
picasa interview questions

Top picasa frequently asked interview questions

Picasa 3.5: how to share the tagged faces from one PC to another

At home, we share our photos from a server. I've been tagging the faces in Picasa 3.5 in one PC, but in the other PC the same photos needs to be retagged.

Where is this info stored so it can be shared between computers?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to make Picasa handle .MTS files (AVCHD Lite) correctly?

Picasa 3 does not recognize .MTS files correctly and does not handle playback. It does copy the files from flash-ram to hard disc, but does not show them along with the images.

Source: (StackOverflow)


How to make Windows 7 aware about iPhone photo orientation

When transferring photos from the iPhone to the PC, the photos are not showed by Windows Explorer in the correct orientation, but I know there is some EXIF info in the photo with the orientation information, because Picasa shows them in the correct way.


I have to save them with Picasa, so Windows can show them ok.

Is there some patch or program to correct this behavior?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Not able to delete or save photos in Picasa for OS X

I try to delete a photo or save an edit and it does not work. When I try to save I get a message

Unable to write redeye due to disk error. The disk may be full or read only

When I try to delete nothing happens and the photo is still there. This on a MacBook Pro running OS X Lion with plenty of disk space.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Where does Picasa 3 store video captions

I'm migrating my photos and videos stored in Picasa 3.8 from a PC to a Mac. I have all of my data migrated over and just about everything looks correct. However, I just noticed that none of the captions for my videos made it across. Does anyone know where specifically Picasa 3 stores the caption metadata for video files? The only trace I've found of the video captions is in Picasa's synclog directory, but the name of that directory makes me think it's some byproduct of the sync operation, not the actual repository of caption data.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to safely move all my Picasa folders to another drive

My c:\camera directory contains about 150Gb of photos and videos, with many years worth of Picasa edits. Generally I haven't used the "save edited photos to disk" function, so what's on disk is currently the original.

I want to move this whole directory to f:\camera.

What's the safest, easiest, least disruptive way to do this? I don't want to run any risk of losing all those edits. I don't really care whether what's on disk ends up being the "original" or "edited" version - as long as what's in Picasa is the edited one.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Downloading image from Picasa Web Albums loses metadata

I have several photos on my Picasa Web Albums account. I have added captions, tags and location information to many of them through the PWA web interface. I assumed that PWA was saving this information in an IPTC, or some other metadata tag inside the image, but whenever I go to 'Download Photo' (on a single image), the resulting image, when saved to my computer, has no tags whatsoever. Does anybody know why this is the case? Does PWA require Picasa to be installed to preserve this information?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Find pictures with several people together?

Is it possible to find pictures where several people are together?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What file format/database format does Picasa use?

I am trying to figure out what file format the .db file and .pmp files are. I tried using db_dump (Berkeley DB) for the .db files, but it seems that they are not Berkeley DB, or of an older version. I have no idea what the .PMP files are.

Directory of C:\Users\me\AppData\Local\Google\Picasa2\db3
 6/09/2010  08:07 PM           303,748 imagedata_uid64.pmp
 1/18/2010  10:34 PM             4,885 imagedata_unification_lhlist.pmp
 6/09/2010  10:55 PM           155,752 imagedata_width.pmp
 6/09/2010  10:55 PM     1,286,346,614 previews_0.db
 6/10/2010  10:06 AM           467,168 previews_index.db

Any help appreciated.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Organising photos using Picasa

I am kind of confused by Picasa's photo organisation system which involves albums on one hand and folders plus collections on the other. Does anyone have a good system for using these to keep everything organised?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there another option to Picasa with similar ease of use and simplicity? [closed]

On a previous post, I had asked about multiple installations of Picasa. The answers tended to be more trouble than they were worth, so I'm on to option 2:

Is there a good alternative to Picasa I could use on my computer that would handle just my work photos? I would continue to use Picasa for personal photos by setting it to only check certain personal folders.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Does Google Picasa store metadata in the picture files?

Does Google Picasa store metadata in the picture files themselves? If so, what metadata is actually stored inside the files? (as opposed to Picasa's internal database)

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to migrate from iPhoto to Picasa?

I'd like to migrate from iPhoto '09 to Picasa. Any ideas how?

I was planning to run Picasa, let it import iPhoto's pictures and then move the pictures and databases to Picasa on Windows, but Picasa did a mess of the pictures. It picked images of all over my home directory and events that are really one event but were imported in three phases ended up as Event1, Event2, Event3.

Any ideas how to migrate? Of course I'd like to retain places, events, keywords and if possible, faces.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Backup Picasa 'people' tags data

OK, so I've spent a fair amount of time putting names to faces in Picasa 3.5 but in a few days (hopefully) my copy of Windows 7 should arrive and I'll need to reinstall Windows.

So, does anyone know what I need to backup so that I don't have to re-enter all those name tags?

N.B. I'm on Windows 7 RC and know that I don't have to do a clean reinstall but I would prefer to.


I clean installed Windows 7 and downloaded and installed Picasa. Unfortunately, the download link on the UK Picasa homepage still pointed to Picasa 3.0 (rather than 3.5) which doesn't have face recognition. This scanned my photos folders and overwrote the picasa.ini files along with the people information   :¬(

Fortunately I'd backed up the photos before installing Win 7, so after uninstalling Picasa 3.0 (along with it's database), restoring the photos from backup and installing Picasa 3.5, I finally got my face names back.


Google has now posted advice on how to migrate to Windows 7 and keep your Picasa database, meaning that it will not need to rescan you photos and will retain all information about then including name tags. They have a method for upgrading and for a clean install of Win 7.

Basically you need to back up:




Source: (StackOverflow)

Ultimate way to use Picasa in a home network

I've been trying a lot of approaches but still didn't find any effective solution.

I want gigs of photos in a network drive (a IOMega Home Media Network Drive, plugged to my wifi router). I'd like to do 2 things:

  1. Do a Picasa import process of all the photos in the drive, making Picasa organize all the files in a year/month folder structure physically. Ideally, the import target directory should be the same network drive, otherwise I should move all the imported files in my local computer back to the drive myself.

  2. Share the Picasa database over the network, by uploading it to the network drive.

  3. Have me and other members of the family point our Picasas to the network database, and see the photos as well as make changes (tag faces, create logical albums, etc) into it.

Is ANY possibility to accomplish this? Or should I be looking for another photo management app, and in that case do you know such one?

Thank you!

Source: (StackOverflow)