Node.js debugger based on Blink Developer Tools
Does someone used node-inspector with Grunt for application debugging? If not, Can you recommend a debugging tool for Grunt based apps?
I'm working with nodejs for a server side app and I have Grunt to use separated tasks (this is because users can execute tasks separately).
Thanks in advance
Source: (StackOverflow)
I'm trying to debug my nodejs app using node-inspector. But Google Chrome doesn't show the code.
I'm using the following,
Node.js : v0.10.26
Express : 4.0.0
Node Inspector : v0.7.3
Google Chrome version : 34.0.1847.131
This is what I'm doing to start the debugger..
$ node-inspector
Node Inspector v0.7.3
Visit to start debugging.
In another console,
$ node --debug app.js
debugger listening on port 5858
Then started Google Chrome and went to
It opens up node-inspector but without any code..all windows are empty.
Noticed that I'm not getting 'Express server listening on port 3000'
Tried all as per node-inspector fails to connect to node but no luck
Couldn't work out what I'm missing. Would be great of you have any I can debug my Node.js apps in Google Chrome.
Source: (StackOverflow)
I use node-inspector a lot. When I edit my code and restart, I get the inevitable
Detached from the target
Error when a new process starts. I always have to go find the tab node inspector is on and restart it.
I was wondering if I could avoid this. For example, send a message to node-inspector from node to tell the browsers tab running node-inspector to restart.
Source: (StackOverflow)
I run NodeJS Express server on and trying to debug it with awesome (when it works) Node Inspector but having trouble starting it after the update. I used to run version of Node Inspector 0.7.4 with node-debug server.js
with no problems. Then I wanted to update it to latest 0.10.0 and went npm update -g node-inspector
but now when I run node-debug server.js blank page opens in browser with url
and nothing happens. I tried node-debug --web-host=
with no luck.
How can I debug my my Node programs now? BTW I'm on Ubuntu.
I had no luck running latest version 0.10.0 so I had to uninstal and install 0.9.2. Node inspector started with no problem then. I run 0.10.0 on my mac but on Ubuntu it doesn't seem to work for some reason so going back to 0.9.2 was only solution. I hope this will help some Ubuntu users.
Source: (StackOverflow)
How to run two script at once with npm run
First of all I know grunt or gulp but I want to make it without another js modules.
To make this I have this script:
"scripts": {
"start": "node ./node/www",
"nodemon": "./node_modules/.bin/nodemon node/www.js -i './e2e-tests/**' -i './node_modules/**' -i '.idea/**' -i './node/log/**' -w './node/server/**/*' -V -L",
"nodeInspector": "./node_modules/.bin/node-inspector --save-live-edit=true",
"debug": "node-debug ./node/www.js",
"ins": "npm run nodeInspector & npm run debug"
I want to run with npm run ins
but it only fires node-inspector.

Source: (StackOverflow)
When I run mocha with --debug-brk and open chrome dev tools with node-inspector, the debugger skips over any debugger statements that I put in my specfile.
I can get debugger statements to work in module files provided I follow this trick of placing a breakpoint at the bottom of the mocha lib.
Has anybody else seen this problem?
Source: (StackOverflow)
this error is coming continuously even after trying
npm install node-gyp -g
how to solve this and install node-inspector properly.

Source: (StackOverflow)
I started using Node Inspector to debug some of my Node applications. However, one thing i am not sure how to do is, once Node-inspector is attached to one Node app, how to detach and attach it to another Node app running on same box?
can i attach to multiple processes at the same time?
Source: (StackOverflow)
I've installed node-inspector just to find out that it doesn't support breakpoints :| What's the point in it at all, bearing in mind that on big part node code is asynchronous and you simply cannot follow it step by step?..
I'm definitely missing a point here...
Anyway to debug node code with breakpoints and everything?
Source: (StackOverflow)
I am trying to debug my gulp taks with node-inspector by running it like this
node-debug $(which gulp) build
and that works, except my Gulpfile is not .js
but .coffee
and for some reason it hangs for almost a minute in the beginning saying:
Requiring external module coffee-script/register
It doesn't take that long when I run it normally and it starts node-inspector almost instantly if I use Gulpfile.js. Why is it taking too long when I use
It's not a big deal, yet a bit annoying
Source: (StackOverflow)
I have setup a web application that works and now I want to learn how to debug it properly without using console.log. I have setup and ran Node-Inspector via node-debug server.js (main script file) and I want to use and check what happens when I set up a breakpoint for an example in the following post function.
.post('/login', function (req, res){
var user = {
username: req.body.username,
password: hash(req.body.password)
db.findOne(user, function (err, data) {
if (data) {
req.session.userId =;
} else {
Node inspector works nicely and i'm familiar with it's design since using Google Chrome developer tools for basic JavaScript debugging (jQuery etc.) for some time. Everything looks good until I try to login into an application. Instead of breaking in for an example "var user" line it simply jst jumps into "timer.js" file in somesort of an setImmediate function. Even when i try to jump over i never get to that breaking point where I wish to see what does the post function contain inside a req, res variables etc.
I'm using NodeJS v0.12.2 and node-inspector 0.10.0.
I'm using body-parser, bourne, express and express-session modules in the project. Maybe worth mentioning that i'm running application on different port than 8080 or 5858 and I also have the specified code in another .js file if that may be somehow the case, since i can successfully breakpoint the first few (require) lines of the main server js file.
I don't know what to do or how to breakpoint a simple if statement wherever is stated. It just simply goes to somewhat timers.js and few step-overs it's done.
Any idea why is this happening?
Thanks in advance.
Source: (StackOverflow)
This feels really silly, but I can't get node inspector / node-debug
to work.
The instructions say to do npm install then to run node-debug web.js
. So I did that. Now I have a lovely browser window open showing me my code with breakpoints... and no idea which url to use to actually access the code.
The inspector is at http://localhost:8080/debug?port=5858
and the terminal says:
> node-debug web.js
debugger listening on port 5858
Node Inspector is now available from http://localhost:8080/debug?port=5858
Debugging `web.js`
I've tried hitting up localhost:5000
(which is my express.js
port) but that either fails if I don't have a separate node web.js
instance running, or it succeeds if I have the other one running but doesn't trip any of the breakpoints in the inspector.
When I go to http://localhost:5858/
, I get:
Remote debugging session already active
When I go to http://localhost:8080/
, I get:
Cannot GET /
(the /
path totally works on my server in general.)
Source: (StackOverflow)
I am creating my first sails.js
app. When I tried
sails debug
I'm getting the following error on my command prompt
Debugger listening on port 5858
info: Starting app...
error: Grunt :: Error: listen EADDRINUSE
at exports._errnoException (util.js:746:11)
at Agent.Server._listen2 (net.js:1129:14)
at listen (net.js:1155:10)
at Agent.Server.listen (net.js:1240:5)
at Object.start (_debugger_agent.js:20:9)
at startup (node.js:86:9)
at node.js:814:3
To get the PID of the process using port:5858, I tried running
C:\Windows\system32>netstat -a -n -o
but unfortunately there is no process bound to port 5858. Am I missing something here?
I'm using Windows 8.1 with node.js
and sails.js
Source: (StackOverflow)
Using node-inspector, I'm unable to set breakpoint in the following node.js code. (Content of main.js
(function() {
var doSomething = function(callback) {
callback('doSomething Finished');
doSomething(function(x) {
I can easily set a breakpoint on line 2, line 4 or line 8, however no matter how hard I try the debugger won't let me set a break point on line 5 or line 9. To be clear, I'm using the following commands to run node-inspector
node --debug-brk main.js
I also tried to debug in web storm, however the issue persists. If I remove the line require('underscore');
, then the problem immediately goes away and I'm able to set break point inside function body again. The problem also goes away if I remove the outermost closure function. It seems that the interaction between require
and file level closure is screwing up the node debugging functionality. Has anyone experienced this problem themselves and / or knows any workarounds to be able to break inside function body?
EDIT: My node js version
Tony:~ $ node --version
Tony:~ $
Source: (StackOverflow)
Never mind. The reason this did not work: I forgot to meteor reset
so debugger
did not get a chance to stop. Duh!
More info: I am using the method in the answer by Mason Chang to the related question, not the kill -s USR1 [proc_id]
(where I could see the scripts, but not able to stop in the startup() function.). Also, I am using meteorite.
I am trying to debug the Meteor.startup(function ()) code on Meteor server side (i.e., under /server
) with node-inspector, I have read this question, and following the answer to change run.js
, but somehow, my own script for the startup function does not show up in the scripts section of Chrome.
How do I see my code here and set break points and stop at those points? BTW, the Meteor_debug() does not output anything to stdout, stderr, or node-inspector browser console. I also tried console.log() with no avail. How to enable logging on Meteor server side?
If it matters, I am on auth
The code here is very simple (/server/bootstrap.js):
Meteor.startup(function () {
if (Logs.find().count() === 0) {
var data = [/*...some data...*/];
var timestamp = (new Date()).getTime();
Meteor._debug("timestamp: "+timestamp+", data.len: " + data.length);
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
data[i].timestamp = timestamp++;
var entry_id = Logs.insert(data[i]);
Meteor._debug("entry_id: "+ entry_id);
Source: (StackOverflow)