

A node.js blog engine Poet -- node.js blogging platform

Express : Custom node_module on Heroku

I'm using the Poet module in an Express app. Poet don't support Expresss 4 yet, but a patch exist, a change in the module code.

I applied that patch, and my app is working locally.

But Heroku load the original version of the package, without patch.

After reading this question, I run

heroku run bash
cat my-file

It confirmed that heroku is working with the wrong version of the module.

How can I apply the change to my heroku app ?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I get my Poet web site running under Apache2?

If I currently have a Poet web site running under the standalone plackup server (via run.pl), how do I configure Apache2 to host this Poet web site?

Searches for "+apache2 +poet" retrieve plenty of results about poets using Apache2 (to publish their poetry), and articles such as "Mason 2 will work with Apache/mod_perl 1." Then there are documents such as http://metacpan.org/pod/PSGI::FAQ which tell me “In Plack, we already support most web servers like Apache2” without giving any of the details of how such support is provided.

What is the minimal Apache2 config file I need in order to get my existing Poet web site running under Apache?

Here is my existing project layout:


Here is my starting httpd.conf file:

LoadModule log_config_module /opt/local/apache2/modules/mod_log_config.so

Listen 5000
ServerRoot /Users/me/Documents/Ponies/poet
LogFormat "%{X-Forwarded-For}i %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"" combined
CustomLog logs/access.log combined
Errorlog logs/error.log
PidFile httpd.pid
LockFile accept.lock
User  me
Group staff

<VirtualHost *:5000>
ServerName foo.local
DocumentRoot /Users/me/Documents/Ponies/poet/
AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .pl .py
<Directory "/Users/me/Documents/Ponies/poet">
Options +ExecCGI

Links to appropriate documentation would be appreciated, as long as there is some indication of what part of the Poet web site I need to point to in order to get a URL such as http://foo.local/ponies/ to produce the content generated by …/Ponies/poet/comps/index.mc.

Source: (StackOverflow)


Authentication and/or HTTPS with Plack/PSGI/Poet application

I need to build a simple web-application. I decided to do it with Poet (Mason2), which uses Plack.

The application should be allowed to use only by authenticated users, so I need build some login/password functionality.

There already is a Plack module Plack::Middleware::Auth::Basic that allows using Basic user auth that makes it possible to setup to check .htpasswd or similar. But the basic authentication is not very secure; anybody can grab the login password with packet capturing or the like.

Here are 2 possible solutions:

  • running my app.psgi via HTTPS(443) - link level encryption
  • or is there some better auth method that allow secure auth without https?

The questions:

  • Regarding HTTPS - I have no idea how to run my app.psgi via HTTPS. Do I need to modify my application somewhat? Any link what shows me how to run plackup over the https?
  • or for the second: is there some method (middleware/or perl module) what allows me build secure authentication over the standard unencrypted port?(80)

So, what is an relative easy way to achieve secure authentication with a Plack application?

PS: I don't care about the rest of communication. I only need secure auth that doesn't allow to grab the passwords.

PPS: https is easy with apache (and self-signed) certificate. But I have no idea how to do it with plackup (and or any other Plack based server)

Source: (StackOverflow)