
office-online interview questions

Top office-online frequently asked interview questions

How do I link a sway page to another sway page

I recently checked out Microsoft Office Sway. However, I found 1 big annoyance: I could not link to a 'page', or slide. Is there any way to do this?
For example, in Google Slides, I could hit CTRL + K and then select Slide: Name [Name for the name]. In PowerPoint, I could go to insert > hyperlink > places in this document > slide titles > 1: title. Is there anyway to emulate this with office sway?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can the height of the tab row on an Excel Online page be arranged?

The tab row on my Excel Online pages changes its height sporadically. I haven't found a way to set it to a fixed height. Is there a way to fix it?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Free web app for software design/development/managment [closed]

I'm looking for some comprehensive and free web solution that can be used within a SMB related to project management and team collaboration in context with software dev. Anyone has any thoughts on that?

p.s. please don't post web solutions that are hosted external servers like basecamp we want to host it in house.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there any web application that can be used for doing simple office desk layouting? [closed]

I am looking for a simple web application, preferably free and that can be used to edit and share a simple office/desk plan?

The entire point is to be able to put names and pictures for people in the office.

Some people are using Visio or even Excel to to things like this, but I an looking for a web solution.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Possible to open Office documents in Office Web Apps by default?

Is it possible to set Office Web Apps as the default application for Office documents on Windows? I figure this can't be done at the system level, so I'd be happy with a Firefox extension or IE add-on that could accomplish this.

I found a Chrome extension that does what I'm looking for — is there any equivalent in Firefox or IE?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What are the differences between Office Web Apps and Google Docs?

It's unclear to me what the difference is between Microsoft's Office Web Apps and Google Docs. Are they at all similar - or is it just marketing hype from Microsoft. How would I decide which to use for sharing documents online with friends and coworkers?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Difference between Office365 and Office Live?

I can create and edit word documents from Office Live. So what does Office365 offer??

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is it possible to set up conditional formatted using Excel online?

As per the title really, is it possible to set up conditional formatted using Excel online?

The cell's context menu doesn't have the option, and I can't find it in the ribbon either. Am I missing something?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Does there exist a Web-based office suite, not in the cloud? [closed]

Are there any collaborative web-based office suites that I could install on my own server? Something like Google Docs, without storing data on Google.

I need at least a basic word processor and a spreadsheet.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Web-based Dropbox and Google Docs integration

At my workplace people heavily use web apps for productivity, Dropbox is used as a backup solution, and Google Docs (custom Google Apps domain) is used for ocassional documents that need to be edited by many at once.

Most of the files consist of MS Office and OpenOffice files, so I was wondering if Dropbox and GDocs could be sync'ed so every *office file could be edited with any suite.

There are some desktop-based solutions for Windows (syncplicity.com) and OSX (insynchq.com), but I was wondering if there was a web-based solution that automatically handle this. I am considering developing it by myself, but it's rather complicated. Any ideas?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can I share an Office365 Group Calendar with external users?

I've enabled external sharing in the Office365 administrative area. Users can share their own calendars with external users, which simply emails them a generic iCal URL that anyone with the link can use. I'd like to generate one of these for a group calendar. The only way I've been able to get remotely close to this is to generate a URL that utilizes the API like so:


Obviously this requires the credentials, which is unacceptable in my use case.

Is this possible? If not, I'll have to setup a proxy.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Select or move more than the displayed emails in Office 365’s Outlook?

When I click the checkbox to select all the emails, it selects all the emails in my view.

enter image description here

Which means that if I have 900 emails in my inbox, and tick the checkbox, it will select… 9 emails. I would therefore have to reproduce the action 100 times to select them all and perform an action on all my emails.

The behavior is the same with search results when searching strings within an email.

This behavior of the app makes it nearly impossible, or at least very difficult and tedious for me to organize my emails (because, yes, I do get over 900 emails very quickly that I need to sort).

Is it possible to select all the emails in the inbox or all the emails in a search results with one click?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I change the language in Office 365's Outlook?

I'm trying to change the language of my Outlook/Office 365.

At the moment my version of the site is in both French and English and I am trying to make it all English.

enter image description here

In the Settings right-side pane, I have tried to change the language by searching for "language" and then changed it to English, but several parts are still in French.

enter image description here

I have tried restarting the computer and the browser fruitlessly. And this doesn't work (when I click on the black on white default avatar seen on the previous screenshot and then my name, nothing happens, my name isn't a link).

Also, I am in the USA so I don't think this is a geographic-related language setting.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why is Office Online asking for access to all data on my websites and all copy paste data

New permissions request from Office Online in Google Chrome

Is there any way to find out why Office Online wants these permissions, what it does with this access?

These are new permissions levels that came up in the last few days. I am disabling Office Online in Chrome until I can find out what they want. Whatever permissions they asked for before didn't sound so invasive.

P.S. I know others have asked questions about extensions in general here and here, but the answers seem equivocal and don't apply to this specific case. This article on howtogeek.com warns that many extensions track you secretly.

But I'm looking for specific information on what Microsoft says it wants to do and why.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to gain access to office web app through windows live

I just signed up for a windows live account and according to microsoft: http://windowslivehelp.com/solution.aspx?solutionid=1a5ba36b-f9ea-412b-bc44-bd5bfada3084

I should have access to their office web apps eventhough i dont have office 2010 installed in my machine.

Strangely I cant create office documents using my windows live account.

Is there any specific settings in my profile to enable this feature ?

Source: (StackOverflow)