
pinterest interview questions

Top pinterest frequently asked interview questions

Download an entire Pinterest board

I've got a Pinterest board that I don't own, but am able to access by browsing the URL.

Is there a way I can download the entire board, either natively or by some sort of extension?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Publish my Pinterest to a Facebook page?

Is it impossible to publish to a page timeline instead of to my personal timeline? I have a FB page for my website and a pinterest for my website, and I would love to enable automatic sharing so it shows up in the FB timeline of the page.

The default configuring is publishing to a personal timeline and FB every time asks to change to my personal user account, when I want to add Pinterest to my Facebook from pinterest.com.

Source: (StackOverflow)


Exclude Pinterest pins of the same image from the same domain

Where can you set up a search filter in Pinterest to not have to see the same image or photo that's been pinned and sourced from the same domain?

In this example, we've got a hankering for some potatoes and among the many shots of hash are things like the two here:

potatoes on pinterest

They're both from the same website, PlainChicken.com, but the doubling up is getting in the way of seeing more distinct or different potato pins because of this duplication.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I unfollow someone on Pinterest?

I'm trying to find the option that allows me to un-follow my Facebook friends on Pinterest. At the place where I would logically conclude an "unfollow" button would show up, I'm greeted only with a greyed-out "Following."

Below screenshot taken from the /invites/facebook URI, where you can expand your already subscribed friends.

List of people following

Is there a way to un-follow people on Pinterest?

Source: (StackOverflow)

When do pins on Pinterest have titles?

Below is the screenshot of my board on Pinterest. I don't understand why some pins (actually, most pins) don't have the title of the article.

screen shot

Here is my analysis:

  • Pin 1 and 2 are the same article, but pin 2 is shared to Pinterest through Pocket app in iPad, while pin 1 is pinned directly on web. Neither pin has the title, so I guess whether it is saved by an app or not is not a factor.

  • Pin 2 and 3 are saved through the Pocket app, but only pin 3 has a title. This strengthens the point I made above.

  • All three pins are saved from one website, so I guess which site is saved is not a factor.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Obtain Pinterest image's source URL

Pinterest lets users post images from other websites as a sort of image bookmark. Often when I come across a Pinterest post, I am interested in the original full-resolution source.

Pinterest posts have a "Website" link pointing to the web page the user pinned the image from. For this picture of a puppy, this links back to the gallery page for that specific image on Imgur (http://imgur.com/gallery/PSP7XRR), which is good.

However, frequently Pinterest posts just link uselessly to a website's home page or other time-dependent pages (commonly Tumblr blogs), which doesn't help much for finding the original image. For instance, this puppy picture goes to the source website's home page (http://www.cutestpaw.com/).

Can you get the source URL of the image itself from Pinterest?

(I'm aware of external reverse-image-search tools like Google Images and TinEye; these can't always find the source of an image. I'm asking whether Pinterest lets you see where it got the image from.)

Somewhat related (also involving image source URLs): Exclude Pinterest pins of the same image from the same domain

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why might Pinterest not show a pin in a search?

A friend of mine promotes his website by pinning pictures of his work on Pinterest. When searching the exact description, they don't show up. At all. Why might this be, and how could I go about fixing it? This is the pin in question, which isn't shown in a search of its description.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to create a Pinterest board with all images from an URL

I use Pinterest to announce my blog posts. Since I have a lot of pictures in my posts I'd like to create a Pinterest board including all pictures from one post.

I can do this by hand, but having 10+ images on one page makes this very tedious. Is there a way to automate this or at least make it less tedious?

I tried pinthemall.net but this creates a single image of all images, not a board with all the images.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Pinterest Pin It button and Facebook thumbnails don't work with uploaded images on WordPress blog. Why?

I have recently migrated from Blogger to WordPress, but am having issues with images.

Both Pinterest and Facebook are not recognising my new images that I am uploading to WordPress, however they do recognise the old images that have been imported directly from Blogger and still point to Blogger.

When I try to pin an image it allows me to select the image, but then when I click "pin" it says "Whoops! Sorry, We could not fetch the image".

With Facebook, trying to share the link, the posts with new uploaded images do not load any thumbnails, however the images from the old imported blogs do show thumbnails.

I have checked the pinning from a friend's blog that is based off the same theme and I can pin off their site. I have also checked whether the uploaded images are in iframes - they are not. I have verified my website with Pinterest.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Pinterest doesn't load properly when I use a mobile broadband dongle

Please - what steps should I take to trouble shoot this?

I use Pinterest on Google Chrome, on Snow Leopard.

It works fine when I access from an Internet cafe.

But when I try to connect using my mobile broadband dongle (Huawei e173 on T Mobile in the UK) it doesn't fully load. Everything else (all other websites I try) appears to work fine.

See these screenshots - you can see that the pinterest website partially loads, and Chrome thinks it's finished, but there's no content in the main screen. Clearing cache and force reload makes no difference.

You can see here that I've selected the architecture category. Normally I'd get lots of pins to look at, but not when I connect via broadband dongle.

Please - what steps should I take to trouble shoot this?

(There doesn't seem to be anything on the Pinterest support site about this yet.)

broken pinterest

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why do I receive e-mails from Pinterest for an unverified account?

I have created an account on Pinterest, because I haven't actually been aware of the purpose for which other uses this site. As I learned it (seconds after registration), I decided not to use it and thus I haven't confirmed my e-mail -- i.e. I didn't click anything in confirmation e-mail sent by Pinterest and send that e-mail to my bin.

Even though I'm 100% sure, that neither I nor anyone else has confirmed my Pinterest account / e-mail address I keep getting "Pinterest Weekly" and all other e-mails from Pinterest for my account.

What am I missing? Shouldn't any unconfirmed account be deleted after a certain period of time? Isn't sending e-mails to an unconfirmed e-mail address a violation of very basic antispam rule? And finally -- isn't this an actual spam?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why does my old Pinterest username redirect to my new username?

I am pretty new to Pinterest so I have not really an idea where to look for info besides the Pinterest help page it self, which did not help me at all.

I have registered a username on Pinterest, let's say MyFirstPinterest. But after a while I want to change it to MySecondPinterest and I don't want anything to do with the previous name anymore.

But for some reason when I type in MyFirstPinteres I get redirected to MySecondPinterest. I don't understand how that is possible because the first username doesn't exist anymore.
How is it possible to end up with the new username? I don't want to be associated with the old username anymore.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to sort posts by topic from people I follow on Pinterest

I want to be able to sort the pins from people I follow by topic. So I want to be able to see only Food posts from people I follow (or Fashion or whatever), not from everyone. Is there any way to do this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Manage my Pinterest without giving them my password?

Quite a simple question really although I can't seem to find an answer. I have a few interns helping me out with my social media and I can give them the necessary access to what they need via apps sch as hootsuite. Unfortunately I can't find anything that works with Pinterest and I'd rather not hand over my password to log in. Any ideas how they could manage it* without having direct access?

*post new pins, repin etc.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Move all pins to another board OR make a public board a private (secret board)

I made a Pinterest board public by accident. I spent several hours on it and have about 300 pins. I want to make the board a private board but after digging around all I could find was information saying that isn't possible. Is this really so?

If not possible to change it from public to private, is there a way to bulk move or copy pins to a private (secret) board?

Source: (StackOverflow)