

glob functionality for node.js

Gulp: how do I see filenames of my glob

in Gulp, I have a glob pattern that I want to verify. For instance:

gulp.task('clean-requirejs', function() {
    return gulp.src([

I want to see how the glob ['./public/res-min/**/*.js'] is expanded. How do I print the arguments/filelist which is generated by gulp.src in this example?

UPDATE: Turns out there is a really simple gulp-print which can solve the job like so:

var print = require('gulp-print');



Source: (StackOverflow)

Node.js glob include/exclude files

this is my current code to copy relevant files from my source to my build dir. It does not work as expected

return gulp.src([
]).pipe(plugins.copy("www", {prefix: 1}));

My idea is this:

  1. Select all files and folders in src
  2. Remove all js and sass files because they get compiled/concat/minified and copied to build in another task
  3. However console.js and cordova.js have to be copied, so i want to reinclude them into the glob

Well, i thought the elements order in the globArray is a priority or something so that e.g. console.js gets reincluded after it got filtered out. It doesnt seem so :(

What can i do?

Source: (StackOverflow)


nodejs del: use absolute path

I'd like to absolute paths with sindresorhus' node del plugin (or really node-glob) but it doesn't seem to work. I tried fiddling around with node-glob's options like cwd and root, but didn't get it to work.

Any idea anyone? One of my attempts:

var path = require('path');
var del = require('del');
var root = path.resolve(__dirname, '..'); // this could be more involved..

var delOptions = {
  cwd: root,
  force: true

], delOptions, function (err, paths) {
  console.log('removed files:');
  console.log('- ' + paths.join('\n- '));

Source: (StackOverflow)

node glob pattern include all js except in certain folders

I have a project that looks like this

ls foo/
- file0.js
- a/file1.js
- b/file2.js
- c/file3.js
- d/file4.js

How do I write a glob pattern to exclude the c & d folder but get all other javascript files? I have looked here for an example, but cannot get anything to work.

I imagine the solution would look similar to this:

glob('+(**/*.js|!(c|d))', function(err, file) {
  return console.log(f);

I am wanting back

- file0.js
- a/file1.js
- b/file2.js

Source: (StackOverflow)

grunt-contrib-uglify does not match files names which contains dots? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:

I'm trying to minify all the .js files inside a certain directory using grunt-contrib-uglify (latest).

This is the uglify configuration part from my GruntFile.js:

    uglify: {
        scripts: {
            files: [{
                expand: true,
                cwd: 'src',
                src: '**/*.js',
                dest: 'dest',
                ext: '.min.js'

The thing is, It does not seem to match files names which contains dots in it - for example 'external.library.js' - won't be minified.

Any idea how to get this thing work?


Source: (StackOverflow)