
outlook-web-access interview questions

Top outlook-web-access frequently asked interview questions

Office365 Query Strings and URL Parameters

I'm looking for a reference of URL parameters that can be passed into Office365 to be used as links for the MAILTO: protocol and other uses.

For instance, Outlook Web App in Office 365 will take the following URL string:


and open a new mail body with abc@123.com in the "To:" field.

Is there a complete reference for ALL query strings and URL parameters?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Outlook Web Access - Hide conflicts folder

Is it possible to hide the Conflicts folder for Outlook Web Access?

Source: (StackOverflow)


How do I turn off "conversation" mode in Outlook Web Access?

Seems like it should be simple to turn off conversation mode, I was able to do it in my Outlook client pretty easily. However, I can't find the option in the web client (which I'm now stuck using due to my thick client refusing to connect (I've hit a known MS bug that currently has no resolution)). To help me keep my sanity until we can get the thick client fixed, how do I go about turning off that annoying conversation mode in the web client?


Exchange Server 2013 in case it makes a difference.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Transfer old e-mails from Outlook OWA account to another

I want to transfer my old e-mails from Office Outlook Web Access to another Microsoft Outlook web App. Soon I will be no longer able to access that account and I have a lot of important e-mails that I need to retain for my reference. Is there any easy way to do that? I know how to redirect the new arriving e-mails to another account but don't know what to do it with old ones.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Adding many similar inbox rules in Outlook 365

I want to create several very similar inbox rules in Outlook 365.

In Outlook 2007, I could do this by creating one rule, then use the Copy command and edit the part that needs to change.

In Outlook 365 (running in Internet Explorer), I don't see any way to duplicate an existing rules, only buttons to create a new rule, edit an existing rule, remove a rule, change the order of rules and refresh.

How can I copy-paste or otherwise duplicate a rule? Or how else could I create several similar rules without redoing all the entry work afresh for each rule?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I send a piece of HTML in Outlook Web Access?

How do you send a HTML email in Outlook Web Access?

I have the HTML written but if I just copy and paste it, it will just send as plain text. I have no idea how to do it. Is it possible?

Screen Shot of new Email window


<html lang="en">

    <style> body {
     font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman",
          Times, serif;
    font-size: 20px;
     color: #CFB52B;
     background-attachment:scroll }</style>

<table border= "0" align="center" style=" width:500px;">
    <tr style="height:550px; width:200px;">

        <td bstyle="width:550px" style="text-align:top; vertical-align:top;">
            <div align="center">
                    <img src="EngLOGO.jpg" alt="IMAGE LOADING" height="350px" border="0">

            <p style="text-align:justify;">Hi All<br /><br /></p>
            <p style="text-align:justify; line-height:26px">

            Thanks<br />BOB<br />

            <br /></p>


Source: (StackOverflow)

How to access an external IMAP account in Gmail, without using a middle man POP mail client? [closed]

I have a university campus email address which is of the clunky Microsoft 'Office Web Access' type. They at least offer IMAP access to it, and I've done its email in Outlook thus far so it's been bearable that way.

But I'm now moving my entire email life to Google Apps' Gmail service, and I want to basically set things up so that gmail is my interface for using this university email account.

I know that gmail doesn't offer IMAP fetching from other accounts, only POP. My uni email account doesn't offer POP, or any form of forwarding.

So what would be my options?

Is there some excellent third party software/service which can access my Uni IMAP account (in realtime 24/7), automatically forward (AND delete after forwarding) every email to my Gmail account, and retain the header info/CC/BCC and timestamp etc, so that when I reply, I can have gmail reply with the same address? (which I can set it up as an alias...)

I would prefer an online service to do this job rather than a client on a PC of mine, as it'd give 100% uptime reliability rather than depending on when my laptop is on and has internet access. But would it cost money? Are there any free ones? (or very cheap?)

Also, to repeat, my Gmail account is a google apps one, but of course I can't add my Uni's domain (and thus email with full access) to my Google Apps account since I don't own my Uni's domain name.

Thanks for your help.

(Btw, I acknowledge this same topic has already been asked about, but I'm specifically after a solution that doesn't involve a home PC 'middle man' client method, only cloud/server methods.)

Source: (StackOverflow)

Run rules against messages in inbox in Outlook Web Access

I use Outlook Web Access at work and have set up rules for filtering emails by client email domains into different folders.

Is there a way for me to apply these new rules to messages already in my inbox?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Reply to receiver as opposed to me

When I send a message to someone in Gmail, and then reply to that sent message, it automatically sends the message to the receiver (not me) as opposed to the sender (me). In OWA (Outlook Web Access), when I reply to a message I sent, it sends my reply to me. I find this extremely frustrating. Is there any way to change the Outlook settings so that it functions the same way as Gmail?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I forward my old Outlook.com emails to a different email?

How do I forward my old Outlook.com emails to a different email or to a file at least so that I can access the information in the future? (My Outlook account is being closed by my employer.)

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to get Monthly view in Outlook Web Access in Firefox 4.0?

Using Microsoft Office Outlook Web Access in Firefox 4.0 to work with my calendar, I'm only able to get one day up at a time, with a small monthly calendar on the side. In Internet Explorer it lets me log in choosing either Premium or Basic version, and Premium gives me the monthly options. Firefox doesn't give me those two options, and just logs me in as Basic.

How do I change the main view to monthly so I can view my whole month and the appointments in it, OR how can I get Firefox to let me log in as Premium?

OWA Basic

End Result: I used the User Agent Switcher Add-On in Firefox to fake being IE, and while it let me sign in for a Premium session, it didn't function at all. So for now the answer is that OWA Premium does not support Firefox. I'll update this question if I see it change in the future.

Update: I'm now using Firefox 25 and the Web Access Version I'm using is 14.2.342.3 and I have the monthly view, so at some point the version changes allowed it to work right.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Outlook web's indent key shortcuts vs text selection

Does anyone using Outlook web ever use alt-left arrow & alt-right arrow to move a word at a time? What about the same with the shift key down to select a word at a time? Apparently not since shift-alt-right/left arrow is instead the shortcuts for indenting/un-indenting.

About 3 times per email I compose in Outlook web, by muscle memory I try to extend the selection word by word and end up indenting instead. I wonder, how do other people not fall into this, either they:

  • never the arrow keys for all navigation & selections, only use the mouse?
  • use the arrow keys for navigation, but never shift-arrow keys, rather only the mouse making & extending selections?
  • use the arrow keys for navigation & include the shift key for making selections, but just always character by character and never word by word?
  • do like I do and indent by accident all the time, just never complain

I'm guessing if shift-alt-arrows weren't co-opted as indenting shortcuts, that key combination would fall to text system which would use it for extending the selection.

Does anyone know how to disable shortcuts for indenting?

I'm using Safari on latest OSX (El Cap) if that matters (so yes, I had to struggle not to call it the "option key").

Source: (StackOverflow)

Open Outlook Web App calender in new tab

I'm forced to use the Outlook Web App at work... To make it easier to switch between emails and the calendar, I would like to open each in its own tab.

Simply opening a new tab and going to the page doesn't work since it says:

There was a problem opening your mailbox. You may have already signed in to Outlook Web App on a different browser tab. If so, close this tab and return to the other tab. If that doesn't work, you can try:

  • Closing your browser window and signing in again.
  • Deleting cookies from your browser and signing in again.

Is there a work-around?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to filter outgoing email to specific address, from Outlook Web App interface?

My email server uses Outlook Web App. There is a special account that will be used by a few users (who also know the password), but I am responsible for it. I want to block outgoing email when it is directed to a specific address. I need to do this from the Outlook Web App user's interface, perhaps by implementing a rule or a filter. Is this possible?

I understand that this is a "soft" block, since a knowledgeable user will be able to remove the filter himself. However, at least that is more unlikely, and it will require conscious action. At least accidental email won't be sent to the blocked email addresses.

How can I do this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Disable Escape to discard mail with Outlook Web Access

I often accidentally hit the Esc key when preparing emails on OWA, resulting in my draft mail disappearing into the ether. Is there any way to disable this behaviour. I'm using Chrome on Windows 8.

Source: (StackOverflow)