
presentations interview questions

Top presentations frequently asked interview questions

What software is available for showing keystrokes on the screen?

I will be demoing software which is very shortcut driven and it would be helpful to the audience if they could see what keys I am pressing. I need something that will show keystrokes on the screen. A bonus would be if the software could tell when I am pressing key combos (CTRL + C, CTRL + V, SHIFT + CTRL + TAB... etc)

Anyone have any recommendations for me?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to open Mac Keynote presentations on Ubuntu?

How to open Mac Keynote presentations on Ubuntu? Can it be imported to Impress?

Source: (StackOverflow)


How do I open an apple keynote file in windows?

I only have the .key presentation file and cannot ask the author to export it to ppt nor do I have an Apple computer available.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Change all text fonts in Libreoffice Impress presentation?

Anyone got any idea how to change the font of all text boxes in an Impress presentation? Applying a Master slide doesn't appear to have any useful effect.

Source: (StackOverflow)

OOo Display bullet points one at a time

How can I set up slides in my Open Office presentation to display bullet points one at a time? In this case I want to apply this to all bullet points in all slides but I don't mind adding it one text box at a time as it's a small presentation.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Solutions for presenting PDF slides with presenter notes on second display [closed]

I made a presentation using the latex beamer class with notes. Now I have a problem displaying notes only on my display while presenting the slides to the audience using a projector. Beamer notes produce very wide pdf pages, each half page should be presented on its own display. A single page looks somewhat like this:

latex beamer presentation with notes

Currently I use the smaller display of my notebook for notes and the larger display for the presentation in my test setting. The second screen is extending the desktop. The screen order doesn't really matter but both displays have a different resolution. I don't know what the actual resolution of the screen/projector will be for when presenting.

I've tried way to many things and should probably just print the notes (and also finish my presentation first before worrying about this at all). Most application support full screen viewing, but it always applies to only a single display.
full screen issue

I tried window modes but don't get the desired results because of the different resolutions. Either parts of the slides aren't visible or too much of the desktop can be seen. There are also distracting borders. window mode issue

Here are some applications I've tried. I the got fullscreen/window issues as described above if not otherwise explained.

  • Adobe reader X
  • Foxit reader
  • PDF-XChange Viewer
  • evince
    • single display fullscreen, task bar still visible
  • impressive
    • impressive
    • single display fullscreen
    • window mode: large resolution not supported by graphic card (only about 3/4 of both monitors)
  • PDF presenter
    • most promising, if I extract all notes into text files
    • plain text notes, too small, would need zoom tool
    • no keyboard shortcuts, must click button
  • Open-PDF-Presenter
    • similiar to above one, notes in text files (?) couldn't compile on windows yet.
  • PDF presenter
  • PDF presenter (yeah, it's a popular name)
    • somewhat promising; displays fullscreen on one screen while other screen is in window mode
    • notes are more a whiteboard feature, can't be hidden to audience
    • notes cant be saved

I also tried the default Ubuntu pdf viewer using virtual box. Unfortunately virtual full screen also shows only a single display.

Are there any solutions to display pdf slides in fullscreen on one display and notes about the current slide on another display?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Free-flow Alternative to Powerpoint?

So I've been digging around the net trying to find a good set of alternatives to Powerpoint. Part of my interest is that I found one, Prezi, that I liked for it's free-form style. Part of the power of it was that I can zoom out and select any part of the presentation to continue from and it feels much like a mind map or association of thoughts.

Are there any other tools that offer anything similar in vein to this way of presenting material? I'm looking for something that just pops differently than a death-by-powerpoint-style presentation, so I would be happy to find tools that help present information in more fluid styles.

It doesn't have to mirror Prezi, and I wouldn't want that, but after seeing what Prezi does, I have to think there are other ways of presenting information to a group of people than one square slide at a time.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I smoothly switch between a presentation and another data source?

In the next couple of weeks, I'll be giving a lot of presentations using PowerPoint on Windows. Problem is, a lot of the data I want to cover doesn't belong in a PowerPoint slide. I'll be doing product demos, showing web pages, that kind of stuff. While I could record it as a video, it won't feel right, and it won't demo as well.

What I want to do is to achieve the look that Steve Jobs has during Apple keynotes, where he smoothly fades from the presentation to a demo screen and back. Jobs does this by having two different laptops and a video mux. I don't have that luxury: I've just got a single laptop.

Is there any application that allows you to smoothly fade out a window (in this case, PowerPoint) to achieve a similar effect? Or perhaps some hidden feature inside PowerPoint that covers this scenario? If not, is there some equivalent strategy that will have the same effect?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Killer power point presentations [closed]

How can I hone my presentation to look out of the ordinary?

Are there any add-ons to Microsoft PowerPoint to assist the presenter? Something like showing the next slide as a thumbnail only to the presenter and not the crowd? Any other tools like pptplex?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to present a PDF with notes on presenter screen? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
Tools for presenting PDF slides with presenter notes on second display

I want to show a presentation such that the slides are shown on the projector while I see slide-related notes on my laptop screen.

I am using Windows.

  1. Which program can I use to show such a split presentation of a PDF?
  2. How do I create such a PDF with presenter notes? (I use both latex/beamer and PowerPoint)


Source: (StackOverflow)

Question and Answer software for use during presentations

I'm looking for software that will allow an audience to collectively formulate and vote-up questions during a presentation which can be relayed back to the speaker either during or after the talk. The goal would be to structure and prioritize questions from a large audience to the speaker, such as during conferences, by members of the audience using laptops and possibly smartphones.

I vaguely remember reading about a tool like this a few years ago that Google employed during their Tech Talks. If I'm not mistaken they had this running on Google App Engine. However I can't remember where I read about this, nor can I find any reference to it now.

Can anyone recommend such a tool that will allow for quick interaction from an audience with the ability to upvote questions?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I animate a PowerPoint diagram? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:

I'm trying to animate a sequence diagram within a PowerPoint presentation. The idea is to animate the flow of data between the various actors of the sequence to explain how a software integrates with the various services it depends on (e.g. service A calls service B to get information on the product).

PowerPoint seems easy to create a single step animation but becomes very hard to manage when multiple items should move on screen at the same time.

On the other hand, Flash seems to be an overkill.

Is there something "in-between"?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to replicate Lynda.com transitions in my own presentations (Keynote preferred, Powerpoint possible)

I recently noticed that lynda.com uses in their training videos a very interesting transition that I would like to replicate in my own presentations.

They are somewhat similar to the computer screen animations in the "Minority Report" movie: they zoom out to a huge sheet, pan, and zoom back in to a new location.

It's very good for navigating deep hierarchies. For example when you are at level 1, you can see level 3, but it's tiny and unreadable. You then transition by zooming in to a deeper level that suddenly becomes legible.

I can imagine also to use it using a large "mind map" as a common Ariane thread, to dive into details (and back out) while still taking advantage of the visual memory of the audience.

It a bit difficult to describe, I hope I managed to convey the idea. You can see them in action for example there (iPhone programming training):


Then click on "What you should know" in the introduction chapter.

See for example in that movie between 22s and 24s, then between 27s and 28s.

How do they do that? How could I replicate that effect?


Source: (StackOverflow)

What software should I use to display an elegant looking take-out menu on an HDTV monitor? (data pulled from local MySQL server)

My mom owns a small take-and-bake market, and she's been keeping her menu and inventory on an ugly and messy set of whiteboards behind the counter. I've developed a database that lets her check things in and out of the freezer with a barcode scanner, and we have all our menu and inventory data accurate and available on an in-house MySQL server (running Ubuntu Server).

I want to buy a couple of HDTV displays to mount behind the counter instead of the whiteboards, and have a dedicated computer display a nice-looking digital menu with accurate inventory numbers, a big red line through anything that's out of stock, etc. I can have all the data necessary accessible either directly through MySQL or via a simple JSON API-- but short of making a full-screen web browser with very nit-picky CSS, I'm not sure what software to use for the actual display. Anything come to mind, internet?

Ideally, it should be able to show a little slideshow of food photos on the side, or maybe a scrolling list of specials. I know this is possible, McDonalds is doing it in their new McCafe locations.

TIA, Mike

Source: (StackOverflow)

LaTeX vs Powerpoint for presentations

I had been wondering what are the advantages of using LaTeX (specifically the presentation packages: beamer or texpower) over powerpoint for presentations. The advantages which I have seen on the web point to the fact that LaTeX can output PDFs which are platform independent, but even powerpoint can do that. Another point being that you don't need to pay for using LaTeX.

Apart from that why would I want to use LaTeX for doing presentations?

Source: (StackOverflow)