
popups interview questions

Top popups frequently asked interview questions

How to make Outlook Calendar reminders stay on top in Windows 7

I'm just starting to use Windows 7 and I want to know how to make my Outlook reminders pop up and show themselves prominently. They keep opening discreetly, as just another window in the Outlook stack on the taskbar. As a result, I keep overlooking them because they pop up behind everything else.

How do I make them less easy to overlook?

(Clearly, one usually doesn't want obnoxious apps that push themselves to the forefront. But there are a few places where such behavior is desirable, and Outlook calendar reminders are one of them.)

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why am I seeing ads on websites including Wikipedia?

I was reading about hash functions on Wikipedia when this ad popped up. I was appalled and flabbergasted and annoyed to find advertisements akin to this one dotting my article like sprinkles on a cupcake.

Annoying popups appear after you hover over them.

Annoying ads on Wikipedia

I now notice that these ads are appearing on any web page I visit including Superuser.

Why? How can I get rid of them?

By the way, these ads have the very gall to surface on Superuser, as seen here: Ads on superuser

Source: (StackOverflow)


Google Chrome - Open pop-ups in new tab?

Is there a way to set Google Chrome so that it opens pop-ups in tabs instead of opening new windows?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I make ALL pop ups in Firefox open in a new tab rather then a new window?

I'm running Firefox 3.6.3 on Windows 7. And I still got some pop ups in new Windows (particularly the problem always reoccurs at one website)

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I block all pop-ups with Chrome?

Some Websites (often links to 2leep.com) have very annoing advertising: If I click on a link, they open a popup with their adds and open the link I'm interested in.

If I go to chrome://settings/content , I can see that all popups should be blocked. So why do I get some and how can I stop it? Perhaps with a chrome-extension?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to disable popup messages in Windows 8?

Windows 8 keeps popping up irritating messages at all odd times at the top of the screen:

Win8 Popups

These seem to be like some sort of new balloon tips. How do I get rid of these permanently?

Source: (StackOverflow)

The EU cookie directive mandates "consent" often via a popup. Can I block those?

The EU cookie directive, a monstrous directive that effectively banned a part of normal economic life, mandates "consent" before cookies can be set. This is often implemented via an annoying repetitive and pointless popup that appears AFTER I have voluntarily accessed the site.

Is there a popup blocking solution that allows you to automatically accept cookies and get rid of the popup so that I never have to think about this again?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Stop taskeng.exe window from popping up

I have several processes scheduled in my Windows 7 environment, mainly for backups, that are supposed to run in the background.

However instead of just doing it's work quietly in the background, the task scheduler pops up a black (console like) "taskeng.exe" window. The window goes in front of all other windows. Luckily it doesn't steal my keyboard focus, but it blocks the view on everything.


Is there a way to avoid this window - or at least have it appear in the background without stealing my VISUAL focus?

Example edited in after bounty applied:

Here is my last attempt at using the WScript stuff (in a file named RunSignatured.bat):

Set Shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Shell.Run C:\Users\danh\Bin\signatured.bat, 0, False

The signatured.bat file contains:

cd C:\Users\danh\bin
"C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\java.exe" Signature

Source: (StackOverflow)

What is this random “Do you need more hard disk on your Mac?” pop-up on a Mac about?

I get a random popup that asks “Do you need more hard disk on your Mac?”

It happens only when I’m in Safari. It pops up on the top right hand corner of my screen.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a Firefox plugin that will allow me to edit the address in a popup?

The website I'm developing uses a lot of popups. It is handy for me to be able to edit the address in the address bar so that I can append variables and such. FF seems to prevent me from doing this. Is there a plugin that will unlock it again?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Flash Player Automatic Updater on Windows Startup

Adobe Flash Player is set to automatically check for updates on Windows startup. I've always wondered where exactly it is set to do this. Checking the running services, as well as msconfig does not yield its location. The message in question looks like this: http://www.technipages.com/disable-an-update-to-your-adobe-flash-player-is-available-message-forever.html

I know how to disable it via Adobe's web site (instructions are included in link above), but I'm interested in knowing where exactly in Windows is this set to perform this action? I have done some research on this, and people keep saying to check the following registry locations:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce or the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run

However, I have checked those locations, and I still cannot locate where this updater is stored.

I'm pretty sure that malware also uses this technique to automatically load upon startup, and since it's not in the typical location(s) that a user would look, it's well hidden.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I stop the Character Viewer from appearing every time OS X asks me for a password?

This is new behaviour in OS X 10.6: when I get keychain dialog boxes asking me for my password or to approve use of my keychain, the Character Viewer appears over top.

I don't want to disable the Character Viewer completely because I use it; I just don't want it popping up at this totally unrelated time.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to make new Office Communicator session pop up in Windows 7

I recently converted to Windows 7 and I usually have Office Communicator running. When someone else instigates a conversation with me, the notification pops up, but behind everything else, and as just another item in the taskbar.

How do I make it pop up, so I notice that someone is trying to contact me? It does flash once, but if I'm already in another conversation, it's very easy to overlook that a new window has opened. And if I overlook that flash, then there's very little to make me notice it after that.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to disable the annoying pop-up window after automatic updates are installed on Windows XP

I'm running Windows XP SP3. After automatic updates are installed, there shows up an annoying pop-up window every 10 minutes that tells me whether I want to restart the machine now or later. This interrupts my work as it pops up in the middle of an important process.

I don't want to disable automatic updates. I just want to disable this annoying pop-up window and restart the machine without having to see this warning. Thanks.

alt text

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there any way to prevent just popunder windows?

One of the greatest annoyances I experience almost daily while browsing the intertubes are popunder advertisment windows. Usually, they are triggered by clicking on the window somewhere, thus converting my desire to bring focus back to the webpage into a purposeful click on an advertisement link. Its a d___ move and imho the equivalent of tricking me into clicking on an ad.

The thing is, I do appreciate being served all this awesome content by people who create and host it. I am more than happy to view advertisements and click on those ads I feel are interesting. Its part of the provider/consumer implicit contract that keeps the superhighway trucks full of awesome cool caturday pictures and other things.

Because of this, I do not want to use some generic adblock-type software that removes all advertisements from websites.

What I'm looking for is some kind of plugin/addin/app that only blocks popunder advertisements spawned by clicking on non-content parts of a webpage, or that can be configured to provide only this type of ad block.

Primarily looking for Chrome, as that is my browser of choice. +1s for suggestions for other browsers.

Source: (StackOverflow)