

Python Low-Overhead Profiler

Unable to boot usb in virtualBox

i m unable to boot usb flash drive in virtual box. so I installed plop for boot options, after which i was able to use "usb boot option" after which i got a blank 'black dos screen' . Usb is bootable and works fine on my physical laptop. I think may it is something related to bios as this feature is not provided in virtual box. Any ideas ? What could be the possible reason ?

-i installed the extension pack 4.1.26 for usb support in vbox (same version as that of VBox) -i tried plop version 5.0.13 and 5.0.14

Or suggest me any alternative to plop so that i can boot usb in VBox.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Password protect PDF using PLOP (PDFLib)

I'm trying to give my users the option of password protecting the PDFs they create via PDFLib. I've read the documentation regarding PLOP, and came across the following paragraph in appendix A of the the manual (located here):

Memory-Based Combination The memory-based method is faster, but requires more memory. It is recommended for dynamic PDF generation and signature in Web applications unless you deal with very large documents. Instead of generating a PDF file on disk with PDFlib, use in-core PDF generation by supplying an empty file name to PDF_begin_document( ), fetch the contents of the buffer containing the generated PDF data using PDF_get_buffer( ), and create a virtual file with PLOP_create_pvf( ) . The file name used for the virtual file can then be passed to PLOP/PLOP DS using PLOP_open_document( ) without having to create a physical file on disk. Note that it is not possible to fetch the PDFlib buffer contents in multiple portions since the full document must be supplied to PLOP/PLOP DS in a single buffer. Therefore you must call PDF_get_buffer( ) between PDF_end_document( ) and PDF_delete( ). The hellosign programming sample, which is included in all PLOP packages, demonstrates how to use PDFlib for dynamically creating a PDF document and passing it to PLOP in memory for applying a digital signature.

So far I have the following method written, to be called prior to PDF_end_document(), as the manual instructs:

function encrypt_pdf($pdf_buffer, $password) {
    $optlist = '';
    $filename = "temp";
    create_pvf($filename, $pdf_buffer, $optlist);   

    $optlist = "masterpassword=$password";

    open_document($filename, $optlist);
    $doc = create_file($filename, $optlist);


I have no idea how to proceed from here. There is no documentation that I've found that even remotely covers what I'm trying to do (even though I imagine this is a common usage of the PLOP API).

How can I complete this method, and password protect my output PDF?

Source: (StackOverflow)


How to uninstall Plop boot manager from MBR

I installed Plop boot manager (http://www.plop.at/en/bootmanagers.html) on my hard drive MBR. I had to install an operating system on a system that does not support boot from USB. Now, I have installed the operating system and I want to remove the plop from MBR. How can I do that, step by step please ? My Current OS: Windows 7

Source: (StackOverflow)