
osx-mavericks interview questions

Top osx-mavericks frequently asked interview questions

How to change default column widths in Macintosh Finder?

In Mac OS X Mavericks, I find that when I bring up a finder window showing items in a list with columns, the Name column defaults to being way to wide, I have to scroll to the right to grab column edge and slide it left to see the other columns at the same time as the name such as the date of modification.

How can I get the Finder to provide a more reasonable default column width for all folders? The solution given by shub appears to only apply to a single folder and would require each new folder navigated to to be set again.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to cut files on Finder on Mac OSX 10.9 Mavericks? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:

I can't cut files on Mac OSX 10.9 Mavericks after upgrade. I can only copy and delete them. Why? How can I fix this?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Cmd+Tab App Switcher is on the wrong monitor

I have an external monitor connected to my laptop, and the external monitor is set as the primary display. My problem is that sometimes after I've connected the monitor, the App Switcher still shows on the laptop screen. How can I set/reset it to show on the primary display (external monitor)?

enter image description here

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do you prevent the dock from switching monitors in OSX Mavericks?

In Mavericks, Apple introduced a "feature" where if you hover at the bottom of any screen the dock pops up on that screen.

This is disrupting my workflow as I am constantly having the dock pop up when I don't want it to and then I have to go to another window and hover at the bottom for several seconds to get it to go away so I can click on what I was trying to in the first place.

I don't want the dock to move; I want it to stay on the bottom of my right-most monitor like it always has. How can I adjust this in OSX Mavericks?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I start apache in OSX Mountain Lion / Mavericks?

OSX Mountain Lion removed the GUI for web sharing, but apache is still installed.

How do I start and stop the service? How do I get the service to automatically launch on startup?

Source: (StackOverflow)

"Google Software Update would like to control this computer..." What?

For the first time (that I've seen), some piece of Google's software updater is now asking for permission to control my computer.

Google Software Update screenshot

I couldn't find any other mention of this on the web, so I don't know if this is a new change, or some unknown configuration change I've made on my computer?

This is running under Mavericks 13A598, on a retina MacBook Pro.

It seems to be a legitimate piece of kit: https://support.google.com/installer/answer/100386

But I'm curious:

  1. What it would like to control?
  2. How can I determine the actual source of this application, to ensure it's not just a rogue piece of software masquerading as Google Software Update?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I install ant on OS X Mavericks?

After upgrading to OS X 10.9 Mavericks, ant is no longer on my path.

[126] 11:23:26 rkarl-mba-4:~/mobile-baselayer > ant
zsh: permission denied: ant
[126] 11:23:50 rkarl-mba-4:~/mobile-baselayer > which ant
ant not found

I tried installing through homebrew

[126] 11:23:09 rkarl-mba-4:~/mobile-baselayer > brew install ant
Error: No available formula for ant

It's odd that homebrew doesn't have a formula for that....

After googling, I found this article, which suggested using a user's custom formula for brew.

[1] 11:23:56 rkarl-mba-4:~/mobile-baselayer > brew install https://raw.github.com/adamv/homebrew-alt/master/duplicates/ant.rb

curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found
Error: Failure while executing: /usr/bin/curl -f#LA Homebrew\ 0.9.4\ (Ruby\ 1.8.7-358;\ Mac\ OS\ X\ 10.9) https://raw.github.com/adamv/homebrew-alt/master/duplicates/ant.rb -o /Library/Caches/Homebrew/Formula/ant.rb

Any help would be appreciated!

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can not clone any git repository from github

Since the update to OS X 10.9.2 I am not able to clone any git repository from github.com

If I run the git clone command I get the following error:

git clone https://github.com/davedelong/DDMathParser.git
Cloning into 'DDMathParser'...
fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/davedelong/DDMathParser.git/': SSL certificate problem: Invalid certificate chain

It does not matter which repository I use. I also tried it with the Github desktop client.

So I check the SSL certificate from github.com via Safari and got the info, that the ssl-cert is not valid.

Here is a screenshot of my problem: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/215017/github_problem.png

Any ideas? Is my SSL certificate broken?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Issues installing Git under Mac OS X 10.9 (Mavericks)

I've just completed a fresh install of Mavericks. Then I went to git-scm.com and downloaded the Mac installer and installed Git from that.

Now whenever I go into the terminal and type git I get this:

xcode-select: note: no developer tools were found at '/Applications/Xcode.app', 
requesting install. Choose an option in the dialog to download the command line 
developer tools.

I also this dialog:

enter image description here

The git installer installed git into /usr/local/git/bin and I've added this to my PATH but still no dice.

What am I doing wrong here? I don't want to install xcode just so I can use git.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Disable compressed memory in Mac OS 10.9 Mavericks?

Is there any way to disable memory compression in Mavericks? Ever since I upgraded, my Minecraft server has been using ludicrous amounts of CPU time and choking. I'd like to test without compressed memory to see if that might be the culprit.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Disable audio output to DisplayPort device

I'm on OSX 10.9.2 using a Samsung SA850 Display connected to the display port of my MBP 15" Late 2012 Model.

All seems fine, but there is a problem with audio. Generally, whenever the display goes to sleep and wakes up again, my audio stops working. I found out that this is because the display has an integrated audio device, so for some reason this seems to mess with my system settings. I have no idea why.

This is kind of a clueless approach, but perhaps anyone knows how I can just totally stop OSX from even considering my display as an audio output device?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Ruby installation issues with RVM

I've been following the directions at http://installrails.com to get my Macbook Air setup for some ruby work but I am running in any issue with RVM. When I try to install Ruby I get the following errors. I also see them when trying to run ruby -v.

dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libgmp.10.dylib
  Referenced from: /Users/Chris/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.1.3/bin/ruby
  Reason: image not found

Googling around hasn't solved it, so I am confused what is causing it. Any suggestions?

Source: (StackOverflow)

OSX 10.10 Yosemite slow on VMware

I was having OSX Mavericks 10.9 in Vmware. It was working fine with VMware Tools installed and SVGA Drivers also. When Yosemite released, I updated it from App Store. I cam across many problems on this update.

  1. Graphics are very bad
  2. It is too much slow

What i tried:

  1. I updated latest VMware tools from VMware site
  2. Tried to install SVGA drivers again (could not find update for OSX Yosemite SVGA drivers here. These drivers were working well with Mavericks and made it blazing fast in vmware in my previous experience)
  3. Rpaired file and folder permissions both using Mac OS X's internal utility and using CCleaner application also.
  4. Cleaned all junk files (e.g. temp files) using CCleaner
  5. Tried to increase Virtual Graphics Memory size using configuration file of Virtual Machine and adding this line to it

    svga.vramSize = "sizeInBytes"

  6. Came across a link on internet link here. It suggested to run application called BeamOff (download link available on same site) and add it to startup to disable Beam Sync feature of Mac to improve graphics

By using option 6 mentioned above, when i launched BeamOff application, it suddenly made graphics smoother. So i added it to login item so that it may start with login of Mac. But to my disappointment, this improvement in performance (graphics + speed etc) was not too much great as i was having when using OS X Mavericks.

My Virtual machine is having:

  • RAM: 3GB
  • HDD Space: 150 GB

What is problem/ What is want:

1.Speedup OS X Yosemite performance (graphics + speed) as i was having before in Mavericks
2. I am having resolution of 1366*768 but When i am at login screen of Mavericks, i am not having this resolution (some black margins from left and right, looks like 1024*768). It changes to 1366*768 resolution after login process is complete and desktop is loaded. Please note it was working fine when i was having Mavericks (have 1366*768 resolution at login screen and desktop both).

Source: (StackOverflow)

Synergy on Mavericks (OSX 10.9) and enable assistive devices

Mavericks handles accessibility on a per-application basis, so instead of enabling assistive devices (option does not even exist) carte-blanche, the app which makes the request shows up in a list in System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy where you can enable the access it's looking for.

Synergy, however, makes a check for the old style of assistive devices setting and fails to start.

Update: For those catching up with this issue - Synergy seems to have resolved this with 1.4.17 release.

Also, for those experiencing problems after upgrading, please see James Valero's input below.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I set environment variables for GUI apps in OS X Mavericks?

I've been struggling to get an app to run in OS X Mavericks. I finally was able to get it to run by drilling into the .app bundle and running the shell script directly. It seems that JAVA_HOME needed to be set. So I set it in my .profile in the shell, and everything works fine.

However, if I want to simply click the icon in the dock, it won't run. My guess is that this is because JAVA_HOME is not set globally. Since I'm not running the app directly from the shell, OS X doesn't know what JAVA_HOME is. It just keeps looking.

In previous versions of OS X, it seems that environment variables could be set for GUI apps by simply adding them to /etc/launchd.conf. This file doesn't seem to exist in Mavericks. How can I set a global environment variable that will work for GUI apps in Mavericks?

Source: (StackOverflow)