
photos interview questions

Top photos frequently asked interview questions

Is there a simple way to print multiple images on the same page in Mac OS X?

I'm looking for a simple way to print multiple images on the same page. The default image printing function in Windows lets me select how many images I want on each page. How do I do this on the Mac?

When I select multiple images in the Finder and then File / Print, the Preview app opens and prints just the first selected image. If I try the same one more time, nothing gets printed!

Source: (StackOverflow)

"Round corners" filter disabled in GIMP

I have an RGB image with one layer, and I want to apply Round Corners filter to it. However, the filter is disabled (look at the image).

What am I doing wrong???

Source: (StackOverflow)


Bulk convert photos to smaller size? [closed]

I have about 500 photos - each about 5MB in size. I'd like to bulk convert them to a smaller size, suitable for email and web-hosting.

Tools at my disposal -

  • Windows 7
  • Powershell 2
  • A free tool I don't yet know about

What's the best option?

Update - making this a community wiki - there are so many good options I'm not sure it make sense to mark any single one of them as the answer.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to synchronize iPhoto libraries between several Macs?

Is there any "easy" way of synchronizing my iPhoto library between, say, my iMac and my MacBook ?

My basic strategy is "modify only on the iMac, make a blind copy to the MacBook" but it's not really satisfying.

Using rsync is not really an option, since it won't synchronize the library definitions.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to make Windows 7 aware about iPhone photo orientation

When transferring photos from the iPhone to the PC, the photos are not showed by Windows Explorer in the correct orientation, but I know there is some EXIF info in the photo with the orientation information, because Picasa shows them in the correct way.


I have to save them with Picasa, so Windows can show them ok.

Is there some patch or program to correct this behavior?

Source: (StackOverflow)

My USB says it has 15.7GB of space used but inside all the folders are empty

My USB says it has 15.7GB of space used but inside all the folders are empty!!

I was updating my computer from Vista to Windows 8, so I had to save all my files somewhere so I got this 32GB memory stick and put all the pictures and videos on it.

I have put lots of photos on the USB that are very important to me but when I put the USB into my computer today the folders were all empty!! There is only one folder (with videos) and one document that are still visible.

Please help me.... I really need to get those photos back.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Automating the scanning of graphics files for corruption

Does anyone know of a way to check graphics files (particularly JPEG, GIF, and PNG) for corruption (preferably in an automated way)?


A few days ago, a command worked incorrectly and ended up deleting thousands of graphics files from a FAT32 volume that was practically out of space. I’ve used several different file/photo-recovery programs, but naturally, they are limited in how much they can recover (though fortunately the volume has 8KB clusters, which helps somewhat).

Anyway, some of the larger files, that were fragmented, are now corrupt. Some of them are not even real files at all (the recovery software merely dumped the clusters that were pointed to by now-overwritten directory entries), while others are broken because of fragmentation.

Moreover, because some picture formats embed a smaller version of the picture as a thumbnail, scanning the thumbnails for corruption is not reliable because it may be intact while the actual file (i.e., the picture when viewed full-size), could be corrupt.

Here are a couple of examples:

Here’s the second one. It’s so damaged that it doesn’t display anything.

damaged image

(A third one wouldn’t even upload because it doesn’t even have the correct header!)

Source: (StackOverflow)

Software to clean up photos of whiteboards and documents? [closed]

I take a lot of photos of whiteboards, blackboards, and so on for teaching purposes (examples online through May 2010). I'm interested in cleaning them up for archival purposes, preferably using Linux. Commercial products ClearBoard and PhotoNote are priced a little aggressively for my purposes, plus my students would like to have this capability too.

Does anyone know of any good, open source software for

  • Converting photographs to images with just a few colors?
  • Eliminating perspective distortion?
  • Removing unwanted junk from around the edges of an image?

or anything like that? I'm imagining that I start out with a picture of my whiteboard using red and black markers, and I end up with a three-color image using just white, red, and black. Or I photograph a laser-printed document and end up with a clean black-and-white image. I have tried standard tools that reduce the number of colors in an image, and they do a terrible job—probably because they are trying to reproduce the uneven illumination of the original image.

Command-line Linux tools would be ideal.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Disable auto launching of Photos application on Mac OSX Yosemite & El Capitan

I'm aware that there are solutions existing that allow you to prevent auto launch of applications such as iphoto or the newer replacement, Photos on a per device basis through the UI of Photos itself, and more comprehensive control (can set what application opens) through Image Viewer, but my question is if there is a way to stop Photos from auto-launching universally (no matter what removable media I mount), preferably by issuing a default write command or disabling a launchd plist or similar.

I tried figuring this out on my own, using an article from lifehacker "How to Find Hidden Features in Mac Applications".

I've issued the following commands:

strings /Applications/Photos.app/Contents/MacOS/Photos > Desktop/photosstrings.txt

class-dump /Applications/Photos.app/Contents/MacOS/Photos > Desktop/photosclassdump.txt

strings /Applications/Photos.app/Contents/MacOS/PhotosRelauncher > Desktop/photosrelauncherstrings.txt

class-dump /Applications/Photos.app/Contents/MacOS/PhotosRelauncher > Desktop/photosrelauncherclassdump.txt

Output of above can be viewed/downloaded via Gist

I've tried out a few stabs with promising strings such as:

defaults write com.apple.Photos canAutoLaunch = 0

defaults write com.apple.Photos shouldAutoLaunch = 0

No luck so far. I did a:

defaults read com.apple.Photos

which shows the two writes did get written, but they're not doing anything obvious, and definitely not what I was going for.

I'm not sure what service to do killall on for quicker testing, rebooting to test is kinda overkill. Activity Monitor shows the following with "photo" as the search term:

Photos Agent

I've tried doing a defaults read on Photos Agent and so on even escaping characters and other variations and whatever with no luck either.

Would appreciate help in achieving the desired effect. Would love education along the way too if that's not too much to ask.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I "cartoonize" my pictures? [closed]

I have friends that have "cartoonized" their profile picture on social networks. How can I do that too?

I have only very elementary knowledge of graphics (Microsoft Paint).

Source: (StackOverflow)

Auto image enhance for Ubuntu

F-Spot had an "enhance" button that magically turns the image on the left into the image next to it (see below). It worked brilliantly for quite a range of images. Unfortunately it has problems, and I'm not using it for photo management any more.

Does anyone know of a similar excellent "enhance" function? The one in Shotwell is useless.

enter image description here

Source: (StackOverflow)

Tool to annotate pictures (screenshots) for documentation purposes? [closed]

Long time ago, I saw someone use a software (on Windows) that was specifically created to annotate pictures. It made it simple to add arrows, boxes, circles in "outstanding" colors to the image. Unfortunatly, I don't remember what program that was.

Now, I have to document a GUI and I'd like to use this software in order to annotate screenshots of the software so that I can show the order of flow and dependencies between various aspects of the GUI.

I'd be very happy if someone could point me into the right direction.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Tag faces using Picasa 3

I totally love using Google Picasa 3 to manage my photos offline, and the ability to share albums with family and friends via Picasaweb. There is a feature on picasaweb that I'm missing from Picasa 3. Namely Face Tagging.

Is there any way of face tagging pictures in Picasa 3? So that I can have the same functionality as Picasaweb?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Looking for a good simple free/open source photo editor? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
Looking for a good free image editor

I need a program that can do the following:

Open up an image either JPG or GIF. Resize the image (constraining proportions, and optimize for web.

This is all. Anyone know a good free program that can do this?


Source: (StackOverflow)

How to compare multiple photos quickly

Usually, I take always 2-4 photos in a row instead of one - then try to pick the best one. But once the differences are very small, it's hard to tell which photo is better by simple looping using Irfan View.

Is there a better tool or a trick, to zoom multiple photos simultaneously and compare them by detail?

Detailed dream tool description:

I need to display variable amount of photos, ideally in some sort of split screen. I need to zoom them all together (they are always of the same resolution and contain very very similar images). I need to be able to move all the zoomed frames by same offset as well as move the zoomed image in single frame.
I need to be able to finally click on the selected photo and have the application delete/archive the others.

What does it mean to compare photos in this case:

As I have stated above, the photos I compare are taken sequentially. This means they contain almost the same images (+-some offset if my hands shake).
What I compare are details like blinking eyes, brightness, things in background and mostly the sharpness of the photo, which may not be obvious until the photo is zoomed.

Source: (StackOverflow)