
project-management interview questions

Top project-management frequently asked interview questions

What are project managing, task/issue/time tracking web apps are available for free or at least cheap enough? [closed]

I am looking for a web application, which I can install on my server for purposes of project managing, time/issue/tasks tracking. It has to be either free or cheap enough for personal use (or up to 3 people).

I am already considering RubyMine, but I have a little troubles with setting it up on my Windows7 box.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Online project management services [closed]

I need a user-friendly and cleverly designed web service to manage my projects and tasks. No matter if it's a free or paid service. Having a comment system and some game mechanics would be a big plus.

1 service per answer please (to be able to see which one receives most votes).

Source: (StackOverflow)


Free, private repositories where I can store and manage project files? [closed]

Are there any good free repositories where I can store and manage my project's files?

I know of some, but I've heard that anyone can edit your files. Do you know of any good repository which is free and where only we have the right to edit or make any changes to the stored files?

Please mention the pros and cons of ones you suggest, and also if possible, explain the procedure of usage of that repository.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to move projects between workspaces in Asana

How should I move a project from a workplace to another (for example my Personal Projects)?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What is a good web application for a project journal with discussions? [closed]

I am going to start working on a project for a client.

I will need daily supervision from the client: at the end of the day, I'll write down what I've done, the difficulties I found, etc.

Then, for each of my notes, the client can make comments to steer the project in the right direction. A discussion might emerge between me and the client about the work of a specific day.

I need a web application that I can use for this. It must be free, it can be installable but I don't really like to spend time maintaining it. Having attachments would be a nice addition.

I am not looking for project management software per se. Too many functions that I won't use: bugs, to-do list, time tracking, wikis...

With this information, I evaluated some possibilities:

  • Host a blog or a discussion forum, make it private and create a post/thread per day. Seems a bit hacky, and I have to host.

  • Basecamp. It looks like a decent solution (it has discussions) but it's not free.

  • To-do lists (Asana, Wunderlist, etc). They are just that, to-do lists. No discussion.

  • Trello. I can have a board for the project and create a card per day. Although it's not perfect, Trello has nice discussion/commenting functionalities. Also it has attachments and can be used for other projects that may arise.

Trello is my favorite solution at the moment, but I'm not still convinced. Do you know any web application that could fit my needs?

PS: I understand this is not off-topic since the FAQ specifies app recommendations unless prior research is shown.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Help me finding a suitable SCRUM tool [closed]

I need help finding a suitable, simple SCRUM board tool for using with a distributed team. The tool is meant to replace a physical SCRUM board. We use currently use FogBugz as the source of information and it will remain that way, this tool is only meant to replace the physical SCRUM board to visualise the progress in the current sprint.

I have tried the Kanban plugin for FogBugz which is merely acceptable. I have also tried Scrumy but I feel it's a bit to limited.


  • Some kind of API, probably a HTML REST API. Needed in order to be able to import/export from/to FogBugz
  • Custom columns (stretch, not started, started, review, test, done)
  • Multiple users
  • Sprints, name + start date + end date
  • Stories, assigned to a sprint, assigned to a user, worked hours, estimate, current state (column on the board)
  • Task support not needed since our smallest item is the story
  • Description field should support rich text editing with bullet points, links etc.
  • Easy drag/drop of stories between columns in the sprint
  • Easy to move a story from one sprint to another


  • Dashboard

Not needed:

  • Source control integration

Source: (StackOverflow)

Discussions in Trello?

I'm starting to adopt Trello for Project Management as a supplement to Basecamp as the more that I use Basecamp, the more that I'm discovering that it's just not a great tool for managing the intricate details of a Project. It's great for conversations and file sharing related to a Project, but you just don't get a good sense of progress or status like you do with Trello.

I really don't like the idea of adding "yet another tool" to the mix, so I was wondering if there was any way to make Trello viable for the discussion and file sharing aspects of Basecamp that we like? Or should we continue to use a similar but separate tool for these things and proceed with Trello for specific project details?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Some questions about Trello

I have a few questions about Trello. It looks really amazing and the keyboard controls are AWESOME. So far so good, switching from Basecamp for monetary reason.

So here are the questions I've got so far:

  1. It is currently free, but if I look at the rest of FogCreek's portfolio every apps they made are subscription based. Will Trello stay free?! If not then is there any price given yet?

  2. I'm running some projects as a freelancer so I'd like, on some of my boards, that the cards would be automatically assigned to me. Is it possible to do so?

  3. Is there any batch actions? (batch close, batch assign to, etc) ? It would be very useful, I can't find it yet.

  4. This question has been removed.

For #2: This doesn't totally answer my question but is a good beginning: Assign Self Pressing 'space' will assign (or unassign) yourself to a card.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Free project management apps? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
Online project management services

What are some free project management apps? I'm looking for something quite minimal for a small web development team. We're looking for something between a complex todo list and a minimal project management app. We don't want to get a paid app yet as we don't know if we're really going to use it yet.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can Trello breakdown a project and suggest due dates for each project?

I had heard that Trello could take an end due date and help you schedule what tasks should be done by a certain time, but can't seem to find anything showing that it actually can. Can this be done?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Looking for Project Management Tool for Developers (GIT Integration preferred) [closed]

I am looking for Open Source Project Management Tool more for developers with features like Version Control (eg. GIT)

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is Redmine limited to being installed on your own servers only? No cloud plans?

I am a current user of Unfuddle and heard of Redmine. I went to their site but I saw that they are offering only downloading of Redmine and installing it on your own server. I haven't seen they offer paid cloud service.

I'd rather pay them monthly fee for the cloud service than having to take care of another thing in my work (installing, updating, etc.).

Source: (StackOverflow)

Pivotal Tracker - how do I move a story from one app to another

We have several Pivotal Tracker projects.

I entered a ticket in the wrong one.

How do I move it to the right one?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I create a Google Spreadsheet whose name and cells auto-complete with cells completed on another sheet?

I'm using Google Spreadsheets to manage projects, and I'm not familiar with scripts or macros (though I'd really like to learn how to use it, so if you have any good tutorials or tips, let me know).

What is:

1) I have a Gantt spreadsheet which lists all the ongoing and foreseen project as follows (by column): name of the project, person in charge, beginning and end date (among others columns).

2) Each line corresponds to a specific project, which has its own spreadsheet (which I have to complete again with the information of the Gantt spreadsheet). The URL of each spreadsheet is hyperlinked in the Gantt spreadsheet in the "Name of the project" cell.

3) This project spreadsheet is based on a Template that I have in my Drive. (Therefore, each time I have a new project, I copy this Template and then rename it with the name of the project).

2 challenges:

• Would it be possible to automatically generate a new spreadsheet and rename it with the name of the "Name of the project" cell (in the Gantt spreadsheet)? Would it even be possible to generate this new project spreadsheet based on the Template? (It would require a script like: "Get the text of the cell" > "Copy the Template spreadsheet" > "Rename it with the name of the cell" > "Open the Newly created spreadsheet" > "Get the URL of the Newly created spreadsheet" > "Hyperlink the corresponding "Name of the project" cell with this URL".)

• (A bit more complicated) Would it be possible to auto-complete the Newly created spreadsheet with the information completed in the Gantt spreadsheet (person in charge, email, beginning and due date) by copy-pasting the corresponding cells of the project? (For instance: "Copy the name of the person in charge of the project from the Gantt spreadsheet (maybe with a VLOOKUP(Project;A2:G2;2;FALSE), I don't know...) and paste it in the Newly created spreadsheet in the cell B3." (And same with the other cells to be copied.))

I can send you the links of the sheets if needed to give you more view on it. Thanks for any help!




Here-under a snapshot of the Gantt spreadsheet

enter image description here

Here-under a snapshot the Template spreadsheet (with the cells to be auto-completed).

enter image description here

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I manage staff capacity using Trello?

I love Trello, but unfortunately at 35 people I cannot use it effectively without the following 2 features:

  1. How can I assign a due date to a team member if I cannot see what their capacity or workload is?
  2. I also need to see a highlevel schedule of projects.

Can anyone help?

Source: (StackOverflow)