

JavaScript library for object-based canvas drawing. oCanvas - Object-based canvas drawing ocanvas is a javascript library intended to make development with html5 canvas easier, by working with objects instead of pixels.

oCanvas - is there a way to hue cycle a sprite?

I would like to allow the user to customize the color of their character in a game by hue cycling it. Is this possible? I can't seem to find much about it even in JavaScript online.

  • Jeff

Source: (StackOverflow)

oCanvas object dynamic render order

I'm trying to get a dynamic rendering order going in ocanvas but can't find any information in the docs about how to go about doing it. I want something along the lines of "the object's y position affects the order in which it is rendered", it's for an isometric game engine. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Source: (StackOverflow)


Ocanvas creation inquiry

I'm still a little fuzzy on ocanvas, I'm new to it. I know it's not the best choice or most documented, but I have a potential job that depends on me learning it.

I was wondering where ocanvas.create(); should be placed. right now I have a function called Main(); in the html head and the html body runs it every time the body loops. it seems that ocanvas.create(); only works if i place it in the Main(); function, but is that creating a canvas every time the body loops?

Source: (StackOverflow)

ocanvas sprite hue change

I'm using ocanvas to design a game and I'm wondering if there is some way to change the hue of a sprite. If not, is there a way to integrate an html5 canvas way of changing the hue of a sprite to ocanvas?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Javascript Variable not passing through ocanvas function and for loop

I'm having an issue with a variable not being passed through an ocanvas function. it appears that the variable is changing inside the function but isn't making it outside the function. here is my code:

                sonicSpeed2 = 0;
                sonicState2 = 0;

                canvas.bind("keypress", function () {
                    var keys = canvas.keyboard.getKeysDown();
                    var x;

                    sonicSpeed2 = 4;

                    for (x = keys.length; x > 0; x--) {
                        if (keys[x-1] == 16 && keys.length > 1) {
                            sonicSpeed2 = 15;
                            sonicState2 = 2;
                        if (keys[x-1] == 65) {
                            sonicState2 = 1;
                            sonicDirection2a = false;
                        if (keys[x-1] == 68) {
                            sonicState2 = 1;
                            sonicDirection2a = true;
                        if (keys[x-1] == 87) {
                            sonicState2 = 1;
                            sonicDirection2b = false;
                        if (keys[x-1] == 83) {
                            sonicState2 = 1;
                            sonicDirection2b = true;

                if (sonicDirection2a == false) {
                    nullObject2.x -= sonicSpeed2;
                else if (sonicDirection2a == true) {
                    nullObject2.x += sonicSpeed2;

                if (sonicDirection2b == false) {
                    nullObject2.y -= sonicSpeed2;
                else if (sonicDirection2b == true) {
                    nullObject2.y += sonicSpeed2;

Source: (StackOverflow)

Ocanvas limiting animations

I'm new to ocanvas and I'm finding it is not well-documented for beginners. I would like to know how to limit animations, such as when clicked, a box will move -350 to it's own position but stop at the edge of the canvas if it is closer than it's position - 350. Any help or tutorials would be greatly appreciated.

Source: (StackOverflow)