
popup interview questions

Top popup frequently asked interview questions

How to display temporary popup message on iPhone/iPad/iOS

I'd like to display a temporary message on the iPhone/iPad displaying confirmation of an action, or some quick status about some background activity.

Is there a standard control to do this? I've seen apps do this. A rounded rectangle, dark and partially transparent with text inside. It does not ask for user input but disappears on its own in some short period of time. Android has a similar construct which is standard. Also similar to the windows displayed by Growl.

Suggestions appreciated.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to Add "Write a Review" / "Rate Us" Feature to My App?

I wish to add some sort of a "Write a Review" or "Rate Us" feature to my app so my customers can easily rate and review my app.

Best practice I can think of is to have some sort of pop-up or open a UIWebView within my app so the user is not kicked off of my app while opening the App Store application as done in:

[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"itms://itunes.com/apps/myAppName"]];

Does anyone knows of a way to do that?

Source: (StackOverflow)


How to generate a simple popup using jQuery

I am designing a web page. When we click the content of div named mail, how can I show a popup window containing a label email and text box?

Source: (StackOverflow)

how to implement a pop up dialog box in iOS

After a calculation, I want to display a pop up or alert box conveying a message to the user. Does anyone know where I can find more information about this?


Source: (StackOverflow)

Android Pop-up message

I'm trying to get a pop up text box, with some disclaimer and app info at the start of my Android application's launch. Does anyone know how to implement this? Also could it read from a txt file?


Source: (StackOverflow)

jQuery select element in parent window

Is there a way to select a DIV in the parent window using jQuery?

For example:

Main page contains this,

<div id="testdiv"></div>

Popup page has a form with some options and an 'Apply' button. When the user clicks apply it affects the style attribute on the main page.

Something along the logic of,

parent.$("#testdiv").attr("style", content from form);

Source: (StackOverflow)

is it possible to open a popup with javascript and then detect when the user closes it?

The question is pretty much all in the title.

Is it possible (and how?) to open a popup with javascript and then detect when the user closes it?

I am using jquery within the project so a jquery solution would be good. Cheers!

Source: (StackOverflow)

jQuery: How can I show an image popup onclick of the thumbnail?

In my aspx page I have a thumbnail image <img>. When the user clicks on that image I would like a popup to show that blocks out the rest of the UI with the larger (full) version of the image.

Are there any plugins that can do this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to pop an alert message box using PHP?

How to pop an alert message box using PHP?

Source: (StackOverflow)

IE8 losing session cookies in popup windows

We have an ASP.NET application that uses Forms Auth. When users log in, a session ID cookie and a Forms Auth ticket (stored as a cookie) are generated. These are session cookies, not permanent cookies. It is intentional and desirable that when the browser closes, the user is effectively logged out.

Once a user logs in, a new window is popped up using window.open('location here');. The page that is opened is effectively the workspace the user works in throughout the rest of their session. From this page, other pop-ups are also used.

Lately, we've had a number of customers (all using latest versions of IE8) complaining that the when they log in, the initial pop-up takes them back to the log in screen rather than their homepage. Alternately, users can sometimes log in, get to the homepage (which again, is in a new pop up window), and it all seems fine, until any additional pop-ups are created, where it starts redirecting them to the log in screen again.

In attempting to troubleshoot the issue, I've used good old Fiddler. When the problem starts manifesting, I've noticed that the browser is not sending up the ASP.NET session ID session cookie OR the Forms Auth ticket session cookie, even though the response to the log in POST clearly pushes down those cookies.

What's more strange is if I CTRL+N to open a new window from the popped-up window that is missing the session cookies, then manually type in the URL to the home page, those cookies magically appear again. However, subsequent window.open(); calls will continue to be broken, not sending the session cookies and taking the user to the log in screen.

It's important to note that sometimes, for seemingly no good reason, those same users can suddenly log in and work normally for a while, then it goes back to broken.

Now, I've ensured that there are no browser add-ons, plug-ins, toolbars, etc. are running. I've added our site as a trusted site and dropped the security settings to Low, I've modified the Cookie Privacy policy to "accept all" and even disabled automatic policy settings, manually forcing it to accept everything and include session cookies. Nothing appears to affect it.

Also note the web application resides on a single server. There is no load balancing, web gardens, server farms, clusters, etc. The server does reside behind an ISA server, but other than that it's pretty straight forward.

I've been searching around for days and haven't found anything actionable. Heck, sometimes I can't even reproduce it reliably. I have found a few references to people having this same problem, but they seem to be referencing an issue that was allegedly fixed in a beta or RC release (example: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/179260/ie8-loses-cookies-when-opening-a-new-window-after-a-redirect). These are release versions of IE, with up-to-date patches.

I'm aware that I can try to set permanent cookies instead of session cookies. However, this has drastic security implications for our application.


It seems that the problem automagically goes away when the user is added as a Local Administrator on the machine. Only time will tell if this change permanently (and positively) affects this problem.

Time to bust out ProcMon and see if there is a resource access problem.

Update #2

It seems there are multiple angles to what appears to be a singular problem. I reported long ago that making the user a local administrator seemed to help. And it did, for a number of users. Of course, that's not really a solution, but it did let us hobble along.

Then more users started reporting the issue, and the admin fix was not helping. The users seemed to be mostly Win7, but Vista was also affected. They also seemed to mostly be 64-bit installations.

Setting the TabProcGrowth to 0 or 1 (either worked) as suggested by some members below seems to have largely addressed the issue. So, I'm going to move my accepted answer to the first person that suggested that, as it has had significantly more impact.

This has been an incredibly frustrating issue to attempt to solve, since it is difficult to reproduce and often occurs with users that I do not have direct communication with, or by the time I get to them it doesn't appear to be working. All I can say is something is not right with the session merging feature, but I don't have much data to feed to Microsoft to find a permanent fix.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How would I implement stackoverflow's hovering dialogs?

I am in love with stackoverflow's single-color "click-to-close' hovering dialog boxes that greet a user when they try to vote and aren't logged in or use the site incorrectly. Any idea how and/or what technology Jeff used to implement these neat little devices?

EDIT: I'm specifically talking about the SQUARE dialog boxes that say "Click To Close" on them. I know how to implement the rectangular strip on the top of the screen.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to create a completely custom Dialogue/Popup in Android (change overlay colour and dialogue window layout)

I would like to completely re-skin the default dialogue component in Android. Specifically I would like to do this:

  • Change the semi-transparent overlay background from the default black to a semi-transparent white.

  • Change the Dialogue window by removing the default windowed frame border, and replacing it with a layout defined in XML (it's just going to be a borderless graphic with floating buttons. no actual frame.)

I have seen tutorials about creating a custom layout for within the dialogue box (e.g. http://www.helloandroid.com/tutorials/how-display-custom-dialog-your-android-application), but I haven't seen anything regarding changing the colour of the overlay and/or completely customizing the dialogue window that pops up and turning it more into an overlay with no "window".

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to open a jQuery Mobile Dialog from javascript?

I have a dialog page and am trying to open it and display results from an AJAX POST.

Here is my jQuery success event:

success: function(resp) {                               
  $("#text").html('SPAM and EGGS!')

My HTML has two pages, the second being the dialog html:

<div data-role="page" id="main">
  # content 
<div data-role="page" id="dialog">
  <div data-role="header">
    <h1>Your Message</h1>
  <div data-role="content" id="text">

My AJAX POST is working and element id="text" is being updated with "SPAM and EGGS!", but the dialog is not popping up.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to open a WPF Popup when another control is clicked, using XAML markup only?

I've got two controls, a TextBlock and a PopUp. When the user clicks (MouseDown) on the textblock, I want to display the popup. I would think that I could do this with an EventTrigger on the Popup, but I can't use setters in an EventTrigger, I can only start storyboards. I want to do this strictly in XAML, because the two controls are in a template and I don't know how I'd find the popup in code.

This is what conceptually I want to do, but can't because you can't put a setter in an EventTrigger (like you can with a DataTrigger):

<TextBlock x:Name="CCD">Some text</TextBlock>

                <EventTrigger SourceName="CCD" RoutedEvent="MouseDown">
                    <Setter Property="Popup.IsOpen" Value="True" />

What is the best way to show a popup strictly in XAML when an event happens on a different control?

Source: (StackOverflow)

jQuery override default validation error message display (Css) Popup/Tooltip like

I'm trying to over ride the default error message label with a div instead of a label. I have looked at this post as well and get how to do it but my limitations with CSS are haunting me. How can I display this like some of these examples:

Example #1 (Dojo) - Must type invalid input to see error display
Example #2

Here is some example code that overrides the error label to a div element

                rules: {
                    "elem.1": {
                        required: true,
                        digits: true
                    "elem.2": {
                        required: true
                errorElement: "div"

Now I'm at a loss on the css part but here it is:

div.error {
     border:2px solid #C0C097;
     font:100% arial,helvetica,clean,sans-serif;


Okay I'm using this code now but the image and the placement on the popup is larger than the border, can this be adjusted to be dynamic is height?

if (element.attr('type') == 'radio' || element.attr('type') == 'checkbox') {
   element = element.parent();

   offset = element.offset();
   error.addClass('message');  // add a class to the wrapper
   error.css('position', 'absolute');
   error.css('left', offset.left + element.outerWidth());
   error.css('top', offset.top - (element.height() / 2)); // Not working for Radio, displays towards the bottom of the element. also need to test with checkbox
} else {
   // Error placement for single elements
   offset = element.offset();
   error.addClass('message');  // add a class to the wrapper
   error.css('position', 'absolute');
   error.css('left', offset.left + element.outerWidth());
   error.css('top', offset.top - (element.height() / 2));

the css is the same as below (your css code)


<input type="radio" class="checkbox" value="P" id="radio_P" name="radio_group_name"/>
<label for="radio_P">P</label>
<input type="radio" class="checkbox" value="S" id="radio_S" name="radio_group_name"/>
<label for="radio_S">S</label>

Source: (StackOverflow)