
osx-yosemite interview questions

Top osx-yosemite frequently asked interview questions

How do you disable the window switch animation when switching spaces with Mission Control?

In Snow Leopard, I had the window switch animation disabled when I quick-key between spaces. Now that it's Mission Control in Lion, there's this long animation during which all my desktop icons disappear and I can't use anything. I'd really like to disable this, but the old fix doesn't appear to work.

Does anyone know how to disable this needless animation in OS X Lion or later?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to copy Unix file path in OS X Yosemite

When I try to get the path of a file using ⌘ (Command)+I, it gives the path in a different way.

I see this only after updating to Yosemite. It is not a text. How do I get it in the format /Users/Myself/Documents/…?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Mac OS X Yosemite - How to Disable Automatic Logout when idle?

It appears that since I upgraded to OS X Yosemite, and fiddled with some of the energy saver and screen saver settings, that my user is logged out due to inactivity.

Where is the setting where I can turn this off and not allow my user to be automatically logged off when inactive?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Open files limit does not work as before in OSX Yosemite

I just updated the Mac OS X to Yosemite, and now some applications do not work (IBM DB2). I know that I need to set the Open Files to 65000, however the command does not work.

Andress-MBP:~ root# ulimit -n 12288
Andress-MBP:~ root# ulimit -n 12289
-sh: ulimit: open files: cannot modify limit: Invalid argument

Why is this happening and how can I correct the problem?

Source: (StackOverflow)

OS X Yosemite - Too many files open

I recently upgraded from Mavericks to Yosemite....headaches ensued

I'm pretty sure my problem lies w/ the number of files I can open - but I'm not sure how to solve it. I'm also pretty sure I've read every article/tip about creating the /etc/sysctl.conf file and /etc/launchd.conf file

For clarity's sake this is what both of them currently look like n.b. (I'm not even sure if these are the right commands to put in them anymore - I've tried just about everything and every combination. ie: higher values, lower values, removing commands, adding commands)


limit maxfiles 16384 32768
limit maxproc 1000 2000


# Turn up maxproc
# Turn up the maxproc per user

I've also tried increasing my ulimit values - both globally and locally for my current session...no bueno

ulimit -a

-t: cpu time (seconds)              unlimited
-f: file size (blocks)              unlimited
-d: data seg size (kbytes)          unlimited
-s: stack size (kbytes)             8192
-c: core file size (blocks)         0
-v: address space (kbytes)          unlimited
-l: locked-in-memory size (kbytes)  unlimited
-u: processes                       709
-n: file descriptors                4096

Ok - this is where my headache initially started...My DB (percona-server 5.6.21-69.0 installed via homebrew) started choking and dying, and in the mysql-error.log it was filled w/ the error too many files open.

2014-10-21 15:19:50 5190 [ERROR] /usr/local/Cellar/percona-server/5.6.21-69.0/bin/mysqld: Can't open file: './ie/tokenorder_products.frm' (errno: 24 - Too many open files)
2014-10-21 15:19:50 5190 [ERROR] /usr/local/Cellar/percona-server/5.6.21-69.0/bin/mysqld: Can't open file: './ie/tokenorders.frm' (errno: 24 - Too many open files)
2014-10-21 15:19:50 5190 [ERROR] /usr/local/Cellar/percona-server/5.6.21-69.0/bin/mysqld: Can't open file: './ie/tsdevices.frm' (errno: 24 - Too many open files)
2014-10-21 15:19:50 5190 [ERROR] /usr/local/Cellar/percona-server/5.6.21-69.0/bin/mysqld: Can't open file: './ie/tsracks.frm' (errno: 24 - Too many open files)
2014-10-21 15:19:50 5190 [ERROR] /usr/local/Cellar/percona-server/5.6.21-69.0/bin/mysqld: Can't open file: './ie/v_classunity_classlist.frm' (errno: 24 - Too many open files)
2014-10-21 15:20:48 5190 [ERROR] Error in accept: Too many open files

This is where I initially started to try and solve that problem by "up-ing" my ulimit, maxfiles, maxproc,etc...

Eventually - frustrated, I moved on and would come back to that issue later. So then I was trying to sudo gem install nokogiri and over and over it would fail and spit out this same error (a lot of repeats about the builder.rb failing to build the gem native extension - followed by a bunch of repeated stacktraces Logs Gist

nokogiri Install Errors nokogiri install errors

I've tried/googled a bunch of different approaches to solve this issue (ie: additional flags, etc..). Whats amazing - and when I started thinking this issue was tied to the # of files/processes open is when I checked top while the gem was installing....I was pretty surprised to see what I found

top during gem install nokogiri sudo gem install nokogiri

It looks like my process keeps forking, which then made sense for this ONE line in my previous picture (see "nokogiri install errors picture")

sh: fork: Resource temporarily unavailable

So I'm kinda out of ideas, but I'm not really sure how to debug the # of files anymore?


Well, I managed to get nokogiri installed. Unfortunately, I'm not exactly sure what fixed it b/c I've tried so many things. But I think it had to deal w/ reinstalling ruby. However, I'm still getting the same issue w/ my DB complaining about too many files open when I use any sort of database that is not trivially small.

Source: (StackOverflow)

MATLab crashes on launch OS X Yosemite

I've just installed the OS X Yosemite beta and can't open MATLab 2014a.

It displays this error dialog:

enter image description here

Does anyone have any ideas as to how this could be resolved?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I get rid of GoogleVoiceAndVideoAccelSetup on Mac Os Yosemite?

Can you please see the attached image:

enter image description here

I have no idea where these came from and I can not get rid of them.. The eject buttons next to them do not seem to do any work. This happened after Yosemite update.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I resize the too big Open File dialog in OSX?

Somehow the open file dialog in Chrome ended up being bigger in height than my screen so I can't resize it back.

Here's a full screen screenshot:

enter image description here

Reopening chrome / restarting OSX does not fix the issue.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can’t launch daemon with launchctl in Yosemite

I have a launchd daemon placed in ~/Library/LaunchAgents that worked well in Mavericks. But it won’t start in Yosemite public beta. The daemon plist is like this (my username is darksair with UID 501)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC -//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN
http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd >
<plist version="1.0">

Basically it is supposed to run ~/bin/retrmail.py every 5 minutes.

I notice that in Yosemite launchd is upgraded to 2.0, and launchctl has new commands. I tried

sudo launchctl kickstart user/501/org.darksair.retrmail

and it said

Could not find service "org.darksair.retrmail" in domain for uid: 501

I also tried the old school

sudo launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/retrmail.plist

and it said

/Users/darksair/Library/LaunchAgents/retrmail.plist: Path had bad ownership/permissions

The file is owned by me and the staff group. I tried both permission 644 and 600 with the same error.

So does anyone know how to properly fire up a launchd daemon in Yosemite?

UPDATE: Looks like my launch agent file has to be owned by root:wheel. After I chown, I tried

sudo launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/retrmail.plist

and it didn’t issue any error. And I think my deamon is running properly. I’ll leave this question open because I remember the launchd document clearly states that the launch agent file can be owned by the user running the daemon.

UPDATE2: No it wasn’t running properly. It got run only once, but not again, as if it was unloaded.

UPDATE3: I upgraded to Yosemite public beta 3, and changed my agent to this

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC -//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN
http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd >
<plist version="1.0">

I reloaded this agent, and I think now it is working properly. I’m still leaving this question open because I don’t know what’s wrong with my previous plist.

In conclusion, what I found is I have to change the owner of the plist to root:wheel in order to load it.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I remove a VirtualBox host only network adapter

On OS X, 10.10, if I start a Vagrant based VirtualBox VM that is configured with a host only network adapter and then destroy that VM and attempt to re-create it with the VMware provider the vboxnet# adapter I used previously is still holding onto the static IP I have declared in the Vagrantfile. (the # at the end of vboxnet is an integer that can vary based on how many VM's have been spun up)

Without rebooting or uninstalling VirtualBox, how do I remove that vboxnet# virtual adapter? It doesn't get presented in the OS X network properties window.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Curl local host names on Mac OS X Yosemite

I just upgraded from Mavericks to Yosemite, and now curl can't see loopback host names.

Set up a simple http server to test:

$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer
Serving HTTP on port 8000 ...

Now I can hit localhost:8000 in chrome. I can even wget it. But in curl, this happens:

$ curl localhost:8000
curl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 8000: Connection refused

However, this works:

$ curl

I read this answer about wget proxy settings, but it didn't help, because this works:

$ wget --proxy=off localhost:8000

This is really frustrating, because I have a few different loopback hostnames listed in my /etc/hosts file so I can develop apps locally, and I'm used to debugging them with curl.

I've tried with the version of curl that ships with osx:

$ curl --version
curl 7.37.1 (x86_64-apple-darwin14.0) libcurl/7.37.1 SecureTransport zlib/1.2.5
Protocols: dict file ftp ftps gopher http https imap imaps ldap ldaps pop3 pop3s rtsp smtp smtps telnet tftp
Features: AsynchDNS GSS-Negotiate IPv6 Largefile NTLM NTLM_WB SSL libz

$ curl localhost:8000
curl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 8000: Connection refused

$ curl # works

And I've tried compiling curl with brew:

$ /usr/local/Cellar/curl/7.38.0/bin/curl --version
curl 7.38.0 (x86_64-apple-darwin14.0.0) libcurl/7.38.0 SecureTransport zlib/1.2.5
Protocols: dict file ftp ftps gopher http https imap imaps ldap ldaps pop3 pop3s rtsp smtp smtps telnet tftp
Features: IPv6 Largefile NTLM NTLM_WB SSL libz

$ /usr/local/Cellar/curl/7.38.0/bin/curl localhost:8000
curl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 8000: Connection refused

$ /usr/local/Cellar/curl/7.38.0/bin/curl # works

Source: (StackOverflow)

The application “SomeApp.app” can’t be opened

Problem: after downloading an application in OS X Yosemite (10.10.x) trying to open the application (either from the command-line or by double-clicking the application) produces an "The application “SomeApp.app” can’t be opened." Note that this differs from the "SomeApp can't be opened because it was not downloaded from the Mac App Store" or "SomeApp can’t be opened because it is from an unidentified developer” message that is the result of Gatekeeper settings.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Ruby installation issues with RVM

I've been following the directions at http://installrails.com to get my Macbook Air setup for some ruby work but I am running in any issue with RVM. When I try to install Ruby I get the following errors. I also see them when trying to run ruby -v.

dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libgmp.10.dylib
  Referenced from: /Users/Chris/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.1.3/bin/ruby
  Reason: image not found

Googling around hasn't solved it, so I am confused what is causing it. Any suggestions?

Source: (StackOverflow)

OSX 10.10 Yosemite slow on VMware

I was having OSX Mavericks 10.9 in Vmware. It was working fine with VMware Tools installed and SVGA Drivers also. When Yosemite released, I updated it from App Store. I cam across many problems on this update.

  1. Graphics are very bad
  2. It is too much slow

What i tried:

  1. I updated latest VMware tools from VMware site
  2. Tried to install SVGA drivers again (could not find update for OSX Yosemite SVGA drivers here. These drivers were working well with Mavericks and made it blazing fast in vmware in my previous experience)
  3. Rpaired file and folder permissions both using Mac OS X's internal utility and using CCleaner application also.
  4. Cleaned all junk files (e.g. temp files) using CCleaner
  5. Tried to increase Virtual Graphics Memory size using configuration file of Virtual Machine and adding this line to it

    svga.vramSize = "sizeInBytes"

  6. Came across a link on internet link here. It suggested to run application called BeamOff (download link available on same site) and add it to startup to disable Beam Sync feature of Mac to improve graphics

By using option 6 mentioned above, when i launched BeamOff application, it suddenly made graphics smoother. So i added it to login item so that it may start with login of Mac. But to my disappointment, this improvement in performance (graphics + speed etc) was not too much great as i was having when using OS X Mavericks.

My Virtual machine is having:

  • RAM: 3GB
  • HDD Space: 150 GB

What is problem/ What is want:

1.Speedup OS X Yosemite performance (graphics + speed) as i was having before in Mavericks
2. I am having resolution of 1366*768 but When i am at login screen of Mavericks, i am not having this resolution (some black margins from left and right, looks like 1024*768). It changes to 1366*768 resolution after login process is complete and desktop is loaded. Please note it was working fine when i was having Mavericks (have 1366*768 resolution at login screen and desktop both).

Source: (StackOverflow)

Disable auto launching of Photos application on Mac OSX Yosemite & El Capitan

I'm aware that there are solutions existing that allow you to prevent auto launch of applications such as iphoto or the newer replacement, Photos on a per device basis through the UI of Photos itself, and more comprehensive control (can set what application opens) through Image Viewer, but my question is if there is a way to stop Photos from auto-launching universally (no matter what removable media I mount), preferably by issuing a default write command or disabling a launchd plist or similar.

I tried figuring this out on my own, using an article from lifehacker "How to Find Hidden Features in Mac Applications".

I've issued the following commands:

strings /Applications/Photos.app/Contents/MacOS/Photos > Desktop/photosstrings.txt

class-dump /Applications/Photos.app/Contents/MacOS/Photos > Desktop/photosclassdump.txt

strings /Applications/Photos.app/Contents/MacOS/PhotosRelauncher > Desktop/photosrelauncherstrings.txt

class-dump /Applications/Photos.app/Contents/MacOS/PhotosRelauncher > Desktop/photosrelauncherclassdump.txt

Output of above can be viewed/downloaded via Gist

I've tried out a few stabs with promising strings such as:

defaults write com.apple.Photos canAutoLaunch = 0

defaults write com.apple.Photos shouldAutoLaunch = 0

No luck so far. I did a:

defaults read com.apple.Photos

which shows the two writes did get written, but they're not doing anything obvious, and definitely not what I was going for.

I'm not sure what service to do killall on for quicker testing, rebooting to test is kinda overkill. Activity Monitor shows the following with "photo" as the search term:

Photos Agent

I've tried doing a defaults read on Photos Agent and so on even escaping characters and other variations and whatever with no luck either.

Would appreciate help in achieving the desired effect. Would love education along the way too if that's not too much to ask.

Source: (StackOverflow)