
programming interview questions

Top programming frequently asked interview questions

How Can I Add, and Use, a Color Scheme for Geany?

I have found that one of my favorite text editors for programming is Geany, however the default color scheme is very bright and hurts my eyes when programming for awhile. There are other color schemes available for Geany but no clear way for installing and using them. Anyone have an idea?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Would Android apps be able to run in Ubuntu touch natively?

I'm wondering why Android apps won't be able to be run natively on Ubuntu Touch. I mean, isn't it all just Linux?

Source: (StackOverflow)


How do I develop .NET apps on Ubuntu?

at college we use Microsoft .NET for developing applications. I recently switched to Ubuntu and would like to know similar tools for making apps on/for ubuntu.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Any PPAs for Google's Go Language?

Do you know of any URLs for PPAs of Google's Go Language?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Installing gtk development environment

Not new to Ubuntu or programming but I am new to programming in C and gtk. Have been using Quickly for the odd program. I want to play around with C and gtk.

What gtk packages do I need to install to have a working development environment with C?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What programming languages should I learn to become an Ubuntu developer? [closed]

Although I have used NetBeans once for a project, what languages do I need to learn to become a full-fledged Ubuntu developer?

My project in NetBeans (Java only) was to design a calculator (relatively easy). Moreover, how do we learn to make image viewers, browsers, etc.?

Also, what would be the best language for certain applications?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Completely Remove Ruby + Rails + Gems?

I have messed up my ruby dev environment on Ubuntu 10.04.

I need to install Ruby this time using RVM. What is the best possible way to remove:

  • Ruby
  • All Gems
  • RubyGems

From my machine, so that I can start fresh with RVM?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What advantages does Ubuntu have over Windows as an environment for programming?

Why is writing a program in text files or via the terminal a better option (as I read) than using IDE(s) like Visual Studio on Windows? Do the features an IDE provides exist there (eg. showing compilation errors) or is it a manual process?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I make Geany my default editor on Ubuntu?

I actually want to change the default text editor on my Ubuntu 12.04 from nano to Geany. When I used this code:

update-alternatives --config editor

.. I don't see Geany in the list.

So to add Geany, this is supposed to work right?

update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/geany geany /usr/bin/geany 10

Also, on a side note, can you tell me if you would personally suggest me to change the default editor from nano to Geany, and why?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I propose my project to be part of Debian too?

I have a new project hosted at launchpad.net. My project can be useful for both: Ubuntu and Debian. However, I can't find a documentation to start host my project at launchpad.net and get my package mirrored back to Debian.

  • How to propose my project to be part of Debian too?
  • What is the difference between a Ubuntu and a Debian?
  • Can I keep it hosted at launchpad.net but ask it to be cross-hosted (and packaged) at Debian too?

Thanks in advance.

Source: (StackOverflow)

What BASIC intepreters are available?

Was asked by a new Ubuntu user - who also wants to learn about programming - what he could use to run BASIC code. He was working through a BASIC book before trying out Ubuntu, and he'd like to continue without having to switch back to Windows.

It looks like there are a few BASIC packages in the standard repositories, as well as projects like Mono which may include some kind of BASIC support.

What would be a good recommendation from the standard repositories - or from a deb package - for someone learning the basics of BASIC and new to Ubuntu?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Multiple terminal windows

I develop code. I use terminal alot. I use many terminal windows alot. I hate how tabs look.

Any useful applications that allow for multiple terminal use, and streamline my development. allow me to keep multiple terminals in focus?

Please and thank you.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How could I begin C++ programming on Ubuntu?

I recently switched to Ubuntu from Windows 7. I was previously learning C++ with Microsoft's IDE, Visual Studio.

  • How would I go about programming C++ on Ubuntu, preferably with an IDE?

Source: (StackOverflow)

I want to fix a bug. Where do I start?

Although I am not a professional programmer, I have written a program or two. Yet, nowadays every engineer and scientist learns to program a bit as well, and as such I am used to writing programs in Python, C and MATLAB. Now I want to give back a bit to Ubuntu and its great folks and fix a bug!

I had a look at the list of the bitesize campaign and had to find that most of them are not that easy for me to fix as I suspect they require a lot of time to get into the matter, and I do not have that. Still I discovered this one and it looks manageable and like a cool feature to me.

As I have never written a patch or released a program to the wild before though, I have no idea where to start. What should be my first step to tackle that problem?

Bottom line: Where and how do I start fixing that guy?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I create a PPA for a working program?

Let's assume I have a working application written in C, C++ or Python. I want to create a Launchpad PPA so others can easily install it from a package. Please give step by step instructions for doing this from beginning to end. (Or provide a link that does the same ;)

  • Does the programming language matter? (Could it be a bash script?)
  • Do I need to add anything to my build?
  • Where should the build install itself to?
  • How do I define dependencies?
  • How do I use dependencies?
  • How do I create a .deb?
  • What do I need to do before uploading to Launchpad?

Source: (StackOverflow)