

Ruby gem that provides an AR-style interface for the Pivotal Tracker API jsmestad/pivotal-tracker · GitHub pivotal-tracker - ruby gem that provides an ar-style interface for the pivotal tracker api

Free alternative to Atlassian Greenhopper/PivotalTracker?

I'm working with my brother on a website idea we have, and we'd like to use a tool to plan sprints and assign estimates to individual tickets.

Atlassian's JIRA+Greenhopper looks fantastic but costs $20/month and at this stage we're just validating our idea and would rather not spend money on a tool if we can avoid it.

Are there any free alternatives to these tools?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to add story to top of pivotal tracker backlog with API

I've got two situations, either high or low priority.

High-pri should go to top of backlog. low-pri should go to top of icebox.

In order to send something to top of backlog, you have to add current_state=unstarted and before_id=[id of first item in backlog]

getting the first item in backlog is a simple fetch to the /stories?limit=1&current_state=unplanned except this request on average seems to take 10-15 seconds!

Am i going about this incorrectly?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Pivotal Tracker API epics

I'm currently putting together a dashboard for my team to display a number of pivotal tracker stats at a glance. I'm trying to implement a widget right now displays stats for stories on an epic-specific basis, but I don't see anything in the pivotal tracker api documentation for this. Does anyone know a way to select stories on the basis of the epic using the pivotal tracker api for ruby?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I automate Pivotal Tracker & Github Integration?

Pivotal Tracker and Github have great integration: Once it's set up, each commit which is prefixed by the Pivotal Tracker ID will appear under the corresponding Pivotal Ticket automatically, for an example:

git commit -am '[#1234567] my new changes'
git push origin

will add the comment 'my new changes' automatically to the 1234567 Pivotal Ticket among with the github commit link.

However, it's easy to forget to add the ticket ID each time. How could it be simplified / automated?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What is your workflow to coordinate Pivotal Tracker with Mercurial?

I want to use Pivotal Tracker for a new project but I don't know how to use it with Mercurial to make it easy to go from one tool to the other.

What workflow do you use to link user stories/feature in Pivotal Tracker with your DVCS (Mercurial/Git)?

Thanks in advance for your advices.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Issue tracking system? [closed]

My current company is on a political struggle between keeping using some issue tracking that is weird, hard to use and which no developer likes, and Github Issues (which almost everyone loves). The only advantage on the former is the time-tracker it sorta does. GitHub Issues currently doesn't have time tracking. Could I use Github issues itself to do this, or is there a similar application which can also handle time-tracking using commits?

My main needs are:

  • Story points
  • Time-tracking
  • Labels
  • API accessible

Pivotal Tracker is the closest one I've seen so far (it tracks story points, while GitHub doesn't), but their time-tracking is not so great and I could not find a way to access time-track using the API.

Any suggestions? Thanks!

Source: (StackOverflow)

calculating the sum of specific array values in ruby?

Pivotal Tracker is a project management tool that I use. I'm using the Pivotal Tracker Ruby Gem to access the API.

I'm trying to create a hash of each member with the number of points that they have assigned to them.

The end result should look something like:

{"Joe Jones"=>5, "Jane Smith"=>6, "John Doe"=>3} 

I've already created an array of each of the members in the project in @members.

I wrote the code below to help me create a hash of each member with the corresponding number of stories he/she has assigned, but what I really need is the sum of the estimate value for each story assigned to them (estimate is the point value for a given story).

#creates a hash of members to number of stories assigned.
    for i in 0..@members.length-1
      my_hash[@members[i]] = project.stories.all(:owned_by => @members[i], :current_state => ['started', 'unstarted']).length

So, I'm wondering how, for each member, I can sum up the estimate value of each story owned_by that particular member. NOTE: Unestimated stories have -1 in the estimate field and should not be included in the sum.

Any help on how I can modify the above loop to iterate through each of the stories and sum the estimate values (excluding minus 1s) would be much appreciated. I have a feeling there's some nice Ruby jujitsu to get this done!

Sample data returned by project.stories.all(:owned_by => @members[i], :current_state => ['started', 'unstarted']) in case people are wondering about the format:

[#<PivotalTracker::Story:0x007f9d6b8 @id=314, @url="http://www.pivotaltracker.com/", @created_at=#<DateTime: 2012-06-18T20:23:42+00:00 ((2456097j,73422s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>, @accepted_at=nil, @project_id=12345, @name="Test ", @description="This is the description for \"Test\"", @story_type="feature", @estimate=5, @current_state="unstarted", @requested_by="joe jones", @owned_by="joe jones", @labels=nil, @jira_id=nil, @jira_url=nil, @other_id=nil, @integration_id=nil, @deadline=nil, @attachments=[]>, #<PivotalTracker::Story:0x007f9d6b8 @id=315, @url="http://www.pivotaltracker.com/", @created_at=#<DateTime: 2012-06-18T20:25:20+00:00 ((2456097j,73520s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>, @accepted_at=nil, @project_id=12345, @name="Test 2", @description="This is the description for \"Test 2\"", @story_type="feature", @estimate=3, @current_state="unstarted", @requested_by="joe jones", @owned_by="joe jones"", @labels=nil, @jira_id=nil, @jira_url=nil, @other_id=nil, @integration_id=nil, @deadline=nil, @attachments=[]>, #<PivotalTracker::Story:0x007f9d6b8 @id=316, @url="http://www.pivotaltracker.com/story/", @created_at=#<DateTime: 2012-06-18T20:25:26+00:00 ((2456097j,73526s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>, @accepted_at=nil, @project_id=12345, @name="Test 3", @description="Description for Test 3 ", @story_type="feature", @estimate=-1, @current_state="started", @requested_by="joe jones", @owned_by="joe jones", @labels=nil, @jira_id=nil, @jira_url=nil, @other_id=nil, @integration_id=nil, @deadline=nil, @attachments=[]>] 

P.S. Suggestions for how to make this title more descriptive would be much appreciated.

Source: (StackOverflow)

pivotal tracker email integration hook in java

we are with a simple requirement to be able to create a story in PivotalTracker when an email goes is sent to our org id like say bugs@my-org.com

I could find couple or ruby based wrappers but nothing in java which I can run on our GAE app. Any advise if any such solution exists?

There are some api mention at https://www.pivotaltracker.com/help/api?version=v3#add_story with code in curl

curl -H "X-TrackerToken: $TOKEN" -X POST -H "Content-type: application/xml" \
    -d "<story><story_type>feature</story_type><name>Fire torpedoes</name><requested_by>James Kirk</requested_by></story>" \

not sure how do we do it in java?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What are some approaches for organizing tasks in Pivotal Tracker?

We're just started using Pivotal Tracker to manage our todo list for our main application. We recently began a huge new feature, and so the last 50 or so tasks are all to do with that feature.

However, I now have to make a hotfix for our current release, and it just feels wrong to stick it in with all of the tasks for the big new feature. I'd like to find a standard way to organize similar tasks.

So, how are some ways that you organize tasks in Pivotal Tracker (or another system if it's relevant)?

Do you create tags for each feature and each release? If a bug is related to a feature, do you tag it as such? Where do you draw the line between a taggable feature verses a simple client request?

Thanks! I'm very eager to hear your thoughts!

Source: (StackOverflow)

How in node.js send response with array of json objects?

I want to return array of finished pivotal stories using pivotal-node module for node.js.

app.get('/delivered_stories', function(request, response) {             
  pivotal.getProjects(function (err, data) {
    var project_ids = data.project.map(function(x) { return parseInt(x.id); });
    console.log('Retrived project ids: '.blue + project_ids);

    project_ids.forEach(function(id) {
      pivotal.getStories(id, { filter: "state:finished" }, function(err, story) {
    response.end(); // End the JSON array and response.

What I am doing wrong? And how to fix it? I get an error:

    throw new Error('Can\'t set headers after they are sent.');
Error: Can't set headers after they are sent.

Whole code: https://gist.github.com/regedarek/30b2f35e92a7f98f4e20

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to group or label features for a specific release in Pivotal Tracker?

I notice that the docs say that Epics are groups of stories, and that Releases are simply markers above and below prioritized lists of stories. I also note that we can use Epics as a kind of special label or tag to denote what can go in a release. My question is, are you using Pivotal Tracker epics to label what you WANT to go into a release, or what WILL go into a release, and why? Where in the process do you actually assign the epic label to the story?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Tickets for integration tests in Pivotal Tracker - chore or feature?

Say you're using Pivotal Tracker and making tickets for integration tests that are missing in a project. Would you make them as Chores or Features? Curious.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to migrate PivotalTracker user stories to Github issues? [closed]

Is there any beautiful and easy way to migrate all the user stories from Pivotal Tracker to GitHub Issues?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to use Requests Python module to make curl calls

I need to use an API that makes cURL calls. API shown here: https://www.pivotaltracker.com/help/api/rest/v5. I am coding in Python 2.7 and downloaded the Requests module to use for the cURL calls, however I'm not exactly sure how to do this. This is what I have so far:

import requests

username = 'my_username'
password = 'my_password'
url = 'https://www.pivotaltracker.com/n/projects/my_project_number'

r = requests.get(url, auth=(username, password))

Now that I have the response r, what do I do with it to make the cURL calls in order to use the API functions, such as the GET /projects/{project_id}/epics/{epic_id} function. The cURL call for this function is:

export TOKEN='your Pivotal Tracker API token'
export PROJECT_ID=99

curl -X GET -H "X-TrackerToken: $TOKEN" "https://www.pivotaltracker.com/services/v5/projects/$PROJECT_ID/epics/4"

Thanks for any help you can provide!

EDIT (thanks to @Rob Watts) Now this is my code:

import requests

username = 'my_username'
password = 'my_password'
url = 'https://www.pivotaltracker.com/services/v5/me'

r = requests.get(url, auth=(username, password))
response_json = r.json()
token = response_json['api_token']

project_id = 'my_project_id'
url = 'https://www.pivotaltracker.com/services/v5/projects/{}/epics/1'

r = requests.get(url.format(project_id), headers={'X-TrackerToken':token})

print r.text

But it still isn't working. This is the output:

  "code": "unfound_resource",
  "kind": "error",
  "error": "The object you tried to access could not be found.  It may have been removed by another user, you may be using the ID of another object type, or you may be trying to access a sub-resource at the wrong point in a tree."

But per the documentation, I expect something like this:

    "created_at": "2014-08-26T12:00:00Z",
    "description": "Identify the systems and eliminate the rebel scum.",
    "id": 1,

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to add git hook for sending commit messages into pivotal tracker story as comments?

I am using mac os, git(without github), gitolite as git server and pivotal tracker.

I would like to add git hook which notify pushed commit for ex: [#432324] some commit will add as a comment to PT story. And maybe I will be able to close finish story when in commit message will be 'Fixed' text.

Source: (StackOverflow)