

Javascript Pivot Table (aka Pivot Grid, Pivot Chart, Cross-Tab) implementation with drag'n'drop. Page Redirection

How to fetch the rendered data from jquery pivot table

I am using pivottable.js of jquery. On drag-and-drop the inputs to the available divs, we get the table rendered simulatenously. So we downloaded the plugin and used "pivotUI loaded from CSV". The problem is how am i suppose to fetch the rendered data to be used further in my d3 visualisation.

Source: (StackOverflow)

PivotTable.js - pivot() always return count() values

I am using PivotTable.js and I am trying to use pivot() to create a table as follows:

    <script type="text/javascript">
            var tpl = $.pivotUtilities.aggregatorTemplates;

            $.getJSON("9_Response.json", function(mps) {
                $("#output").pivot(mps, {
                    derivedAttributes: {
                        "Market": function(mp) {
                            return mp["market"];
                        "Year": function(mp) {
                            return mp["stYear"];
                    aggregators: {
                        "Sum1": function() { return tpl.sum()(["totSale"])}
                    rows: ["Market"],
                    cols: ["Year"],
                    aggregatorName: "Sum1",
                    rendererName: "Table"

When I use PivotUI() it works fine but I would like to create a static table only, without UI (without drag n' drop attributes, renderers and aggregator selectors). I need just the table. With pivot() I am getting always sums of the record count, not the sums of the field values. Could you please advise of how to resolve this?

Source: (StackOverflow)


How to use Pivot.js with angular application?

I have set up an angular application which uses the pivot.js tp build a pivot table. i am getting an error

"Cannot read property 'derivers' of undefined"

Here is the code:



    $scope.products =  [];
    var client = $objectstore.getClient("com.duosoftware.test","product");
      if (data){
          $scope.products = data;
           var derivers = $.pivotUtilities.derivers;
        $("#productsPivotTableOutput").pivotUI($scope.products, {
            rows: ["Name"],
            cols: ["CanBeSold"],
            rendererName: "Table"


do i have to inject pivot js somewhere? This is the sample i followed! Pivot with angular

Source: (StackOverflow)

ReferenceError: NReco PivotTable Extensions is not defined

I am trying for sorting functionality in Pivot Table.I have created Pivot Table by using pivotTable.js . Using nrecopivot.js , trying for sorting but i am getting ReferenceError: NReco PivotTable Extensions is not defined . Any help? I am creating pivot table using this code.

var nrecoPivotExt = new NRecoPivotTableExtensions({
                drillDownHandler: function (dataFilter) {

                    var filterParts = [];
                    for (var k in dataFilter) {

            var stdRendererNames = ["Table","Table Barchart","Heatmap","Row Heatmap","Col Heatmap"];
            var wrappedRenderers = $.extend( {}, $.pivotUtilities.renderers);
            $.each(stdRendererNames, function() {
                var rName = this;
                wrappedRenderers[rName] = nrecoPivotExt.wrapTableRenderer(wrappedRenderers[rName]);
            var pivotRepName = "pivotData.csv";
            var derivers = $.pivotUtilities.derivers;
                $.get(pivotRepName , function(mps) {
                    $("#Result").pivotUI($.csv.toArrays(mps), {
                         renderers: $.extend(
                         renderers: wrappedRenderers,
                         rendererOptions: { sort: { direction : "desc", column_key : [ 2014 ]} },
                         rendererName: "Table",

Source: (StackOverflow)

pivottable.js Aggregator

I'm using the pivottable.js plugin here.

pivottable.js aggregator documentation.

I want to to use my data for "Users" as the value in the pivot table cells. Right now I am accessing user data from my info[] array. I also have it set as a "row" value currently. I want to modify this so that "Users" will be my VALUE in the cells of the table.

function refreshTable(){

console.log("Starting Pivot Table Population");

//ajax start

        //loop through the data and feed to the pivotUI
        var info = [];
        for (var ii=0; ii < array.length; ii++) {
                Skill: array[ii][0],
                Users: array[ii][3],
                IOT: array[ii][1],
                IMT: array[ii][2],
                Level: array[ii][4]});

        //pivot UI
                rows: ["Row","Users"],
                cols: ["Col1","Col2","Col3"]

        //end of ajax function "TYPE"
        , "json")

Source: (StackOverflow)

Rendering pivot attributes in a new line/column after a certain number of them

We are using nicolaskruchten's pivottable library, and we would like to limit the number of attributes shown per line on the x or y axis so after a certain number of them, they can "jump" to a different line in case of axis x attributes or column in case of axis y attributes.

Another way to see this is to define a fixed width for the container header row so the attributes can go in multiple lines by default after loading a certain number of them.

Thank you all for the insight given.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Prevent javascript component from refreshing my entire page

I am adding pivottable.js (after reading of it here http://www.wissel.net/stw/wisselblog.nsf) into an xPages application. The component loads but I have a problem when the component which allows for filtering of the data, is done on my xPage it refreshes the entire page instead of just the chart.

Here is a demo of the app, You can see that when you hit the drop down on a category you can filter and once that is done it does a partial refresh to filter the data. http://nicolas.kruchten.com/pivottable/examples/mps.html

On my xPage when I filter the data it refreshes the entire page. Is there a way to prevent this behavior?

Below is the relevant code. The code not included is just grabbed from the project unmodified but I can include if needed.

I am using using a custom control on the xpage

<xc:ccPivot disableTheme="true"></xc:ccPivot></xp:view>

Inside the custom control there isn't much. I have tried calling the script at the bottom of the page but that made no change.

  <script type="text/javascript" src="callPivotTable"></script>

    <xp:script src="/pivot.js" clientSide="true"></xp:script>
    <xp:styleSheet rel='nofollow' href="/pivot.css"></xp:styleSheet>

    <xp:script src="/jquery-ui-1.9.2.custom.min.js"
        <xp:script src="/d3_renderers.js" clientSide="true"></xp:script>

 <div id="output" style="margin: 10px;"></div>

Here is the callPivotTable script

            var derivers = $.pivotUtilities.derivers;

            $.getJSON("./xRest.xsp/restService2", function(mps) {


You will notice that I am not calling jQuery as a resource here. That is because I am using the bootstrap4xpages extension library which loads jQuery. Not sure if that makes a difference or not.

Here is a link to a working nsf. It is using the bootstrap extension library, and bootstrapv2.3.2 but will load fine in bootstrap3 with the same problems. Link to nsf

Source: (StackOverflow)

Adding responsiveness to pivottable

I have been using (http://nicolas.kruchten.com/pivottable) pivottable.js in one of my application. The table has been rendered fine but I am facing issues while adding responsiveness to my UI. The table don't shrink to the div sizes defined for small view port using media queries. Regardless of view-port the table always plots to the same size. Also the width of the columns of table seems to be non-changeable. I have tried to change the defined classes for col in pivot.css but that doesn't seem to do the trick.

table.pvtTable .pvtColLabel {text-align: center; width:50px;}
table.pvtTable .pvtTotalLabel {text-align: right; width: 50px;}

Also below is how I have used media queries on the div on "graph" class where the table is plotted:

@media (min-width: 320px) and (max-width: 640px) {

    /*Making gray box span across the screen*/
    body {
        padding-left: 0px; /*changed to avoid hz scroll on mobile device*/
        padding-right: 0px; /*changed to avoid hz scroll on mobile device*/
        padding-top: 0px;
    #console {
        /* Negative indent footer by it's height */
    margin: 0px auto -40px;
.graph {
    background-color: #ebebeb;
    padding: 5px;

    background-color: #fff;
    padding: 5px;

Please guide me if I am going wrong somewhere.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to apply filters dynamically in nicolaskruchten pivottable.js

I am using nicolaskruchten pivottable, for displaying my data using:

    {country: "USA", city: "Boston"},
    {country: "USA", city: "NYC"},
    {country: "UK", city: "London"},
    rows: ["country"],
    cols: ["city"]

Its displaying table properly but now I want to filter my data dynamically in the table.

One of the way is, to filter my available data and redraw pivot table with filter data. I want to know if there is any inbuilt filter method available.

There is an provision for a filter object in the options array of pivot(input [,options]) method but not able to find any example to implement.

If anyone can suggest me how to proceed further ?

Source: (StackOverflow)

pivottable display html in table

I am trying to use https://github.com/nicolaskruchten/pivottable, basically I want to show image in the table. What I've done so far is ; but it wont display the image as img tag instead it considers it as string

<script type="text/javascript">
            {product: "product1", image: "<img src='image1' alt='' height='42' width='42'>"}, 
            {product: "product2", image: "<img src='image2' alt='' height='42' width='42'>"}

<p><a rel='nofollow' href="http://nicolas.kruchten.com/pivottable/examples/index.html">« back to examples</a></p>
<div id="output" style="margin: 10px;"></div>

Source: (StackOverflow)