
openoffice-calc interview questions

Top openoffice-calc frequently asked interview questions

Permanently and globally stop openoffice calc from autocorrecting dates/time

When I type "15:45" or "21/12" openoffice Calc changes it to "15:45:00" and "21-12-2011".
How do I disable this globally and permanently?
I know you can use "Format cell..." and then select text, but I never ever want it to autocorrect dates/time.

Source: (StackOverflow)

OpenOffice.org calc: how to dynamically update a data range for a graph?

I have an OpenOffice.org spreadsheet that contains a number of graphs. As I append more data to this spreadsheet, I want to update all the data ranges in those graphs, basically changing A1:A100 to A1:A101, then to A1:A102 and so on…

This is a borig manual work. Is there a way to automatize it with some clever trick? For example, can I use INDIRECT() function in data range definition?

Source: (StackOverflow)


How to color rows based on cell value in Open/Libre Office

How do you automatically set the background color of an entire row based on the value of a specific column in that row in Open/Libre Office? There are similar questions for Excel, but this doesn't completely work in Libre Office.

I can set a conditional formatting rule using a formula to set the color of a specific cell based on the value in that cell (e.g. =$D5), but I can't figure out how to apply the formatting to the entire row.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to scale a long LibreOffice Calc sheet to fit on two pages when exporting to PDF?

I have Libreoffice and I want to export a long calc sheet to a pdf document with the fit-to-page function from the page preview in the file menu but it doesn't seems to work. I want to fit my sheet up to 2 pages because it's unreadable otherwise. When I export the sheet it gives only one page and the sheet is unreadable.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Copying just text, not formulas, in OpenOffice Calc

How do I copy and paste the text (not the formulas) from one Calc sheet to another in OpenOffice?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Preventing LibreOffice from using smart quotes (“ ”) instead of (dumb) straight quotes?

I use LibreOffice Calc to make lists of programs with different parameters to run on an hpc cluster. For each batch of commands I must do a find and replace on the smart quotes, as they cause errors in command line arguments. It would be nice to cut this step out of my work flow. Does anyone know how I might change the default punctuation used?

Edit: Apparently the title font transforms dumb quotes into smart quotes.

Smart quotes have a different symbol depending on if they are at the start or end (“ ”)

Dumb quotes use the same symbol for the start and the stop ( " )

Source: (StackOverflow)

Export Excel graphs as vector graphics files (e.g. SVGs)?

How can I export a graph generated in Excel as an editable vector graphics file, e.g. a SVG?

When I right click on a graph in Excel the 'Save as Picture...' option only gives non-vector formats (like PNGs and JPGs) as options.

The only resource I've found on this is http://www2b.abc.net.au/science/techtalk/newposts/790/topic790744.shtm where no one gives a real answer. Just like the questioner there, I don't mind if it's a multi-step process eg. Excel -> Open Office -> SVG or Excel -> pdf -> SVG.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How NOT to print sheet name and page number in OpenOffice.org Calc?

When I print a spreadsheet in OpenOffice.org Calc (latest version), it keeps adding the name of my current sheet to the top, and a page number to the bottom of my print out.

How do I turn this off?

P.S. I am running it on Mac OS X 10.6.4 Snow Leopard.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to set the default font in LibreOffice Calc?

How do you set the default font used in new documents of LibreOffice Calc? I am using LibreOffice 3.3.2.

Some answers below have been updated for LibreOffice 4 as well.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a way to scroll, by pixel, instead of by cell, in either Excel or OpenOffice Calc?

We have lots of spreadsheets that have lists of numbered sound files for an educational app. We use spreadsheet features such as "fill down" for the numbering, and we often use formulas to check whether contents of cells are the same when edits are made. We have the text associated with the sound in one column, and the corresponding translations into other languages in other columns. We will then send the spreadsheet with the English text for translation, and will receive it back with the translations populated via email.

Unfortunately, the cells are often large with lots of text. Scrolling is very difficult, because the cell is often clipped by the screen edges, and when you try to scroll, it jumps to the next cell, so you can never see the full cell contents.

Is there a way to scroll the document in either OpenOffice Calc or MS Excel to scroll - not by cell, but instead per amount of pixels (smooth scrolling)?
Thanks in advance for your guidance.

Source: (StackOverflow)

In OpenOffice Calc, how do I drag and drop cells to insert rather than replace their destination?

I want to rearrange rows with the mouse in Calc.

In Excel, I select the whole row, then drag and drop it while holding Shift. This causes the drag and drop cursor to turn into a bar rather than cells, and the cells are inserted at the bar's position.

Is there a way to accomplish the same sort of thing in Calc without going around the houses inserting columns before the drag operation?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Default font and cell padding when opening files in LibreOffice/OpenOffice Calc

I've seen solutions for setting a default font when creating new files. What about a default font (and cellpadding) when opening an existing CSV file? LibreOffice seems to always default to Liberation Sans 10 size, which I would like to change.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is it possible to create a "background bar" for a cell in OO calc?

I have a column in OpenOffice calc which contains number values (between 0 and 40). I'd like to add a bar in the background of the cell which shows the value (to give an obvious visual clue which value is larger).

Is that possible somehow?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to create a formula for every row in a column in Google SpreadSheet?

I use three columns. A, B and C. In column C I have a formula every row =A1*(1.6*B1) and then for the next row I have =A2*(1.6*B2) in C2.

How can I do so I don't have to type in the new formula in column C for every row?

I use it in both Google Docs SpreadSheet and OpenOffice SpreadSheet.

Source: (StackOverflow)

OpenOffice: get distinct values from column

How do I get a list of all distinct values from a column of values?

Basically, this question:

Excel: Get distinct values in column

but I need the answer for Open Office Calc instead of MS Excel.

I'm using Open Office 3.2

Source: (StackOverflow)