
podcasts interview questions

Top podcasts frequently asked interview questions

Use YouTube channels as podcast in iTunes

Is there a way to subscribe to a YouTube channel and have it show up in iTunes as a podcast? I want iTunes to automatically download the videos in MP4 format or download them in FLV and convert them to MP4 in iPod format.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Get RSS feed from iTunes podcast links

I'm using Gnome's Rhythmbox to listen to Podcasts. Some Podcasts don't provide an rss feed for downloading the episodes but only a itms:// link for iTunes.

Now I'd like to download them via a "normal" RSS reader/podfetcher.
How can I accomplish this?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Where did the "Get" button go for downloading podcast episodes in iTunes?

I opened up iTunes and the "Get" button is gone for downloading podcast episodes. This is strange because I haven't changed any configuration settings.

Economist Audio Edition:

alt text

BBC Global News podcast:

alt text

I tried unsubscribing and resubscribing to no avail. Does anyone know how this could happen?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Listen to a ITunes podcast without using ITunes? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:

How do I listen to / download the files from a (free) ITunes podcast?

The following question How to download a podcast without iTunes? suggests that I open the RSS feed to get the audio links.

The problem is that I can't find the RSS feed anywhere, just a "View in Itunes" link.

Wanted podcast: http://itunes.apple.com/podcast/danz-20-countdown-maxwell/id341032245

Source: (StackOverflow)

Double-speed playback for iTunes?

The iPod app on the iPhone (and presumably the iPod Touch) supports playback at 2x the recorded speed. This is great for listening to talk-radio podcasts when I'm driving, as I can get about twice the information in the same amount of time.

Does iTunes itself support this kind of playback? I can't seem to find the option. I'd rather play in iTunes rather than on my iPhone when I'm at my desk.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Way to get old podcasts in iTunes

When you subscribe to a podcast in iTunes it only lists the 10 most recent podcasts. Is there a way to get the older podcasts?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I make wget rename downloaded files to not include the query string?

I'm downloading a site with wget and a lot of the links have queries attached to them, so when I do this:

wget -nv -c -r -H -A mp3 -nd http://url.to.old.podcasts.com/

I end up with a lot of files like this:


What I'd like to end up with is:


This is all taking place in ubuntu linux and I've got wget 1.10.2.

I know I can do this after I get everything via a script to rename everything. However I'd really like a solution from within wget so I can see the correct names as the download is happening.

Can anyone help me unravel this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

iTunes alternative for Windows with good podcast management? [closed]

Since iTunes is so dog-slow on Windows, I'm looking for a good alternative that manages podcasts well. Bonus for syncing play counts, ratings, etc.

Edit: I'm not looking for a podcast-only app, I'm looking for a music manager that does well with podcasts.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Synchronize Podcasts across multiple computers with iTunes (on Windows)

I find myself frustrated with the following scenario, which is driving me nuts:

I use iTunes to subscribe to podcast X on computer A and sync the episodes to my iPod. During my day, I discover podcast Y and subscribe to it on a copy of iTunes on computer B and sync that episode to my iPod. But now I can only get podcast X's updates on computer A and Y's on B. If I want to update from anywhere, I have to remember to add each of n subscriptions to each of m computers that I may use - a big hassle when n or m gets larger than about 3. As a note, these computers aren't on the same network.

Is there something (preferably free) that handles this use case?

Other considerations: If I can also sync iPhone/iPod Touch apps (these computers all have the same iTunes account and are all "authorized computers"), that would be awesome.

I considered using DropBox and symlinks as described here to keep the "iTunes Library.itl" synched among all the computers I use, but that isn't really tenable. The problem is that the ITL file is a monolith - all iTunes library information is stored in there, not just the podcast subscriptions (or app download records), which are what I'm interested in. So if I were to do this, then on each computer I'd have the same library, with every link being broken for any files that were on one and not the other (just the library metadata in the form of the ITL file is being synched here, not the data itself), and removing any broken links would propagate the removal to all the other computers--definitely not something I want!

Also, if the solution is "don't use iTunes, [just jailbreak and] use product X to download podcasts and sync them to your iPod" then I am totally cool with that. I have no great love for iTunes.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Skype: How to record a podcast?

I am doing a podcast with some friends. We are planning to do this by getting onto a Skype conference call and discussing our topic.

Is there a way to record this Skype conference conversation into a MP3?

(The OS is Windows XP.)

Source: (StackOverflow)

Re-downloading accidentally deleted podcasts in iTunes

I deleted some previously downloaded podcast episodes in iTunes 9 and I'd like to re-download them. (I don't want to manually re-download them because then they won't show up in the podcast's list in the iTunes Podcast section.)

I've read http://blog.krisgielen.be/archives/54 as well as Way to get old podcasts in iTunes where the suggestion is to delete the iTunes entries for the podcasts I'd like to recover, then hold shift while re-opening that podcast's little triangle icon. Here's the problem though: holding shift and re-opening the triangle tells iTunes to refresh the RSS feed, and it's possible that the RSS feed no longer contains the item you want.

What I'm really looking for is a means of getting the "Get" button (that normally appears on un-downloaded podcasts) to reappear on the episodes I've previously downloaded but deleted.

enter image description here

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to make iTunes download all podcast episodes irrespective of listened/not

I am a big iPod user (especially podcasts). I have used iPod touch, iPod classic and iPod nano. I noticed that iTunes stops downloading podcasts that you no longer listen to and stops downloading them. Is there a way to force iTunes to download all episodes of podcasts irrespective of whether you listen to them or not?

I am not interested in just clicking a episode to make iTunes think that I'm listening. I need some kind of programmatic work around or batch script that runs and updates all podcasts/episodes automatically.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a way to get iTunes to automatically play all items in a podcast?

iTunes always stops at the end of each track in a podcast, forcing you to manually queue up the next one by hand. This is all well and good for longer podcasts like the stackoverflow one, but for the NPR podcasts, which are generally ~5 minutes long, it would be nice if it could play through them like a normal playlist.

Is this possible to do? I haven't found any configuration option anywhere allowing this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Obtaining podcasts without using iTunes, how?

Is it possible to search for podcasts without using iTunes? I’m running Fedora so I would prefer not to have to install iTunes in Wine.

Is there an application or plugin to RhythmBox that allows you to search for podcasts the same way as iTunes does? Maybe even connect to the same repository/listings of podcasts?

There are some podcasts I subscribe to that aren’t hosted on websites, so unless I can access them in an iTunes-like fashion, I can’t easilly get to them.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Podcasting: Pipe internet audio to conference calls

I have a podcast and we use Skype and Audio Hijack to record all of us.

How would I go about piping audio so the other people on the Skype conference call can hear it real time? I would like a software solution if possible. I realize they are several hardware solutions available.

Source: (StackOverflow)