
pidgin interview questions

Top pidgin frequently asked interview questions

How can I make Pidgin new message notifications more aggressive in Ubuntu 9.04?

I'm running Ubuntu 9.04, and have Pidgin's Message Notification plugin installed. I have "Set Window Manager "URGENT" hint" on, which I was expecting would flash the title bar of the message window, but it doesn't do that.

I also have the Libnotify Popups and Guifications plugins installed, but they only display a notification for fixed period of time, and if you miss it, it's gone. As far as I can tell, the only persistent notification that you have an unread IM is the tiny green dot on the envelope notification near the clock, which is very easy to overlook, and the conversation tab being highlighted in blue, which isn't useful if your IM window is behind another window.

I assume that the "URGENT" hint is being sent to the window, but that my window manager just isn't doing anything with it. Is there any way to make my window manager flash the title bar, or some other way to get a more aggressive notification that will persist until I've brought focus to the message window and viewed the message?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I get pidgin to replace animations/graphics with their alt text?

I have a few contacts who use annoying text-to-animation plugins in their clients, that do things like turn the word "hi" into an animation of Kermit the Frog waving at me, or other equally annoying non-sense. This is even more annoying when it does the conversion mid-word, like turning "This" into "T<Kermit waving>s".

To get around this annoying behavior, I often find myself copying their text from pidgin, and pasting into a text editor, which always replaces the animations with their original text (presumably by way of some html ALT tag, or the moral equivalent).

Obviously pidgin knows what the original text was, because it was able to provide that text to the copy buffer. So how can I get Pidgin to just show me the original text, as if there were no annoying animations in the first place?

Source: (StackOverflow)


How to find out if my IM messages are encrypted?

I'm a Yahoo Messenger addict and I use it extensively with Pidgin on Debian. Unfortunately I moved to a place where I have to share a privately operated network connection with a lot of people I'm not really familiar with.

Without having details about the network architecture I think it would be really easy to monitor network traffic here.

I use https connections for all my mails, university stuff and social networks, so I'm not too afraid about those sites.

However it is a nightmare of mine that someone could read my private IM conversations and I didn't find any information about how the Yahoo Messenger is implemented on Pidgin and if my conversations are encrypted.

Can anyone help how to find out?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why does Facebook Chat through XMPP protocol on Pidgin Portable not authorize? [closed]

I heard you can use facebook chat on desktops now. Thats awsome! What i didn't hear is that it is a pain in the butt! Not awsome!

I've followed six nearly identical sets of instructions from six different websides, including the one that facebook generates for you, to get facebook chat connected through Pidgin. Its the latest portable version, so from what i hear the plugin is out of the question.

Whenever I go to try and connect i get a message saying "Not Authorized" and buttons to either modify the account info, or retry.

NOTHING i have done has fixed this, and I can't find anything remotely usefull anywhere.

I am running windows xp, and running pidgin (portable) off of a flash drive. Someone please tell me what i have to do.

I read about authorizing the chat on my actual facebook page. I'd have tried that if i could find out how to do it, but if its there they hid it good. HELP?!

Source: (StackOverflow)

pidgin always shows offline "buddies"

I have the latest version of Pidgin installed on Windows, and the "hide when offline" / "show when offline" feature has no effect. I always see all the offline "buddies". What's wrong with it?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to setup a Google Apps GTalk account in Pidgin?

I can setup my normal GTalk account in Pidgin, but I don't know how to do it with my work GTalk which is for a Google Apps domain.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Change shortcuts of pidgin

In pidgin, I would like to change the keyboard shortcut of sending messages from Enter to Alt+S, does anyone know how to do it?

Source: (StackOverflow)

New Pidgin chat windows created in the background

I have tried everything I can, but Pidgin chat windows do not pop-up in focus when I get a new message. The chat windows are created in the background and I always miss them.

I suspect this is a 64-bit Windows 7 issue, but I don't have a fix.

Source: (StackOverflow)

What is the best alternate to Pidgin under Linux? [closed]

Pidgin (2.5.5) keeps crashing on me (Ubuntu 9.04). What is the best alternative to it that supports XMPP/Jabber as well as MSN & Yahoo?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to start a group chat in Google Talk client?

I created a group chat with Google Talk gadget, but I can't do it in the desktop client. Maybe pidgin can do it

Source: (StackOverflow)

Does Google talk support video/audio calls on Linux (using Pidgin)?

I know that Pidgin has a video/audio plugin which I installed. But this doesn't seem to work with gtalk. I guess google doesn't support linux anymore?

What is happening is that when I attempt a call, I can see my self but not the other person (black screen) & the same for the other person (he can see himself but not me). Moreover audio doesn't work.

So does it work? & if so how?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Keyboard shortcut to start new Pidgin IM

I'm looking for an easy way to use a keyboard shortcut (from anywhere in Windows) to open a new Pidgin IM window with a contact in my buddy list.

Normally I'd try and use Launchy for this (which I use pretty frequently for launching other things), but I've searched and can't find a Pidgin plugin or anything for it that might facilitate this.

So I'm either looking for (in order):

  1. A Launchy plugin that will open a new Pidgin IM window (e.g. enter "pidgin contact-name" in the Launchy dialog)
  2. A Launchy equivalent (e.g. command-line fu)
  3. A non-Launchy global keyboard shortcut

Does anyone know of anything that can help me? Thanks.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can I import my Pidgin chat History to Sametime?

I was using Pidgin as my IM software for Sametime and Google Talk. I'm now switching back to using Sametime 7.5.1 (and Google Talk) separately.

Is there any way to import my chat history from Pigdin to Sametime?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Any way to disable Ctrl+L keyboard shortcut for clearing scrollback in Pidgin?

I am using Pidgin 2.7.1 on Windows XP and I noticed that if I am in a conversation window and I press Ctrl+L, it clears my conversation history and there is no easy way of getting it back (as far as I know). I think this keyboard shortcut is very annoying. I never do this on purpose. It usually happens if I think I am in Firefox and try to focus the address bar by pressing Ctrl+L, but instead end up clearing my Pidgin scrollback.

I have no use for such a quick and easy way of triggering a feature that I will rarely, if ever, have any reason to use. Is there any way of disabling the keyboard shortcut?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I set up Google Talk/Hangout in Pidgin?

I'm using pidgin and it work great. But I have trouble getting my google talk/hangout account running. I'm getting the error message: "Not Authorized"

I found the following link but noting works for me. How do I set up Google Talk in Pidgin?

I can't find the google settings for less secure apps in my google account.

Here my setting:

Basic Tab:

Protocol: XMPP
Username: myUsername (without @mydomain.com)
Domain: mydomain.com
Resource: Home
Password: myPassword
Checked Remember password

Advanced Tab:

Connection security: Require encryption
Connect port: 5222 (default)
Connect server: talk.google.com
File transfer proxies: proxy.eu.jabber.org (default)

Thanks, Stefan

Source: (StackOverflow)