
org-mode interview questions

Top org-mode frequently asked interview questions

Org-mode to Markdown converter?

I have an org-mode file that is mostly just an outline, and want to convert it to Markdown. But it is a long and big file, so is there a piece of software that can do this for me? I use Mac OS X, but am willing to do this in another OS if needed.

Thank you.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is it possible to sync Remember The Milk with emacs org-mode?

I have just started using Org-mode in emacs, and I am very impressed. However, I currently have all of my todo's in Remember the Milk

The simplest solution would be to export RTM into an org-mode document - is there an automated way to do this? It would be even better if I could sync RTM with org-mode so that I can continue to use both interchangeably.

What solutions exist for linking these two applications?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Advanced time tracking in Org-Mode

Are there any advanced time tracking mechanisms in Org-Mode available? I "clock in" and "clock out" my tasks but am wondering wether there is an advanced report (besides the clock table) available that:

  • shows for a month, how much I worked per day
  • plots working hours
  • aggregates a work log in a way that all tasks (done / todo) are listed as I worked on them (e.g. On the 1st I did from 10-12 task A, form 13-15 task C, etc)

Source: (StackOverflow)

Syncing Google Calendar [Gcal] and Emacs Org-mode? Is it possible?

It would be amazing if I could sync Gcal and emacs org-mode, is it possible?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can I create a link to a specific email message in Outlook?

I use Outlook as my email client at work, but I don't want to use it to manage my tasks and todos. (Instead I use plain text files and Emacs org-mode.) Since many todo items start out as mails in my inbox, I often need to reference these mails.

Is there some clever way to create a link (a URL) that opens a specific email in Outlook when clicked?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Linewrap in Org-mode of Emacs?

Does Org-mode of Emacs support linewrapping?

I know in the "regular" mode of Emacs there will just be a little sideways-u-turn on the right and on the left on the line after, and there's no scrolling necessary.

However, there are only arrows pointing left and right. Any ideas?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I sort or move DONE items in org-mode?

I'm kind of new to org-mode in Emacs, and I'm investigating if it is suitable to replace Google Tasks for me. Google Tasks offers a "clear completed tasks" action, that removes all tasks that are marked done. Can I do something similar in org-mode with DONE items?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to refresh tag list in org-mode without closing and reopening emacs

In my emacs org-mode org file I have a tag list


At some point, I wish to add a new tag to the list, and apply it to an item (using C-c C-c). But the new tag does not show up in the list of selectable tags.

In order to fix this, I close and reopen emacs. But I'm sure that isn't necessary, How do I refresh this list without restarting emacs?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Emacs org mode as a work diary

Is emacs org mode a good choice if you want to maintain a work diary?

I have tried to use it and archive old tasks (TODOs) but is there an easy way see which tasks I worked on for example last week (some task have been timestamped more than one day) ?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I find out which version of org-mode I am using?

How do I find out which version of org-mode I am using?

My current init.el is giving me errors relating to org-babel-do-load-languages and I've seen reference to a different variable org-babel-load-languages defined in v7.01, but I don't know what version I am currently running.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Customizing org-mode export template?

Related to this question: How to define template for org-mode HTML export?

I'd like to customize the template inserted by hitting C-c C-e t such that I get a few customizations and even some help notes in some comments on what to put.

Maybe it would be better to use some other Emacs way to insert a text snippet? Or to use org-mode template expansion?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Quickly strike-through a whole line in org-mode tables

How can I quickly strike-through every element of a row in a table in org-mode?

For example if I have the following table:

| h1    | h2    | h3    | h4     |
| foo   | bar   | baz   | bazong |
| lorem | ipsum | dolor | sit    |

I want to get this

| h1    | h2    | h3    | h4       |
| +foo+ | +bar+ | +baz+ | +bazong+ |
| lorem | ipsum | dolor | sit      |

Without manually adding a '+' at the beginning and the end of every cell.

Source: (StackOverflow)

how to define text "variables" in Emacs?

I use Emacs for writing, not for coding. Is there an easy way, in Emacs or Emacs org-mode, to define a text string as a variable so that I can use it repeatedly?

Example: I created a template invoice.org. It would be cool to put a variable like $CLIENTNAME in the headers, in the table, on the cover page, in #+TITLE:, and in the thank you, use that as a template, and then quickly generate a new PDF for each new client by just adding a line at the beginning like let $CLIENTNAME="Jane Doe".

How do I do this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Which gnuplot terminal type should I use in org-babel-gnuplot with latex export

All gnuplot examples on http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/babel/languages/ob-doc-gnuplot.html use the png terminal. However, when exporting to latex I'd rather like to generate vector graphics. Latex terminal seems to be outdated. Eps does not work as a result of how orgmode invokes pdflatex. So which terminal type can I use with org-babel-gnuplot and latex export?

As an alternative question: How can I make org-mode call pdflatex so that it uses the eps graphics?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I make checklist counters accumulate results from subheaders in org-mode?

I want to do something like this in Emacs' Org-mode:

* headline [%]
** subheadline1 [%]
   - [ ] list item 1
   - [ ] list item 2
** subheadline2 [%]
   - [ ] list item 1
   - [ ] list item 2

The purpose here is to have the percentage cookie at headline present the total percentage of completed tasks computed from the percentage cookies of its subheadlines.

If "subheadline1" is at 40%, and "subheadline2" is at 50%, then "headline" should be at (40 + 50) / 2 = 45 % (2 is the number of subheadlines).

Is it possible? If so, how?

Source: (StackOverflow)