

A platform detection library. bestiejs/platform.js · GitHub platform.js - a platform detection library.

Can you do Desktop Development using JavaScript?

I know there's JScript.NET, but it isn't the same as the JavaScript we know from the web.

Does anyone know if there are any JavaScript based platforms/compilers for desktop development? Most specifically Windows desktop development.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I write a C++ program that will easily compile in Linux and Windows?

I am making a C++ program.

One of my biggest annoyances with C++ is its supposed platform independence.

You all probably know that it is pretty much impossible to compile a Linux C++ program in Windows and a Windows one to Linux without a deluge of cryptic errors and platform specific include files.

Of course you can always switch to some emulation like Cygwin and wine, but I ask you, is there really no other way?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Python: What is the hard recursion limit for Linux, Mac and Windows?

Python's sys module provides a function setrecursionlimit that lets you change Python's maximum recursion limit. The docs say:

The highest possible limit is platform-dependent.

My question is: What is the highest possible limits for various platforms, under CPython? I would like to know the values for Linux, Mac and Windows.

UPDATE: Can we please avoid "You're doing it wrong" answers? I know that trying to do very deep recursion is usually a bad idea. I've considered the pros and cons in my specific situation and decided that I want to do it.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Java Desktop application framework [closed]

I am working on designing and building a desktop application. I am thinking about using eclipse or netbeans for the base of this application. However, I have never built on either of these platforms. I am personally leaning to using netbeans because it seams like that platform is an easer learning curve. But, I wanted to ask people that have actually build on these platforms before which one is easier to use?

My personal definition of easer is as follows:

  • Easy to get started with

  • Consistent and logical API

  • Good documentation

  • Easy to build and deploy

Thanks very much,


Source: (StackOverflow)

How to test for Windows 7 platform?

I have a Java app which needs to run differently when on Windows 7.

How would you check which Windows version is present? Is it enough to check for OS version 6.1?

Source: (StackOverflow)

BREW: Why does anyone care for it anymore?

I am aware of the variety of possible platforms for mobile development. However, I pretty much wonder what you can tell me about Qualcomm's BREW? Why does anyone care for it anymore? I mean, with J2ME's portability (the interest in J2ME must surely be dying in the middle-high class devices), Android Market and Appstore, how could anyone still make profit with BREW apps? The fact is that I could not find any recent article about BREW's future.

I know I sound ignorant and that is the very reason why I ask.


Source: (StackOverflow)

Visual Studio 2008 Project Properties Build Configuration Missing Options

I have a strange problem, and hopefully someone can help me.

I have a solution with 13 separate C# projects. I am using Vista x64 to develop on, and I would like to build these projects to target the x86 platform. This is normally quite easy. I can go to solution properties -> Configuration properties and change the platform to x86. The strange part here is that 3 of my projects refuse to allow me to select x86.

So, I thought I'd go to each of these 3 projects separately and change it in Project Properties->Build and change the Platform. And the Configuration and Platform dropdowns are not there for these projects. I googled around a bit, and found a setting in Tools->Options->Projects And Solutions->Show Advanced build configuration. After selecting this, when going to Project Properties for the offending projects, I now see both dropdowns, but the platform only lets me select Active (Any CPU).

I can also not change the Platform in Solution properties to x86 for these projects.

Any ideas?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to add Android to Phonegap Platforms version 3

After much digging, i believe that this problem is related to me not having any platforms added for phonegap to build from. This is missing from their documentation.

When i trying to add a platofrm phonegap

Running code

C:\var\www\sexdiaries.co.uk\sexdiaries>phonegap platform add andriod
   [error] 'platform add andriod' is not a node C:\Users\Hutber\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_m
 See 'node C:\Users\Hutber\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\phonegap\bin\phonegap.js help'



  keyword            | local environment | remote environment
  android            | ?                 | ?
  blackberry         | ? (BlackBerry 10) | ? (BlackBerry 6)
  ios                | ?                 | ?
  symbian            | ?                 | ?
  webos              | ?                 | ?
  wp7                | ?                 | ?
  wp8                | ?                 | ?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is it possible to configure the Build Configuration to automatically add suffixes for target platform?

is it possible to setup (ideally from GUI) the Build Configuration to automatically add suffixes to the output files according to the target platform ?

I mean, I will have for instance library project named Project and I would like to get

Project.dll - when I build the project for 32-bit platform
Project64.dll - when I build the project for 64-bit platform

Thank you

Source: (StackOverflow)

Java: platform's default charset on different platforms?

Some legacy code relies on the platform's default charset for translations. For Windows and Linux installations in the "western world" I know what that means. But thinking about Russian or Asian platforms I am totally unsure what their platform's default charset is (just UTF-16?).

Therefore I would like to know what I would get when executing the following code line:

System.out.println("Default Charset=" + Charset.defaultCharset());

Edit: I don't want to discuss the problems of charsets and their difference to unicode here. I just want to collect what operating systems will result in what specific charset. Please post only concrete values!

Source: (StackOverflow)

How Did You Decide Between WISA and LAMP? [closed]

Did you ever have to choose between WISA or LAMP at the beginning of a web project?

While pros and cons are littered around the net, it would be helpful to know about your real experience in coming up w/ criteria, evaluating, deciding, and reflecting upon your decision to go w/ either platform.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Ethics of billing for work done on a platform you just started learning [closed]

While this doesn't apply to my present situation, I'm sure we've all been there before. You're a Java developer who's been asked to develop an app in C#, or you're a ASP.NET developer asked to do something in ASP.NET MVC, or a PHP developer with the opportunity to do a Rails or Django site.

Fundamentally, if you're a competent programmer, these sorts of platform shifts shouldn't really be a problem. Given enough time, you can expect to become as proficient as you were on your old platform.

However, if this is a freelance project for a client, does it seem at all unethical to be learning this platform on their dime? Assuming said client doesn't give you an unlimited amount of time to finish the project, there are going to be compromises and possible quality issues due to your inexperience.

That said, you have to start somewhere and not everyone has the luxury of spare time to tinker with new languages/platforms. Sometimes its necessary to just bite the bullet try and plan things intelligently and just get it done and get paid.

Does this seem unethical? Would accepting a lower rate make it more ethical?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Which Android platform and API to target?

I'm just about to launch my first Android app, and it runs on the Android 1.1 platform, API Level 2, but is this what I should officially sign and launch the app as? Does it affect performance at all or is it simply for Android to know which devices it works on?

The only problem I see is that I can't specify <supports-screens> in the Manifest, which I would like to do, but it appears I'd have to launch at 1.6 at least for this to work.

Would I be missing a huge number of phones by launching at 1.6 instead of 1.1?

Thank you!

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can I do everything in C that C++ and C# and Java can do? [closed]

Is it possible to write in C programming language everything that you could write in other languages such as Java, C# or C++. If that's the case why don't schools these days teach C instead of Java?

Ok the main reason why I am asking is because I don't want to tie down to a single programming language and platform (.NET and C# or Obj-C and Cocoa). Perhaps I am confusing a programming language with a framework? If anyone could clarify all this for me, I'd certainly vote for your answer.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Android Developer Dashboard national/regional version

As many of you may know, Google has provided us with a nice Dashboard that shows us the current distribution of active Android devices along certain characteristics, such as platform version or screen size.

It would be nice to have some similar information, but counting devices only in a specific region or country. For example, I am a Hungarian developer currently working on applications that are almost certainly only useful for people living here, in Hungary. Thus, I don't need to know the world's statistics, only the Hungarian subset - which would be slightly different due to lesser and later availability of the devices and general economical reasons.

So far I could not find such statistics, so I ask you, have you ever stumbled upon something like that? Or shall I write to Google and ask for this seemingly not too complicated feature?

Source: (StackOverflow)