
onedrive interview questions

Top onedrive frequently asked interview questions

Can't see shared folder in OneDrive app on Windows 8.1

I have Windows 8.1. My friend shared a folder with me on OneDrive and gave me permission to edit. I can see the shared folder online, but I'm not able to see it in my OneDerive app.

How can I work with these files without a web browser?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to add and sync folders outside SkyDrive folder?

I have folders with documents all over my hard drive, some which I would like to include in SkyDrive without moving them into the SkyDrive folder.

E.g. my SkyDrive folder is in C:\Users\Name\SkyDrive, but I have some files in C:\Users\Name\SyncMePlz that I also would like to be synced with SkyDrive so that I can reach them from other devices.

How can this be achieved?

Source: (StackOverflow)


How to set Skydrive folder location on Windows 8

I already have my Skydrive files on disk. How do I set the Skydrive folder location in Windows 8?

Edit: to be more clear, I have just installed Windows 8 and my previous Skydrive files were already on my PC.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to reset SkyDrive/OneDrive sync?

Is there a way to empty SkyDrive/OneDrive without deleting the files in the cloud.

I'm running Windows 8.1 and would like to revert all of the files to "online-only" mode except that the function doesn't work. I'd like to completely restart the sync process but not lose any files.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Mount SkyDrive as a network drive

SkyDrive offers 25GB free space, but only offers a way too simple web upload one file at a time.

Does software exist, that makes it possible to mount it as a network drive?

Edit: The solutions work for a while, but stop working after awhile.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to rename the User folder in Windows 10?

After installing Windows 10 on my Surface Pro 3 it took my user name 'Jeremy' and created a user folder named C:\Users\jerem.

I want to rename the folder C:\Users\Jeremy. The procedure for Windows 8 does not work. There are a couple reasons.

  1. OneDrive is now a fully integrated part of the OS and it completely breaks. A find/replace in the registry seems to work but it's hard to be confident in that approach.
  2. When the computer is rebooted, the TabletInputService writes a TextHarvester.dat file to the old user profile location (creating it if needed). This makes it impossible to keep the folder deleted. An old solution found online doesn't work. This issue also causes an error message to pop up every time the computer boots.

Source: (StackOverflow)

"Incompatible Office products are installed on your machine" when opening Office documents or browsing OneDrive or SharePoint Site

I'm running Office 2013 Pro Plus 32-bit (MSI-based) on Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit. When trying to open an Excel, Word, or PowerPoint documents I get this error message:

Sorry, we can't perform this action. Incompatible Office products are installed on your machine. If you have an administrator, please contact them for help.

After clicking OK the file opens and functions normally.

Further, if I attempt to browse OneDrive or a SharePoint site through Word or Excel the same error is displayed. After clicking OK I can continue browsing the connected service. Unfortunately, removing the services doesn't solve the problem.

How can I fix this?

Additional Details

  • The error is only displayed when opening the first document in the Office program. Once the error has been displayed, I can open other documents and don't get the error.
  • I only get the error when opening documents stored on a mapped network drive. No error is displayed when opening documents stored on my local hard drive.

In the Applications and Services Logs/Microsoft Office Alerts log I found an entry with event ID 300 and Source "Microsoft Office 15 Alerts" that has this text:

Microsoft Excel
Sorry, we can’t perform this action. Incompatible Office products are installed on your machine. If you have an administrator, please contact them for help.
P1: 702089
P2: 15.0.4693.1000

My research/Attempted Solutions:

  • I tried deleting my Personal Macro workbook. No change.
  • I found this Microsoft forum post which suggests uninstalling SharePoint Designer 2010, but I don't have that product installed.
  • The forum refers to KB2920798, which I installed today, but I'm able to open my Office files, contrary to the KB's claim that This update provides you an informative message when you cannot open an Office document. I do not have any click-to-run Office products installed.
  • Over the weekend I installed SimCity 3000 Unlimited which is an older game. It installed "MS Access 97 SP2 Runtime. Update: Uninstalling this didn't help.
  • I also installed available Windows Updates this weekend, about 20-30 of them to my recollection.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I sync SkyDrive/OneDrive on Windows 8.1 when signing in to PC with local account?

I have previously asked how I can install, or upgrade to, Windows 8.1, without using a Microsoft account, because "I like to keep things separate, and just logon with a tradional local account. Any apps that require me to sign-in with my Live account, will have to prompt me to sign-in".

Until now, I never got around to connect my Windows 8.1 PCs to my OneDrive (formerly known as SkyDrive), which is now baked in to Windows 8.1. Unfortunately, it's apparently no longer possible to use OneDrive, when signing on to PC with a local account:


I can only download the application for Windows Vista, 7 or 8. Attempting to run the installed on Windows 8.1 just displays a windows with the text "Preparing OneDrive for first use" for a while, then exits without allowing me to sign-in.

Just to clarify: I'm of course aware that I would need to sign-in to OneDrive with my Microsoft account, I just much prefer signing in to the application, instead of my PC.

Considering how Microsoft went out of their way, to make it almost impossible to install Windows 8.1 without a Microsoft account, is there some (covoluted) way to make OneDrive sync, without forcing me to sign in with a bloody Microsoft account? How?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Windows 8 folder to folder sync software

I'm looking for direct folder to folder synchronization in Windows 8. I was previously using Live Mesh to accomplish this, but now it looks like that is no longer an option.

Note that I'm talking about direct folder to folder sync between different computers, not syncing to the cloud. I'm aware of products like Google Drive, SkyDrive, Dropbox, etc. The problem with them is the space limitation.

Basically, I was syncing important files before between my desktop and all of my laptops. One folder for example is My Pictures. This folder has almost 40 gigs of files, which is why the options listed above are not going to work for me.

Just need direct syncing, nothing stored on the cloud. I was told by a Microsoft employee that SkyDrive would be replacing Mesh and would provide all the same functionality. So far this looks to be completely false, since the ability to remote desktop is gone along with folder to folder sync. Unless I'm just missing something?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can't sign in to Office and OneNote can't connect to SkyDrive in Windows 8.1

The OneNote issue

Since I installed Windows 8.1 I can't open my OneNote notebooks stored on SkyDrive with OneNote 2013.

When I try to open a notebook in OneNote, I get the following error:

We can't get your notebooks right now. Please try again later.

I can open them without trouble in the Modern UI OneNote app, but I can't open password protected pages there.

Also if I try to open a notebook from a browser, I get the following error:

We couldn't open that location. It might not exist or you might not have permission to open it.

I also cannot create new notebooks on SkyDrive:

The specified location is not available. You do not have permissions to modify the specified location.

Can it be fixed somehow? Or can I at least save a notebook to my hard drive without opening it in Office? The backup file got deleted with the Windows 8.1 installation.

Edit: I tried reinstalling Office and unlinking then relinking my Microsoft account, but no luck. I also tried OneNote with my other Microsoft account which I don't use and it worked perfectly - OneNote could open notebooks from that account's SkyDrive and I could read those without problem. When I switch back to my Microsoft account which I use with Windows 8.1, however, the problem is still there.

What can the problem be with this account?

Also, I noticed that the working account saves new notebooks to https://d.docs.live.net/----/Documents/, whereas the broken account wants to save to https://d.docs.live.net/----/^.Documents/. Why are the ^. characters present? Is it possible that the problem is caused by this invalid path name?

The Office sign in issue

So I think these two problems are related.

Not only does OneNote not work, but neither do any of the other Office programs. My Office Upload Center is filled with a bunch of Word, Excel and PowerPoint files with the status "Upload failed, Sign in required". I can click on "Resolve" → "Sign in", which causes the status to change to "Upload Pending", but then it goes back to "Upload Failed, Sign in required".

I can also click on "Open to Resolve", which opens the document in the respective Office program and asks me to sign in. If I click that button, I get a message saying "Document not saved".

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to use multiple SkyDrive accounts on one computer?

Is there any way how to use multiple SkyDrive accounts on one computer running MAC OS X or Windows 8? I would like to sync data from different accounts to different folder and not to merge these accounts to one. The reason is that every SkyDrive has it's storage limits and I'm using every account for different work data.

The result should be the following:

  1. I have a number of SkyDrive accounts every for different work, let's say:

    • S1
    • S2
    • S3
  2. I would like to sync exactly the same number of folders on computer using different accounts to sync them:

    • SkyDriveS1Folder - (folder on computer which syncing the content of S1 SkyDrive)
    • SkyDriveS2Folder - (folder on computer which syncing the content of S2 SkyDrive)
    • SkyDriveS3Folder - (folder on computer which syncing the content of S3 SkyDrive)

Is it possible somehow? I found a workaround for Windows machines (http://superuser.com/questions/525932/running-multiple-instances-of-microsoft-skydrive) but is there anything for MAC OS X machines? Or is it possible through any third party application?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Sync OneNote Notebooks to/on SkyDrive

I've got OneNote running on all computers in our house, using it all the time with several people and computers.

The only drawback: I want to keep the copies of OneNote in sync without having to run a dedicated server myself. Right now one of my computers has a folder share, where all others sync to, but this is highly impractical since the computer is not always running.

So my question is: is it possible to put the notebook files on a (private) SkyDrive Folder and have all the computers sync to there? This way all computers could keep in sync whenever they got access to the web.

Can this be done? and, of course, How?

[Update] Maybe I should not have taken knowledge about OneNote as granted: OneNote uses a propietary file format, but has a very good in-file-syncing, working on network shares. Generic 'just sync the complete file' won't be useful at all, because I'd just have 'file has changed on server and on client' conflicts all the time.
The sync needs to know OneNote files and be able to sync the content - eg. OneNote itself needs to sync the files, not some generic sync tool.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How could I let Skydrive desktop sync to MicroSD in Windows 8 tablet?

I have a Samsung Slate 7 tablet with (now) Windows 8 on it. This machine has a 64 Gb SSD and I have a 64 Gb MicroSD card in it. I also have a Skydrive on my main Microsoft ID that contains about 45 Gb of content. With Windows and some development stuff installed, my Skydrive will not fit on the main drive of the tablet. (Besides, my idea was to keep data on the memory card anyway, to make it easier to repave the machine without data loss if need be.)

My problem should now be clear: I want to install the Skydrive desktop app to sync my Skydrive to the MicroSD card. This is not possible, as Skydrive does not allow syncing files to removable drives.

I have tried a number of things already, but none of them worked:

  1. Use the mklink command line tool to create a directory link/junction from a folder name on SSD to a folder on the MicroSD and then try to install Skydrive sync to the SSD link folder. Skydrive however still recognizes this as something it does not want to sync onto.

  2. The various different filter drivers mentioned on Agnipulse (including the Hitachi one) that should make windows see some or all of the removable drives in the system as fixed drives do not seem work on (64-bit) Windows 8: they either can't be installed, do nothing and/or cause Windows 8 to go into Automatic Repair mode when rebooting.

  3. The Lexar BootIt app seems to be meant to flip the relevant bit in the on-board drive controller of supported USB pen drives, but I tried it anyway. Of course it did nothing to how the MicroSD card was seen.

I have now run out of ideas, it seems, and I was wondering if anyone here has a solution to let Windows 8 see the MicroSD memory card in my tablet as a fixed drive instead of removable drive, or some other way of getting the Skydrive desktop to sync my Skydrive data to that MicroSD card.

And to be complete: this is not a duplicate question of this or this as those ask about getting USB drives multiple partitions to work on Windows XP. This question is specific about getting desktop Skydrive to sync to MicroSD card in Windows 8, which seems to be a question I have not seen on superuser so far.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is it possible to select which folders to sync in OneDrive (Skydrive) on Windows 8.1?

Is it possible to select which folders to sync in OneDrive (formerly Skydrive) on Windows 8.1?

(I'm running Windows 8.1 Pro)

This is possible in Windows 7 version of SkyDrive, but can't see setting in Windows 8.1

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to clear credentials associated with the OneDrive for Business sync app?

We are using the OneDrive for business sync app to synchronize our document libraries in SharePoint with our PCs in the office.

Recently, I came across a situation when testing where I entered my personal Hotmail credentials instead of the organizational account that had permission to access a document library. I knew it was not going to work but wanted to see what would happen so I could support our users if they ever made a similar error.

As expected, my OneDrive for Business sync app was then unable to authenticate with my Office 365 account and gave me a "unable to sync" error.

Unfortunately, nothing I subsequently did would make the sync app forget the incorrect credentials.

After realising there was no "log out" option in the sync app itself, I went on to try the following steps:

  • deleted cookies in all my browsers
  • uninstalled the OneDrive for Business sync app
  • deleted all registry keys that I could find that were associated with the sync app (perhaps I missed something?)
  • reinstalled the sync app (problem persisted in my Windows login)

Microsoft's SharePoint support team were also unable to resolve the issue during a remote support session of my PC and I ended up simply restoring my PC to a previous state. This is not acceptable as it may not be an option for a user.

I can't believe Microsoft made something that should be simple so difficult. With Dropbox you can do the same thing very easily.

Does anyone know how to clear the credentials associated with a user's OneDrive for Business sync app, or at least some kind of work around that doesn't involve having to recreate the user's Windows profile or restore to a previous system state?

Source: (StackOverflow)