
nvidia-geforce interview questions

Top nvidia-geforce frequently asked interview questions

How do I know which of my laptop GPUs are running games?

My laptop has 2 GPUs, one of them is the default Intel HD Graphics 3000, and the other the Nvidia Geforce GT 630M. Obviously I want to use the 630M to play my games. How can I assure this is happening? When I go into Start → Run → dxdiag and look at the Display tab, it says that I am using the Intel HD Graphics Family for the display. Does this mean it is being used for games too?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Msi gtx 760 sli

I want to buy another MSI GTX 760 4GB OC to have two in an SLI configuration. My current setup is this:

Cpu: Intel i7 6700K 
Mobo: MSI Z170 M9 ACK
Ssd: 2x Samsung 850evo 500GB
Psu: Corsair RM 650
RAM: Kingston Hyperx DDR4 2666MHZ 15cl
Gpu: MSI GTX 760 4GB OC
Case: Corsair 780T Black

Will my current system support a second graphics card? Will I have to upgrade anything before it will work?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Using two different video cards in the same pc?

I know that I can use two cards together if they are the same model, and I can put them in sli mode. But can I use two cards that are not the same model (Not in sli), I have a geforce 7300gt and a 8600gt. I plugged both in my motherboard but only the first one work, or the second if I unplugg the first, but never both.

How can I have them both working on the same motherboard?

OS: Ubuntu 10.04 using the default driver "Nvidia accelerated graphics driver (version 173)"

Source: (StackOverflow)

Multiple video cards on Windows 7

I've got an Nvidia Geforce 9500GT and am thinking of buying an ATI Radeon HD 4850. I have two PCI-Express slots. Would I be able to run these cards simultaneously on Windows 7? I want to also be able to use 4 monitors.

I've checked online and found plenty of SLI and Crossfire tutorials, and plenty of driver issue warnings, but no definitive answer.

Would it be as easy as putting in the new card and installing the drivers (assuming also my PSU can support both)?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Linux + "nVidia surround" + 3 monitors?

Is it possible to run 3 monitors on 1 nvidia card (600 series, 640/650/660/670) under linux/xorg with the closed source nvidia driver?

At the moment a have a 2 monitors on my linux system in a twinview configuration and i would like to add a third.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why is the same graphics card slower in a faster machine?

I've got a really weird issue. I have two laptops, both Sony Vaio.

The first is a VGN-SZ1HP with the following specs:

  • Intel Core Duo T2300
  • 2GB RAM
  • GeForce Go 7400 (128MB)

The second is a VGN-SZ3XP with the following specs:

  • Intel Core Duo 2 T7200
  • 2GB RAM
  • GeForce Go 7400 (128MB)

Both have 13" screens and run at the same resolution: 1280 x 800, and they are both running a clean installation of Windows 7 x86.

The second machine is clearly the more modern one, but for some reason it is noticeably slower with graphics (e.g. Aero) than the first one. Why could this be?

More Details

There is noticeable stuttering on the second machine when you're opening and closing windows. I can't understand why. Aero is completely smooth on the first machine, so it makes me think there's something quite wrong, given their specs. The only difference between the two machines is the driver versions.

The first machine is running, which (I believe) it got automatically from Windows Update, whereas the second machine was impossible to find drivers for. Windows installed Generic drivers, which were terrible. I tried NVidia's official drivers, but they refused to install.

I tried Sony's official drivers, but they were for Vista and they were just as slow as the current ones (below), with the added bonus that they kept crashing.

So I eventually resorted to using NVidia MobilityModder to get the machine to install NVidia's drivers.

The hardware IDs for the two graphics cards are identical:


Anyone got any ideas?

Perhaps there is there a way I can manually grab the drivers from the first machine and install it on the second?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a way to underclock a nVidia chipset or GPU, to lower heat output?

I have a hp G60-244dx, which features the nVidia GeForce 8200M G graphics chip, and nVidia nForce chipset.

It runs Windows Vista Home Basic.

I don't use this for anything beyond web browsing, email, reading news, etc. No heavy graphics use, no gaming.

Is there a reliable way to underclock the GPU, so as to reduce the overall heat generated by the laptop?

EDIT: I tried nVidia's System Tools, but I could only see how to overclock with that tool. I want to underclock.

Right now I have an idle PC, doing nothing. The nVidia GPU reads 72C (161F), which is extremely hot for doing NOTHING. As a result the laptop's fan is constantly whirring at an audible level. I don't need high performance graphics. I especially don't need the whirring sound. How can I turn it DOWN?!?!!?

I would also consider modifying the DSDT for the ACPI BIOS, but I can't figure out how to do that either.

Source: (StackOverflow)

GeForce GTX 980 Ti reverts to single monitor on wake up

I'm running an up to date NVIDIA version 8.1.790.0, on Windows 10, with an EVGA GTX 980 Ti driving two ASUS 4k monitors through DisplayPort.

All works well until the system goes to power save if I have left the monitors on - then I move the mouse or touch a key and the system wakes, but only with one monitor. In graphics properties, only one monitor is available.

I can then go back into NVIDIA control panel, Set up multiple displays and I get the option to check the box for the 2nd monitor, and when I hit Apply changes, the 2nd monitor is enabled, and as long as I move something onto that monitor it remains on until the next time the system sleeps - if I don't move a window onto that monitor it sleeps again after 30 seconds or so.

I have googled for solutions, and looked on the NVIDIA forums but had no joy.

I have also seen this question but the top answers refer to AMD or Quadro cards (with different functionality)

Source: (StackOverflow)

Screen occasionally flashes black

A few months ago I bought myself a new computer. Since then the monitor have been occasionally flashing black for a second or so, and I've been looking for - and failing to find - a solution. Will appreciate any help here.

Problem Description

The entire monitor turns black, lasting for about a second, then resumes display as normal. The computer itself continues running as usual. It looks very much how it looks when changing screen resolution. The frequency in which it occurs depends on whether there's anything moving on the monitor or if it's a static screen - flashing is less frequent when the screen is static, but still occurs.

The frequency have slowly increased over the last few months - at the beginning it was every few minutes and only under load (watching videos / playing video games), now it's closer to every second. This suggests a hardware issue, but read below.

Sometimes after the black screen, it won't return to normal, instead turning completely corrupt. In these cases even quitting the application doesn't help, but physically disconnecting and reconnecting the monitor fixes the problem.

In addition, the computer sometimes gets a BSOD, blaming a driver issue for the crash. This suggests a software issue, read more below.

System Information

NVidia GeForce 660 Ti
Core i7
Windoes 7/8 (see below)

What I've tried

  • Using a different monitor - does not solve the problem
  • Connecting the monitor via VGA instead of DVI - solves the problem
  • Connecting the monitor via HDMI instead of DVI - does not solve the problem
  • Using a different version of Windows - does not solve the problem
    • Tried clean installations of Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012
  • Using Linux instead of Windows - solves the problem
  • Using different NVidia driver versions - does not solve the problem
    • Also tried not installing any driver and letting Windows Update do its thing, didn't help
  • Playing with the monitor settings does not solve the problem
    • Tried changing refresh rate to 59, changing color depth to 16 bit instead of 32, lowering resolution
  • The presence or absence of other monitors does not solve the problem
  • Upgrading to a power supply with more wattage does not solve the problem

Both the working workarounds above are suboptimal to me - I prefer Windows over Linux and using analog connection leads to fuzzy image with my 1680x1050 resolution. Plus, I only have one analog-capable connection in my graphics card, while I would ideally want a 3-monitor setup.

What I Think is Causing the Problem

The fact that using Linux instead of Windows solved the problem makes me think that the most reasonable culprit is a faulty Windows driver. But how? Many others have a similar setup and it works for them...

What Does the Internet Say?

The symptom - screen momentarily flashing black - seems to be common enough:

But unfortunately so are non-Q&A forum sites where every cry for help is followed by multiple "yes, I have this problem too" or "have you tried updating to the latest drivers?". In any case I've tried following suggestions I've found, to no avail.


Source: (StackOverflow)

What's the difference between GeForce and Quadro?

What's the difference between nVidia's GeForce and Quadro lines of graphics cards?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I horizontally flip/invert my monitor (not rotate)?

I have searched dozens of forums for this solution on multiple occasions, and the answers are always instructions on monitor rotation or simply, Why do you need to do that anyway?

Yes, I can rotate my monitor, but that doesn't address my need. I work with amputees and have a virtual model of a right arm that they control in real time using advanced surface electrode control strategies. I've been stuck using this right hand virtual arm with individuals who lost their left arms, and that can be distracting. Until an identical model exists for both arms, I'd like to simply flip or invert the screen horizontally to produce a mirror image. This would give me a left arm model that would function just like the right. I make the arm a full screen image, so there is no concern about backwards text, etc. It would be nice to toggle back and forth with this monitor flipping, but that's not critical.

I run the signal processing, decoding, and visualization on an ASUS G75 with the NVidia GeForce GTX 660M. The computer can handle quite a bit, so even if the proposed solution was CPU intensive, I don't think that would keep me from running the real-time simulations I use.

There are no built-in inverting features in the NVidia control panel that I can find. There are plenty of flipping options, but there are no mirroring or inverting options. Any suggestions are much appreciated.

Updates: I am using Windows 7. The Ctrl+Alt+Arrows are shortcut keys to rotate the display. Suggested answers to the identical question from a couple years ago are all either 1) rotation tips, 2) Why do this anyway? or 3) use your video card's built-in features. I addressed all of these in previous paragraphs. Perhaps it is not possible with my NVidia GeForce GTX 660M and Windows 7.

Source: (StackOverflow)

NVIDIA Control Center Only Lists 3D Settings

My NVIDIA Control Panel seem to have a lack of settings other than the 3D Settings;

enter image description here

I searched around a bit and found some similar problems on other websites which seemed to either have solutions that didn't work, or no replies at all.

I have a nVidia Geforce 710m and I'm on Windows 8.1 however the problem also occurred before 8.1 on 8, I re-updated a few minutes ago to the latest drivers for my GPU and OS (332.21) and the problem is still there.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to test video card memory

I want to test the memory of my video card because there are vertical lines on my screen. I have done some basic troubleshooting and it seems that the problem is in the video card. I want to validate that the issue is the video card by testing its memrory. I have find software that is used for Nvidia cards with CUDA support, but my card is the Nvidia GeForce 7600, which has no CUDA support.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to disable NVIDIA Optimus on a Dell XPS 15?

I've got a new Dell XPS 15 (L502x) with an NVIDIA GeForce 540M, Intel Core i7Q 2.2 Ghz, and Crucial RealSSD hard drive. As with most laptops with NVIDIA cards these days, it's got the "Optimus" feature, which switches between the integrated Intel HD graphics and the much more powerful NVIDIA card seamlessly, with the goal of providing better battery life.

I assumed when I bought this laptop that there would be certain common sense options, such as the ability to use only the NVIDIA card when on A/C power, and/or the ability to force usage of one card or the other. It appears that either I was wrong, or I just can't figure out how to do it.

I want to know how to configure Optimus in such a way that the NVIDIA card is always used for all tasks, including the Windows desktop/Aero. I'm not satisfied with the performance of the Intel card, so I'd like to bypass it completely. I'm aware that due to the hardware configuration of these cards, the Intel hardware cannot simply be disabled, but I'd like the NVIDIA card to be doing all the work. I've dug through both the NVIDIA Control Panel and the Intel settings program, without finding any clues how to do this. I've done a lot of googling on the subject, but found little of use.

Things I have tried so far:

  • Checked in the BIOS for an option to use one video card or the other exclusively; no such option exists.

  • Updated the BIOS, with no effect.

  • Set Nvidia Control Panel to use the Nvidia GPU as the default device.

  • Tried forcing dwm.exe to run on the NVIDIA GPU via the NVIDIA control panel, with the goal of getting Aero to render on the NVIDIA GPU. There appears to be a special exception for this program, as the drop-down box for GPU selection is grayed out and set to "Integrated Graphics":

    NVIDIA control panel hates dwm.exe

  • Tried forcing older, pre-Optimus drivers on the card; no success.

Any suggestions are very welcome, but please don't answer that I shouldn't be looking to disable Optimus!

Source: (StackOverflow)

Two Different nVidia Cards, One as Graphics, One as Physics - Possible?

Soon I will have a brand new Geforce GTX 285 to replace my current 8800GT.

Will it be possible to move my 8800GT to another PCIX slot, put the GTX 285 into the primary slot and use the nVidia software to make the 8800GT do physics?

I have enough PCIX slots on my motherboard (4). The GTX 285 will take up 2, so the 8800GT should fit in the 3rd.

If anyone knows if this is possible, I would be grateful to be educated!

Source: (StackOverflow)