
openoffice interview questions

Top openoffice frequently asked interview questions

How to open Mac Keynote presentations on Ubuntu?

How to open Mac Keynote presentations on Ubuntu? Can it be imported to Impress?

Source: (StackOverflow)

LaTeX Equations in MS Word/OpenOffice?

How can I turn something like:

H = \sum_{x \in X} p_x \log p_x

into an image file that can be used to place into a MS Word or OpenOffice Document?

Source: (StackOverflow)


How to open ods files in Excel?

What is the best way to open ods files in Excel 2003?

Is there some plug-in available? Should I use some convertor to xls? Or would it be best if I just used LibreOffice (or OpenOffice)?

The file I want to open shouldn't contain anything fancy, so I probably don't need a solution that understands every detail of the format.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I create a multi-level numbered list with OpenOffice Writer?

I want to create a multi-level numbered (or bulleted) list with OpenOffice Writer. Eventually, I want to have something like this:

1 foo
    1 bar
    2 foobar
2 bar
    1 bork
    2 barfoo
3 huh?

I found this surprinsingly hard to do. The first level (1-3) was easy enough, but when I tried to get a second level, OO would either begin from 1 again or keep counting in the second level. I tried this simply using the "Numbering on/off" and "Increase Indent" icons on the toolbar. But the result looked frightening.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Move rows with the keyboard in Calc

How might one move a row to a different location with the keyboard? I have found this guide for the mouse but due to disability I have trouble using the mouse for this.

Note that I am not looking to 'sort manually' and using an extra 'sort ordinal' column is not a viable workaround. I am aware of Calc's excellent sorting abilities though.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Open Office makes my words bumpy

I'm using OpenOffice 3.4.1 on Windows 7, the Writer keeps giving me these weird bumps in my words. Sometimes, randomly, the words I type have little hills and/or valleys of about one pixel. I took a screenshot and blew it up so you can see what I mean.

enter image description here

What's going on? Is this a bug, or a feature? If font matters, I'm using Calibri, but this happens with other fonts like Times New Roman too.

Source: (StackOverflow)

In Open Office, make 1st row of data "scroll lock" so it is always visible as you scroll down?

In Open Office, how do you make the first row of data "scroll lock" so it is always visible as you scroll down?

Source: (StackOverflow)

OpenOffice vs LibreOffice - what's the difference?

I'm considering switching from Microsoft Office (too expensive) to an open-source option.

What's the difference between OpenOffice and LibreOffice?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How NOT to print sheet name and page number in OpenOffice.org Calc?

When I print a spreadsheet in OpenOffice.org Calc (latest version), it keeps adding the name of my current sheet to the top, and a page number to the bottom of my print out.

How do I turn this off?

P.S. I am running it on Mac OS X 10.6.4 Snow Leopard.

Source: (StackOverflow)

OpenOffice: Delete rows based on cell value

I've got a rather large spreadsheet that I need to filter some rows out of. In the spreadsheet, all rows whose M-Column doesn't equal "on" must be removed. I applied a filter, and re-saved the document, but that kept the unwanted rows - how can I permanently delete these rows instead?

    A    |    B    | ... |  M
Jonathan | Sampson | ... | on
Jeff     | Atwood  | ... | 
Joel     | Spolsky | ... | on

So in this example, I would want to completely remove Jeff Atwood's record.

Source: (StackOverflow)

In OpenOffice Calc, how do I drag and drop cells to insert rather than replace their destination?

I want to rearrange rows with the mouse in Calc.

In Excel, I select the whole row, then drag and drop it while holding Shift. This causes the drag and drop cursor to turn into a bar rather than cells, and the cells are inserted at the bar's position.

Is there a way to accomplish the same sort of thing in Calc without going around the houses inserting columns before the drag operation?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Math equation formats

I need to store equations in a text file, in a source format that can be converted to something that can be rendered (e.g. mathML). I like the format used in OpenOffice. I don't want to use TeX, or at least I don't want to pull in all the baggage of interpreting TeX. What format does OpenOffice Equation Editor use, and are there 3rd party command-line converters that will process this format? I don't want to have to run OpenOffice every time I need to render/convert my equations.

Source: (StackOverflow)

OOo Display bullet points one at a time

How can I set up slides in my Open Office presentation to display bullet points one at a time? In this case I want to apply this to all bullet points in all slides but I don't mind adding it one text box at a time as it's a small presentation.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to stop OpenOffice/LibreOffice from popping up toolbars when I click on stuff

When I import a picture or a chart into my document and click on it, LibreOffice spawns a toolbar, shifts the whole screen around for a second, and then allows me to move stuff again. It gets very annoying when you need to be constantly moving an image or a table around.

Is there anyway to tell LibreOffice to just sit tight and trust me to look for the toolbar when I actually need it?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Which doc format should I use in LibreOffice if other users open it in MS Office

I often share documents with colleagues. I use LibreOffice (and OpenOffice). But my colleagues use Microsoft Office. My documents always look differently when opened in MS Office (.doc and .odt format). Converting them to pdf is not an option as the documents are also edited by my colleagues. Online office software like Google Docs is not an option, either.

So based on your experience, is there a document format that will make my file look more similar in both software?

Source: (StackOverflow)