
portable interview questions

Top portable frequently asked interview questions

Truecrypt - How to create self extracting archives?

Is there any way to create self extracting archives using truecrypt similar to PGP, so that a user without Truecrypt installed can open the archive on entering the right passphrase.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a way to build my own "Portable" Windows AMP (Apache, MySQL, PHP) Stack?

I know there are things like XAMPP thats portable, but it does not use latest version of the software, can I build my own?

I prefer portable stuff as they don't require installs, won't be affected if I format my Windows

Source: (StackOverflow)


Is it normal for a MacBook Pro to get so hot that it's uncomfortable to type?

I have a 15" unibody MacBook Pro that often gets so hot on the left side that it is uncomfortable to type. I just bought a cooling pad which has helped a lot, but I'm wondering if something is wrong with my computer?

Have we as computer users come to accept this kind of behavior from our portables?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Lightweight Windows Alarm Clock tool [closed]

Is there any good lightweight portable alarm clock tool for Windows?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Portable file association for USB sticks?

I have a usb stick with PortableApps that I carry around between different places.

But one thing that annoys me, is when I open a file (such as *.flv or *.html), either Windows says it is unsupported or it opens a program that I do not want to use (eg Win.M.P.), while I have the "correct" program (that I want to use) on my USB drive.

Is there any portable program that can associate my "unsupported" files when I execute just one/a few program/s?

(I was about to use ftype and assoc on a batch file, but it requires administrator privileges, so that doesn't seem to be the best solution.)

Source: (StackOverflow)

What's the most popular portable applications manager?

I have a bunch of applications I carry around on a small flash drive, but I find it hard to keep everything up to date. I know about portableapps.com, but are there any other websites / repositories / resources on the subject? Ideally I'd like something that can manage both the 'installation' and updates for a range of tools.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to migrate Notepad++ settings?

I am trying to portabilize every program I use if possible, and Notepad++ is on the list. The only problem is that I've had a native installation until now so that I'm not totally sure which settings files need to be moved to the portable directory.

Surely there's a function tucked away somewhere in NPP exactly for this purpose, or some plugin out there? I mean the developers have literally thought of everything else, yet this is the one thing I cannot find specifically anywhere in the NPP wiki or otherwise, and I don't want to miss an important file.

Here is the closest I've gotten: Notepad++'s configuration files and Where are all the files?

Should I just copy every configuration file listed on the first link?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to disable Firefox Portable from automatically loading plugins

Firefox Portable automatically loads plugins that exist on the host system. It probably doesn't make much of a difference, but I would like to only load plugins that I have added to my FirefoxPortable\App\DefaultData\plugins and PortableApps\CommonFiles\ folder.

In about:config, I see that there is the plugin.scan.plid.all preference, but that does not remove all the plugins.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Browser with its own hosts file?

I have a number of staging and test servers that I need to constantly modify my hosts file to access (they depend on the domain name, so I have to change the hosts file to get them to work).

I find this annoying. I'd like to setup a portable browser of some kind for each kind of site I want to work with. Is there any version of any graphical web browser (including browsers based on the rendering engines of other browsers) that will do this?

This way I can simply launch the instance that's already configured to work with staging if I want to test staging.

Any ideas?

EDIT: The important feature is the ability to run two browsers concurently, both browsing to some-address.com, but with one browser directing the reqests to the server at and the other browser directing the requests to the server at

EDIT: (3/16/14)

This question was asked several years ago, and I still don't know of a decent way to do this. Let me try to explain further, because people seem to misunderstand the problem. It's not something that can be easily fixed just by using a proxy server. I suppose it might be possible to write extensive rules in a proxy server to solve the problems, but that's a huge complex solution to what should be a simple problem.

So to clarify:

There are three web servers. Production, Test, and Development. Each runs a multi-tenant application that customizes itself based on the hostname used to access it. Conceptually, this is similar to a Content Management System or blog engine that allows multiple sites to be run off the same server instance. You just point the hostname to the server, and whichever hostname is used to access it via HTTP 1.1 hostname mapping, is the site it displays.

Any solution which simply rewrites the host file doesn't work because of the requirement to run multiple browser windows at the same time to the different sites, production, development, test, etc... So simply constantly altering the host file doesn't work because it affects all browser instances. If you change the mapping for one browser, then the other browsers are also now mapped to that server so any subsequent requests will go to the wrong server.

All i'm looking for is a way to force this browser instance to use this host file, and that browser instance to use that host file, such as through a command line parameter. I don't even care if I need to install multiple copies of the browser.

This may be doable with firefox portable, since I think it uses its own config files per installed copy, but the problem is that the third party software used to administer the sites does not work with firefox (the sites themselves do, but the admin tools do not, they work fine with chrome and IE and Opera, however.. and I have no access to the source for this to fix it).

Source: (StackOverflow)

Portable apps for Linux?

Asking this question got me thinking - are there portable apps available for Linux? I know a lot of simple tools can be run in a standalone fashion, but will I run into security limitations with common Linux distributions?

Considering the availability of tools etc. on most default Linux systems anyhow, is there even a need for this?

EDIT: To clarify, I'm looking for apps I can run on an existing Linux system - I don't want to carry around the whole OS, if I don't have to.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Portable virtualization software? [closed]

Does anyone know of any portable virtualization software for Windows that will run from a flash drive and doesn't require administrator privileges?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Ways to make USB Firefox faster

I have several laptops so I use a USB key version of Firefox to keep my environment as I move around. I followed the suggestions offered on the Firefox web site (turn off the cache and history etc.) and its better but still much slower than the normal version.

Other than buying a new, super fast flux-capacitor based USB key, what other tips and tricks can I use?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What are the essential tools you always have handy when attempting to fix someone's PC?

Specifically, I'm interested in knowing what tools you keep loaded on your thumb drive when asked to deal with a family member or friend's personal computer issue? Off the top of my head, I can think of things like:

  • AVG
  • Advanced WindowsCare
  • SpyBot
  • etc.

...but this question is not necessarily limited to virus/malware/spyware issues.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Going overseas for while and using internet cafes, which precautions to take against keyloggers etc?

Ok lets say I'm taking an extended overseas trip and won't have a laptop with me. Reasons being it'll be too heavy to carry and also the country I'm in isn't very safe for carrying expensive items around with you in case you get mugged. This leaves me having to use internet cafes and I may have to work on/maintain a few of my business websites while I'm away.

If I'm at an internet cafe I was thinking of taking an 8GB USB drive with me that has all my stuff on it. I've scanned the portable software list and perhaps loaded on there I could have:

  • TrueCrypt portable
  • TrueCrypt encrypted container with my important files in it
  • Firefox portable edition with addons I need
  • MyEnTunnel - So I can create a local SOCKS proxy for my Firefox browser and tunnel all my web traffic with SSH through one of my international VPSs
  • PuTTY - For managing my VPSs/websites with SSH remotely
  • WinSCP Portable Edition - Copying files to remote server
  • NetBeans or Notepad++ portable - For web development coding at the cafe if I really need to
  • Z-WAMP Server Pack - Portable Apache/MySQL/PHP web server for coding at the cafe
  • KeyPass Portable and my password database
  • LibreOffice Portable
  • 7-Zip / file archiver/extractor

Now one thing I'm concerned about is keystroke loggers being on the internet cafe. Is there any way to defeat those? Perhaps some portable tool I can run from the USB drive to detect and remove them or mitigate that risk somewhat? I'm guessing removing might be difficult as an internet cafe is likely to only have Guest level user access.

One way of defeating keystroke logger for the important stuff like usernames/passwords would be using KeyPass. If I need to enter a password for a website then I open keypass with my key file and master password, then copy paste the username and password from KeyPass into the website login. Would this avoid a keylogger capturing the username and password?

For internet banking a few of my banks have two-factor authentication so I'm not too concerned about key stroke loggers there, but I also have the official bank apps on my iPhone which I could just connect and do my banking stuff over WiFi.

Is there any possibility of the internet cafe staff using remote desktop/screen viewer software to watch what you're doing? Or would that be that pretty unethical? Any way to detect and disable that software while I'm using the PC?

Is there any other software that you would recommend I add onto the USB that would be helpful?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is it possible to live-boot VirtualBox from a USB flash drive?

To clarify, I'm not asking if you can boot from USB from within VirtualBox.

I would like to make a portable version of Windows 7 that I can run from a USB drive on any machine. I'm putting a distro of Linux on my laptop, but I manage a Windows domain at work so I'd like an easier management solution than trying to use Linux tools to interface with a Windows DC(as RDP to a DC is not always an option).

The reason I'm inquiring about VirtualBox... I plan on carrying this portable installation with me and using it on multiple machines, so I would like to avoid driver conflicts (which I imagine would happen if I only installed Windows on a flash drive).

Basically, I need a way to boot an installation of Windows 7 from USB that still allows me to install/remove/update programs as if it were installed on a standard hard drive, and not freak out over different hardware configurations.

Source: (StackOverflow)