
playlist interview questions

Top playlist frequently asked interview questions

Co-op playlist of music? [closed]

Anyone knows a website which can play a list of songs (like grooveshark), but also allows to manage that playlist by a predefined group of people by a some cooperative system (like voting)?

In my job, I like to listen music on the speakers but not everyone enjoys the same music, and I think we could use an application where every member of the team can introduce a song and/or vote on them.

I imagine the vote system being similar to reddit (or stackoverflow) in the way that every team member can vote up or down once for each song. And the most voted songs are played before the rest.

Is there a web site or any kind of application which can maintain a playlist by many people?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can you add videos automatically to watch later based on a subscription?

Is there a way to automatically add videos to your watch later list if you are subscribed to a channel?

I want to utilize my watch later list to play through my subscriptions so that I can leave the window running in the background during my workday without constantly going back to the Youtube tab in my browser to add videos to the list.

I've looked at ifttt.com and haven't been able to find a task within the Youtube channel that will allow me to interact with my subscriptions.

Source: (StackOverflow)


How do I see how many views a YouTube playlist has?

I created a YouTube playlist. How do I see how many views the playlist has acquired? I don't want to see how many channel views I have, I want to see playlist views.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Cannot disable auto-play for each video in YouTube embed playlist

<iframe width="763" height="448" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/videoseries?list=PLD7SqVUGDdDBw_xmMKTDF5MlBwys_KlUk&showinfo=0&rel=0&autoplay=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen style="margin-top:5px; margin-left:5px;"></iframe>

When I try it embedding just a video it works, but when I disable auto-play in "embed playlist code", it doesn't work.

In first video it doesn't play automatically but when video ends, it plays the next video—I want it to stop after each video.

Any idea?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to continue to playback the last time position when opening a YouTube playlist?

I'm watching this playlist and it has tens of clips that I can hardly watch at once.

The problem I have is that the next time I open the playlist, it starts from the clip #1.

How can I get YouTube to return to the last position of one playlist?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to do advanced search and sorting for public Spotify playlists?

There are more than one billion public playlists available on Spotify. But as far as I can tell, the only way to search for them is to enter a word in the universal search field (I mostly use the desktop client for Mac), scroll down in the instant results and click the "Playlists" category.

At that point you can scroll through a variety of resulting public playlists that include the search term in the title of the playlist. But you cannot search for song or artist or album in a playlist. And there appears to be no order to the search results (maybe it's alphabetical, but this isn't useful). Some playlists are just a single album. Others are an artist's entire body of work. You wouldn't know what is what without clicking into each and every playlist.

Is there any way to sort playlists by followers, filter by date last updated, or otherwise search all public playlists to return more relevant results?

(There are a few relevant questions at Stack Overflow re: this request, but I haven't yet found a service that actually implements any of these searching/sorting functionalities.)

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to programmatically add videos to YouTube playlist? [closed]

I have a list of several YouTube URLs that I would like to add programmatically to a YouTube playlist (in my channel). (Actually, I have several target playlists in mind, each getting a subset of the URLs in my list.)

Is there a way I can add these programmatically (e.g. with Python or Perl, etc.)?


PS: (I imagine realize that there's a way to do this using the YouTube API, but my (very limited) understanding of this approach is that it would require me to create and register (with Google) a web app, and it would be this web app that would make API calls. If this picture is correct, it looks like a lot of hassle for what I want to do.)

Edit: By way of clarification:

  1. I am familiar with the info given Adding a video to a playlist, but, as I explained, I am hoping to find some other way to do this.

  2. I have no problem with registering myself to get a developer key, nor I have any problem with including a developer key with every request; but, in principle, including a developer key in one's requests does not require a webapp (a simple script, or even a command-line one-liner, is perfectly adequate, technically speaking, to this task); therefore, the webapp business seems to me an extraneous artifact of Google's registration procedure, one that greatly complicates what would otherwise be a very simple programming task.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to load a YouTube playlist?

When I search for something on YouTube, and there's a playlist among the search results, I click that list, and it's "loaded" (that is, there's the playlist bar at the bottom of the window, where I can manage the videos; the videos will play one by one automatically; and the rest of the page looks according to the default YouTube theme). This is exactly what I want.

Now, if I specifically go to some person's channel, click Playlists, and click the playlist I want, how do I "load" that playlist in the same manner? It just won't load, it will keep me on the person's channel page (looks of which I might hate), and the videos from the playlist will just sit there, in the column to the right, and won't automatically play one by one.

Currently my workaround is:

  • Go to the channel.
  • Find the playlist I want.
  • Copy the name of the playlist into the search box. Search.
  • Find the playlist in the search results and click it. Voila, it's "loaded."

I hate doing that every time.
How do I load (in the described way) a playlist I manually selected at someone's channel?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I stream or scrape a playlist from playlists.net?

In the site playlist.net there is a button "Play Now"

It asks me to open spotify to play. How can I play that list without spotify?

Or how can I gen a text-based export of the playlist somehow?

Each Entry in that list looks like this in html:

<ul class="track-info">
        <li rel="3:44" class="duration">3:44</li>
        <li rel="18. Let it Down" class="track-title 1LOiTXtJUQIvwiWGX70HpI ellipsis">18. Let it Down</li>
        <li style="" rel="Cowboy Indian Bear" class="artist 1LOiTXtJUQIvwiWGX70HpI ellipsis">Cowboy Indian Bear</li>

maybe you can scrape the title and artist somehow?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Deleted playlist videos on YouTube?

If you put a video of another YouTube user in your playlist, let's say episodes of an anime, then make it public, will it get a higher chance of being deleted by YouTube? The anime episodes I put in my public playlist all got deleted (each and everyone uploaded by different users).

Source: (StackOverflow)

Minimal video list

Is there a site like opentape.fm or trntbl.me but for videos? Where people can create a playlist but with a minimal and clean interface. Must support youtube, other video sharing sites would be a plus but not essential at the moment.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Looking for a song I heard yesterday. Is there a playist each day?

Is there a Pandora play list each day? I heard a song yesterday and want to find it but can't remember the name. No singing, 1987 on album cover, long name started w/ B.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Are playlist videos supposed to autoplay even when autoplay is disabled for the playlist?

Whenever I watch a video from someone's playlist, if I'm viewing the video in full screen, and the video ends, then the next video in the playlist immediately starts playing.

In the playlist bar at the bottom of the video page, I have both "autoplay" and "shuffle" set to OFF, so is it still supposed to continue autoplaying the playlist? I've already cleared my cookies and cache, but neither fixed it.

People appear to have been complaining about this problem at least two years ago. Is anyone else still experiencing this at the moment?

If this is normal behavior, then can anyone suggest a fix? Is the only way to fix this is to remove &list= part from the URL?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What's a good way to setup a music-listening server for small company?

We're 6 people inside a big room.

We have a server with speakers connected. Sometimes we go to that server and put something playing from a cloud service such as grooveshark. But when the selection ends, noone goes there to put some more, and it sits without any music for some time. Also, there's no control over who chooses what music next, or any way for us to choose the music from our own desktop. And we like music, we don't want to listen to the same library over and over again, we want to be refreshened with music, sometimes by each others suggestions, sometimes by other people's suggestions.

When I saw turntable.fm, it seemed a great solution. We could sometimes have others dj for us, we could list the musics each of us wanted and have each flavor served on turns, we could upvote or downvote music, control it from our desktops, etc. But the day before I was going to put it working, it got blocked outside US. (We're in Portugal) I know there are ways to work-around it, but that would require us to use proxying services in each of our desktops, it just seems like a lot of work for such an accessory thing.

I'm not looking necessarily for a turntable.fm alternative, but a solution that would allow us to have:

  • Music played directly from the cloud in a ubuntu unused desktop with speakerphones
  • Collaboratively edited playlist from our own desktops, specially through webapp/browser
  • New music discovery (if we're out of ideas, we should have an easy way to get suggestions, or auto-played)
  • Bonus item: way for us to say if we like or not the music and helps us into getting a playlist that we keep enjoying

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to copy YouTube playlist from one account to another

The link below provides the old answer to this question. The new YouTube playlist play interface is very different. So, what's the trick now? Tired of searching!

How can you transfer your playlists from one YouTube account to other?

Source: (StackOverflow)