filesystem; furthermore, I can't try to create it because it already exists !

What should I do to solve this issue?

Here is the GitHub repo I'm trying to import from: https://github.com/rbochet/Serval-Video-Discovery

Source: (StackOverflow)

NetBeans doesnt open project from existing sources

I've installed NetBeans 6.9.1 and installed few updates for it (Help -> Check for Updates).

Then i've created a new project from existing sources. After few changes i've closed it. And now i am having an error, when trying to open a new project from existing sources (the same files):

"Sources directory is already netbeans project (maybe only in memory)."

After googling it, i noticed it happened not only with me. But i didn't find the correct solution. I've tried to restart IDE, i've tried to restart PC, i've tried to reinstall the NetBeans. Nothing helped.

Any suggestions?

Source: (StackOverflow)

XCode 4 Adding a Sub Project

I am looking at somebody else's project and they have another project embedded under 'Other Sources'. When I click on the project it shows me the build settings etc, and I can expand all the source underneath.

I want to do the same thing, but when I drag an xcodeproj file into my project I don't get the build settings or any of the source shown like in this other project. How do I do this?

Thanks Ray

Source: (StackOverflow)

Adding a C/C++ nature to an Eclipse project

Does anybody know how to add a C/C++ project nature to an Eclipse project through the UI ? I'm importing a project and working with legacy code that was originally started in Visual Studio 4 and I'd really like to be able to make as much use of Eclipse's helpers as possible.

Source: (StackOverflow)