
priority-inbox interview questions

Top priority-inbox frequently asked interview questions

Disable priority inbox function and send all email to inbox

I have tried unsubscribing the "Important" folder and hiding it in Gmail. Now I have succeeded in hiding the folder but email is still added there by the Gmail Priority Inbox "feature". Can I disable this feature so I can read mail and manage it myself from one folder, preferably the Inbox?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to hide archived emails in Gmail Priority Inbox?

I am using Gmail's Priority Inbox and I have created custom sections based on labels to organize my work email.

When I archive an email in my 'Important and unread' or 'Everything else' sections, they disappear from the section. This is what I want.

However, with my custom sections that are based on labels, emails remain shown, even though it has been archived.

Is there a way to hide archived emails from my custom sections?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Is there a way customize priority inbox like this?

I would like to customize the priority inbox of my Google Apps email. The top section is already "Important and unread" and the bottom section "Everything else".

In the middle I would like to have the section "In Inbox and having [label]". It seems however that it's only possible to show all message of a certain label.

I also would be satisfied with "Unread in [label]", but also that I can't figure out how to put.

Is what I want possible?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Messages skipping inbox (Gmail)

Cleaning "all mail" in Gmail, I noticed there was a lot of unread messages that were not in the inbox, in the trash or in some label. They're just messages that I received and had never seen... This is not the first time I think the messages are skipping the inbox, but I don't have any filter with "skip the inbox" and it's not a pop account. What should I do to prevent this from happening? Where go these messages? I'm using Priority Inbox

Two screenshots: The first my inbox with no unread messages, including the labels. The second, after an "is:unread" search. Note that before performing the search, I cleaned the Spam and the trash. I just don't know where are these unread messages, once they aren't in the trash, the spam or in any labels. First Screenshot

enter image description here

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can you add more than 4 Gmail priority inbox sections?

I'm interested in setting up my priority inbox with 5-6 sections, but Gmail settings limit you to 4. I've found this alleged settings hack to add additional priority inbox sections; however, I cannot get this to work.

If you inspect “Remove Section,” and change the corresponding act=”z” snippet to act=”n” (highlighted in the image below) and then click “Remove Section,” this will add another new section!

There doesn’t seem to be a cap on the number of sections you can create through this technique, and these changes will persist for future browser sessions just like the Unread trick.

enter image description here

I'm not sure if this still works, or if the snippet needs to be updated based on some Gmail updates.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I customise Gmail Priority Inbox to show multiple labels (or nested labels) in one section?

I have nested labels (Work, Work/Brighton, Work/London). When I select the parent label "Work" for a section, the children "Work/Brighton" and "Work/London" are not automatically added to that section (emails need to have both labels to be added to that section, example: Work, Work/Brighton or Work, Work/London).

Is there a way of having a child label added to the section decided by its parent label? (This should be the whole point of inheritance)

Another take on this would be having multiple labels in one section. Following Ben's hacking answer at Gmail Priority Inbox showing non archived labels in a section, I tried doing ^i,Work,Work/Brighton,Work/London but it does not work. The comma (,) is used as an AND operator here, is there anyone who knows the OR operator for this?

Cheers Dylan

Source: (StackOverflow)

Gmail filter criteria being ignored - always mark as important

My Gmail Priority Mailbox was working pretty good until about a week ago.

I have a filter as per the following:

Matches: from:(sample@network.net) subject:(Sample Subject)
Do this: Apply label "MyLabel", Never send it to Spam, Mark it as important


The last item in the filter (Mark it as important) is never being applied. Even when I manually mark it as important, the next email matching the criteria is again ignored. This filter has been in place for many months and used to work. Now this problem has been going on for at least a week and for dozens of messages.

The matching portion of the filter is working since the labels are being applied... but they're never marked as important despite being told "Always mark it as important" in the filter's settings.

Is anyone else seeing this happen or know about this being a new Gmail bug? Are there any workarounds? Any information appreciated.


It's still happening and I've had no luck finding a link for reporting Gmail bugs to Google. I read something at Google about reporting bugs and they said that one should just post their problem in the Google Groups forum. That's useless it seems.

Just reported this on 8/9/11 at Noon CST to:


I'll post any relevant follow-ups.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Additional sections in priority inbox?

I have been able to customize the categories in priority inbox like it details here. I thought I saw somewhere a hack to create more than the default 4 sections within priority inbox. I cannot find it now.

Has anyone seen this and can point me to or know how to do this?

This is not multiple inboxes. MI doesn't work with Priority inbox.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Gmail Priority Inbox - Can I add more than 5 sections (using inspect hack) properly?

I like the feature of Gmail Priority Inbox that allows you to divide your priority inbox into sections. I like it so much, I want a section for all my standard labels. I have about 7. Gmail only allows you 4 sections by default. I found this trick to add more than 4 sections.. http://thenextweb.com/lifehacks/2014/07/14/3-gmail-tricks-can-save-hours-every-week/

The article says: "If you inspect “Remove Section,” and change the corresponding act=”z” snippet to act=”n” (highlighted in the image below) and then click “Remove Section,” this will add another new section! There doesn’t seem to be a cap on the number of sections you can create through this technique, and these changes will persist for future browser sessions just like the Unread trick."

I am trying to do this in 2016. I successfully added several more sections to my priority inbox using this method, but I notice that when I do more than 5 sections, the bottom sections start auto-collapsing, and there's no way to actually show the messages in that category in the priority inbox view. You have to go to the right-hand drop down arrow above the section and hit "Show more messages" to see them - and they open in a new screen, which I don't want.

In sum, I can't get this hack to work properly for more than 5 total sections. Any advice?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I setup Gmail priority labels with intricate filters?

I have a filter for important, unread and starred. Every time I try to change my Gmail priority inbox to the that label, it changes to: "All Everything Else." It doesn't matter if I try inbox #1, 2 or 3.

Here's the label: "label:starred-important-and-unread" I made the filter by putting that string into the "Has words" section of the filter creation box.

Here are some screenshots

The filter


The inbox:


What happens when I press save:


Please advise.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Gmail priority inbox won't let me change inbox sections. Help?

I have a filter for important, unread and starred. Every time I try to change my Gmail priority inbox to the corresponding label, it changes to: "All Everything Else." It doesn't matter if I try inbox #1, 2 or 3.

Please advise.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Send mail to Gmail where message is marked as Priority in the user's inbox

How can I send an email to a Gmail account where the message will be flagged or marked as Priority, or Important, in the user's inbox?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Making labels sort correctly in Gmail's Priority Inbox

I have a label called "Action Needed," in Gmail and I want to use Priority Inbox to create a section specifically for this "Action Needed" label. In the Inbox configuration screen, I have these settings:

The Priority Inbox settings page, where the third inbox pane should be set to display the "Action Needed" label.

Seems simple enough. Just set the third pane to display the "Action Needed" label and I should be good to go, right?

When I go back out to my mailbox, I find this fun little thing happening:

The Inbox.

Turns out that when I actually go check out the Inbox, there is a message hanging out in the proper location, but every other "Action Needed" message is still in the "Important" section. I don't particularly understand why this is happening.

  • The message currently in the "Action Needed" section is itself marked important.
  • Many of the messages in the "Important" section have only "Action Needed" as their label (not shown).

What could possibly be causing this to happen? Am I doing something wrong or is there a bug that is causing this issue?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Gmail Atom feed for priority messages in my inbox

I'm trying to configure a desktop application that uses Gmail's atom feed, which looks at urls of the form


It works great for all, and inbox, but unfortunately not so well when I set it to important: in the last case it will look for every unread message that's been labeled as important which unfortunately includes a lot of messages which don't make my inbox.

I'm looking for a workaround that makes the atom feed list only important messages that are also in my inbox. Any suggestions?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Forward only important mail in Gmail

Is there a way to forward (or to get in any other way) the important mail as they arrive (or shortly after that) from the priority inbox to another mail account without forwarding the unimportant mails?

I have tried to create a filter with is:important but I get a warning message that the filter will not apply to incoming mail and sure enough the defined actions don't get triggered if an important mail arrives.

Source: (StackOverflow)