
pointers interview questions

Top pointers frequently asked interview questions

How to pass objects to functions in C++?

I am new to C++ programming, but I have experience in Java. I need guidance on how to pass objects to functions in C++.

Do I need to pass pointers, references, or non-pointer and non-reference values? I remember in Java there are no such issues since we pass just the variable that holds reference to the objects.

It would be great if you could also explain where to use each of those options.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is it safe to delete a NULL pointer?

Is it safe to delete a NULL pointer?

And is it a good coding style?

Source: (StackOverflow)


What do people find difficult about C pointers? [closed]

From the number of questions posted here, it's clear that people have some pretty fundemental issues when getting their heads around pointers and pointer arithmetic.

I'm curious to know why. They've never really caused me major problems (although I first learned about them back in the Neolithic). In order to write better answers to these questions, I'd like to know what people find difficult.

So, if you're struggling with pointers, or you recently were but suddenly "got it", what were the aspects of pointers that caused you problems?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How many levels of pointers can we have?

How many pointers (*) are allowed in a single variable?

Let's consider the following example.

int a = 10;
int *p = &a;

Similarly we can have

int **q = &p;
int ***r = &q;

and so on.

For example,

int ****************zz;

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do you pass a function as a parameter in C?

I want to create a function that performs a function passed by parameter on a set of data. How do you pass a function as a parameter in C?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why use pointers? [closed]

I know this is a really basic question, but I've just started with some basic C++ programming after coding a few projects with high-level languages.

Basically I have three questions:

  1. Why use pointers over normal variables?
  2. When and where should I use pointers?
  3. How do you use pointers with arrays?

Source: (StackOverflow)

In C, why do some people cast the pointer before freeing it?

I'm working on an old code base and pretty much every invocation of free() uses a cast on its argument. For example,

free((float *)velocity);
free((float *)acceleration);
free((char *)label);

where each pointer is of the corresponding (and matching) type. I see no point in doing this at all. It's very old code, so I'm left wondering if it's a K&R thing. If so, I actually wish to support the old compilers that may have required this, so I don't want to remove them.

Is there a technical reason to use these casts? I don't even see much of a pragmatic reason to use them. What's the point of reminding ourselves of the data type right before freeing it?

EDIT: This question is not a duplicate of the other question. The other question is a special case of this question, which I think is obvious if the close voters would read all the answers.

Colophon: I'm giving the "const answer" the checkmark because it is a bonafide real reason why this might need to be done; however, the answer about it being a pre-ANSI C custom (at least among some programmers) seems to be the reason it was used in my case. Lots of good points by many people here. Thank you for your contributions.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Which kind of pointer do I use when?

Ok, so the last time I wrote C++ for a living, std::auto_ptr was all the std lib had available, and boost::shared_ptr was all the rage. I never really looked into the other smart pointer types boost provided. I understand that C++11 now provides some of the types boost came up with, but not all of them.

So does someone have a simple algorithm to determine when to use which smart pointer? Preferably including advice regarding dumb pointers (raw pointers like T*) and the rest of the boost smart pointers. (Something like this would be great).

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why does the arrow (->) operator in C exist?

The dot (.) operator is used to access a member of a struct, while the arrow operator (->) in C is used to access a member of a struct which is referenced by the pointer in question.

The pointer itself does not have any members which could be accessed with the dot operator (it's actually only a number describing a location in virtual memory so it doesn't have any members). So, there would be no ambiguity if we just defined the dot operator to automatically dereference the pointer if it is used on a pointer (an information which is known to the compiler at compile time afaik).

So why have the language creators decided to make things more complicated by adding this seemingly unnecessary operator? What is the big design decision?

Source: (StackOverflow)

So you think you know pointers? [closed]

I was shown this recently, and thought this was a really cool piece of code. Assume 32-bit architecture.

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void) {
    int x[4];
    printf("%p\n", (void*) (x));
    printf("%p\n", (void*) (x + 1));
    printf("%p\n", (void*) (&x));
    printf("%p\n", (void*) (&x + 1));

Without compiling the program, what does it output, and why? If you think that a certain output will be arbitrary, say so, invent a value, and then pretend that was the value that was output.

Edit: So the question has been answered, fastest gun goes to wnoise! However, I encourage people who are just reading this challenge to attempt it yourself, before you check out the answers.

Edit 2: Converted the pointers to void*, as per Chris Young. I believe most compilers treat the two the same way, but let's be correct.

Source: (StackOverflow)

void ( *( *f[] ) () ) ()

I just saw a picture today and think I'd appreciate explanations. So here is the picture:

some c code

I found this confusing and wondered if such codes are ever practical. I googled the picture and found another picture in this reddit entry, and here is that picture:

some interesting explanation

So this "reading spirally" is something valid? Is this how C compilers parse?
It'd be great if there are simpler explanations for this weird code.
Apart from all, can these kind of codes be useful? If so, where and when?

There is a question about "spiral rule", but I'm not just asking about how it's applied or how expressions are read with that rule. I'm questioning usage of such expressions and spiral rule's validity as well. Regarding these, some nice answers are already posted.

Source: (StackOverflow)

What exactly is a C pointer if not a memory address?

In a reputable source about C, the following information is given after discussing the & operator:

... It's a bit unfortunate that the terminology [address of] remains, because it confuses those who don't know what addresses are about, and misleads those who do: thinking about pointers as if they were addresses usually leads to grief...

Other materials I have read (from equally reputable sources, I would say) have always unabashedly referred to pointers and the & operator as giving memory addresses. I would love to keep searching for the actuality of the matter, but it is kind of difficult when reputable sources KIND OF disagree.

Now I am slightly confused--what exactly is a pointer, then, if not a memory address?


The author later says: ...I will continue to use the term 'address of' though, because to invent a different one [term] would be even worse.

Source: (StackOverflow)

size_t vs. intptr_t

The C standard guarantees that size_t is a type that can hold any array index. This means that, logically, size_t should be able to hold any pointer type. I've read on some sites that I found on the Googles that this is legal and/or should always work:

void *v = malloc(10);
size_t s = (size_t) v;

So then in C99, the standard introduced the intptr_t and uintptr_t types, which are signed and unsigned types guaranteed to be able to hold pointers:

uintptr_t p = (size_t) v;

So what is the difference between using size_t and uintptr_t? Both are unsigned, and both should be able to hold any pointer type, so they seem functionally identical. Is there any real compelling reason to use uintptr_t (or better yet, a void *) rather than a size_t, other than clarity? In an opaque structure, where the field will be handled only by internal functions, is there any reason not to do this?

By the same token, ptrdiff_t has been a signed type capable of holding pointer differences, and therefore capable of holding most any pointer, so how is it distinct from intptr_t?

Aren't all of these types basically serving trivially different versions of the same function? If not, why? What can't I do with one of them that I can't do with another? If so, why did C99 add two essentially superfluous types to the language?

I'm willing to disregard function pointers, as they don't apply to the current problem, but feel free to mention them, as I have a sneaking suspicion they will be central to the "correct" answer.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Pointer vs. Reference

What would be better practice when giving a function the original variable to work with:

unsigned long x = 4;

void func1(unsigned long& val) {
     val = 5;            


void func2(unsigned long* val) {
     *val = 5;

IOW: Is there any reason to pick one over another?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How does free know how much to free?

In C programming, you can pass any kind of pointer you like as an argument to free, how does it know the size of the allocated memory to free? Whenever I pass a pointer to some function, I have to also pass the size (ie an array of 10 elements needs to receive 10 as a parameter to know the size of the array), but I do not have to pass the size to the free function. Why not, and can I use this same technique in my own functions to save me from needing to cart around the extra variable of the array's length?

Source: (StackOverflow)