

Ruby library for phone number parsing, validation and formatting

how to make call from pc using local landline phone services

I have a desktop application of address diary, developed in C# .Net.

I want to make call from software throw land line phone service, in my office we have 8 phone lines, so i want to select line before call, i want to use headphone and mic in place of phone instrument.

how to connect phone lines to pc. i have more then 8 phone lines

is it possible ? if yes then how and which hardware i need for this.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is it possible to detect DTMF tones using C#

I am trying to detect caller id information from telephone line. The caller-id information received is in DTMF tones (not FSK). How can I detect this DTMF tones ? Is Phone and Fax Modem capable of it ? The Phone and Fax Modem is capable of detecting FSK information, but not DTMF information.

Notes: I am using C# language and .NET as developing platform.

Source: (StackOverflow)


How can I hide/cancel the default incoming screen

I am currently intercepting a call and forwarding it to my customized "oncallscreen" activity. However, before getting to my screen it will flash to the default "oncallscreen". How can I hide/cancel this screen so when receiving call I get only my customized screen.

public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
    Bundle extras = intent.getExtras();
    if (extras != null) {
        String state = extras.getString(TelephonyManager.EXTRA_STATE);
        Log.w("DEBUG", state);
        if (state.equals(TelephonyManager.EXTRA_STATE_RINGING)) {
            String phoneNumber = extras

Source: (StackOverflow)

Make Phone Connected to Modem Ring

I have an old landline phone and am looking for a way to make it ring when it's connected to the modem of my home server. I want to use it as a notification when a build is broken and stuff like that. Like most modems, the one in my server has two line jacks, one for data and one for a phone. Since I can only programmatically manipulate the data line, I'm guessing I'm going to have to plug the phone into the data line and simulate a connection somehow but that's where I'm drawing a blank.

I've read up on phone phreaking and telephone ringing circuits but I'm not real sure how that would translate to code, if at all. I can't imagine I'm the only one to think about this so I'm guessing it's either not possible or too hard to be practical. Any help is great. Thanks.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How well does knowledge of J2ME generalize to other mobile platforms?

I'm considering taking mobile phone software development course at my university. The course uses J2ME with an emulator. I'm interested in software development for mobile phones, but I get the impression that J2ME is somewhat stale and limited in comparison to the newer platforms like the iPhone and Android. I'm most interested in Android, as I dislike the closed nature of the iPhone.

So if I take the course, how well would the skills acquired transfer to a platform like Android?

And I have a related question. I'm pretty comfortable with Java (and various other programming languages), but I haven't used J2ME. Is there anything that makes it particularly painful to program with? (Not that Java is that pleasant anyway :))

Source: (StackOverflow)

Paypal Express Checkout insists on phone number even though option turned off (calling from Magento)

I'm using the Paypal 'Express Checkout' option in Magento. (I'm not using any express checkout buttons, it's just because I was having problem with returning from Website Payments Standard).

In Paypal's Website Payment Preferences, I've set the 'Contact Telephone Number' field to off. I've also made a number of changes on the Magento side to make telephone number optional (as per this post).

However, the telephone number field still appears during Paypal checkout, and is mandatory. Obviously, this is potentially going to cause customers to abandon the transaction.

Initial response from Paypal support is that the telephone number is always mandatory, that the preference setting only controls whether or not the value is returned to the seller - this doesn't sound right to me, since it makes the setting largely useless.

Given that Magento usually requires a phone number, I'm wonder if possibly something in the Magento Paypal API call is overriding the default setting?

There must be some way of making the phone number optional?


It would appear after further contact with support, and some more digging, that despite the description of the parameter, Paypal will always insist on a contact number for non-Paypal accounts (i.e. paying directly by credit card). This applies for Website Payments Standard and Express checkout at least, possibly more. The 'Telephone number off' parameter then controls whether the phone number entered is returned to the store.

This strikes me as daft. If I'm on a checkout somewhere and asked to enter a phone number,I don't particularly care whether it's Paypal or the merchant asking me for it, I'm not going to be happy about it and quite possibly abort the transaction, especially if it's for a site I haven't shopped with before. I don't even see why Paypal need the number - if there's a suggestion of somebody fraudulently using my card I'd expect a call from my card company, not Paypal. I'd probably hang up if someone claiming to be from Paypal called me.

Plus given that is the way it works, they could have made it a lot clearer by pointing out the the 'Phone number off' field only applies some of the time


Source: (StackOverflow)

Universal (tablet & phone) app - how best to structure - multiple layout xml or show/hide widgets?

I'm planning my first real android app and I want it to be a universal app (tablet and phone). The layout will be three list views that are populated by the previous list view (list one always has same list of items, list two will be populated based on the list one selection, list three will be populated based on list one & two selections). Once an item in list three is selected, the details will show about the item. FYI, the data is in an XML file (containment hierarchy) and the details are the leaf nodes.

I plan to have two layouts. For the tablet, I'm going to have all three list view and the details on the same screen. For the phone, I'm going to have each list occupy the entire screen and when an item in selected, slide transition to the next list view (with nav at the top for going to the previous list as well as info on what the selection(s) were from the previous lists). When an item in the third list is selected, show the details page which will also have a button to start over (i.e. go back to the first list view).

I've got the tablet view working pretty well since that's the simplest (just one screen, no transitions) - all in layout/main.xml. I've also got different layouts for different size screens (layout, layout-large, layout-small, layout-xlarge) all of which have the exact same main.xml at the moment.

So, finally to my question... How do I use the same code to populate the lists while having different user experience? I can see two options (please add more/better options)

  1. For the phone, should I continue to have one layout file (main.xml) and just have all three lists and the details on top of each other and via the slide transition, show/hide the widgets? (i.e. at first only the first list view is visible, the second list view is hidden, the third list view is hidden, the details are hidden)

  2. Should I have one layout xml for each of the screens on the phone (main.xml - initial list view, list2.xml, list3.xml, and details.xml)?

To determine if it's a tablet or not, I plan to use the code from the Google I/O app
Developing an universal android application (phone and tablet)

EDIT (2011/11/29)
Found some good online resources regarding Fragments:
and the accompanying video:

Source: (StackOverflow)

CallerID Detection: Doesnt work with some phones

I am using the following method to detect the Caller ID when someone calls.

On form load I set the following code:

this.serialPort1.PortName = "COM3"; 
this.serialPort1.BaudRate = 9600;
this.serialPort1.DataBits = 8;
this.serialPort1.RtsEnable = true;
this.serialPort1.DataReceived += new SerialDataReceivedEventHandler(serialPort1_DataReceived);
this.serialPort1.WriteLine("AT#cid=1" + System.Environment.NewLine);

void serialPort1_DataReceived(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e)
            richTextBox1.Text += this.serialPort1.ReadLine();
            //richTextBox1.Text += this.serialPort1.ReadExisting();
            //richTextBox1.Text += this.serialPort1.ReadByte().ToString();


The command

this.serialPort1.WriteLine("AT#cid=1" + System.Environment.NewLine);

gave me the output


Which ensures that Caller Id is supported by modem and is working.

I tried with some private phone lines in our country (India), it gives the expected output as below.

RING               //On 1st Ring
DATE = xxxxx       //On 2nd Ring
TIME = xxxx
NMBR = xxxxxxxxx

RING               //On 3rd Ring    
RING               //On 4th Ring

But when I try with government telephones (BSNL Company in India), it fails to give DATE,TIME and NMBR part. It gives the following output.

RING               //On 1st Ring    
RING               //On 3rd Ring        
RING               //On 4th Ring

Please notice that there is nothing shown during 2nd Ring.

Important Note:

  • Government phones do support caller id, because when the phone line is connected to the phone instrument, number does shows up.
  • Above code is successfully working with many other fixed-line phones by private companies.

-- Any idea why dont I get numbers from BSNL phones, despite they display on phone Caller ID screen ?

Edit: I pass the following initializing commands to modem to set it for DTMF receive mode.

AT#CID=1  //Enable Caller ID (Verbose)
AT#VLS=0  //Voice Source--Telephone Line (Go on hook)
AT#VTD=3F,3F,3F  //Enable DTMF Transmit, Receive and Voice Online 
AT#CLS=8  //Sets Modem to Voice Mode

Thank you in advance.

Source: (StackOverflow)

What happens to android app when a phone call interrupts the app

I am working on an app and in one of my activities I display a progressdialog. I have managed it so that it displays correctly during rotations, and I thought that would handle the case of a phone call too, but when I test it with a phone call the dialog goes away. So what exactly does the phone call do to the application and how is a part of the application lifecycle?


Source: (StackOverflow)

How to determine the phone number of a current caller in a stand-alone application

I'd like to build an Android application that can contact the current caller via a pre-determined text message. Sending a text message is simple enough but determining the phone number of the current caller in a stand-alone application is the challenge. Is the there an easy way to divine the phone number so I can send them a message while still on the call?

Of course there are manual ways to do this: write down the number, key it into a new text message, enter the message. But I want to define the message up front and be able to "send it to current caller".

Source: (StackOverflow)

Get phone number without country code in Android

Quite a frustrating task. I can obtain the phone number from an incoming call or from a sms message. unfortunately, in case of the SMS there might be the country code in it. So, basically I need to obtain the plain phone number, without country code, in order to compare it with existing numbers in Contacts.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Android browse SQLite database on phone

How can I browse the SQLite database that I am creating in my app on my Android myTouch phone?

When I log in through adb shell, sqlite3 gives me a permission denied. Is there another way to check if my database and tables are actually being created, and if rows are being inserted?

I am not able to use the emulator, since it doesn't play videos etc. very well that is the main feature of my app, so I can only test on phone.

Thanks Chris

Source: (StackOverflow)

API to support Bluetooth in Mango? [closed]

Will there be an API in the upcoming Mango that provides access to devices coupled via Bluetooth? I am interested in processing data sent from Polar Hear Rate Monitoring belt.

Kind regards, Stefan

Source: (StackOverflow)

Web GUI frameworks for Phone development

I looked already and could't find anyting good.

So a question is, are there any good web frameworks that would allow to easily develop GUI for the majority of high end phones? By this I mean

  1. It would have to work "the same" on majority of high end phones (forget the low cost ones)
  2. It would have to simplify the development and hide the ugly details from developer
  3. Clear design and good documentation. Also some stability on the market.
  4. The focus is on good looking and easy to make GUI. Javascript is only a plus.

So basically I am looking for something like jQuery or maybe ExtJS for phone development.


It would be a big plus if it could be consumed in Delphi


If it was not clear, I am looking for a web base solution that would run in a browser. So the target is HTML output and not native code.

Source: (StackOverflow)

PHP - How to get phone carrier info from number

Are there any good, free ways to do this?

I found fonefinder.net, which looks okay. If that's my best best, how can I query it with a phone number and get the returned carrier? (I don't see an API, and I'm making my first PHP site so I'm not too familiar with how I'd accomplish this.)

Source: (StackOverflow)