
news-feed interview questions

Top news-feed frequently asked interview questions

How to prevent my post showing on the Newsfeed?

I posted an old video on my Facebook, but I don’t want others to know I posted it, so I hid it from my timeline. However, I found out that the post is still showing in the newsfeed. I just don’t want people to know I have posted that video, but I want anyone to watch it if they somehow click on my album.

Is this possible?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to mass remove all friends updates in news feed in Facebook

I just want to clean my Facebook news feed and start from crash adding my friends back.

What is the fastest way can I remove all friends from news feed?

Source: (StackOverflow)


How can I filter my FaceBook news feed to a specific application?

For example, suppose I wanted to see all the recent news-feed entries for mafia wars. Is there a way to filter your feed down to a specific application?

I can do this using the Facebook iPhone app client, but haven't figured out a way to do it in the browser interface to the site.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Sharing "Likes" with friends

If my son is tagged in a photo (who I am friends with) by one of his other Facebook friends that I am not a friend of and I like the photo, is there a way to get it to show up on my other Facebook friends' news feeds so they can see the photo of my son?

Source: (StackOverflow)

In news feed "person X replied to a comment"—how do I see this comment?

Often, in my news feed I'll be greeted by something like this:

So I'm curious as to what my friend wrote. However, I don't want to scroll through 100s of comments, clicking on each one to try and find where my friends reply was. Is there a way to show this specific reply to a comment?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Crawling my newsfeed on Facebook [closed]

I am currently looking for a new place in my city. To this end, I would like to search my Facebook newsfeed, to see if any of my friends are mentioning something about an apartment or studio in their building, or if they are searching for a new flatmate.

Since I am living in The Netherlands, Graph Search for Facebook is not yet active. So now I would love to find a way to crawl my newsfeed or my friends' walls to see if they have posted something containing the string house, apartment, and the like.

Any ideas on how to use the API or other hacks/tools to accomplish this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to see pages I have hidden from appearing in my Facebook newsfeed?

My friends share a lot of quotes from random pages. It kind of clutters up my timeline and its annoying. So on the post I tap on the small down arrow and click on Hide all from page name.

Now I want to see which all pages I have hidden from appearing in my newsfeed. How can I do that?

On my Android phone I went to News Feed Preferences, but it shows tabs of Summary, People, Pages & Groups. Under these tabs I only see statistical figures of how many posts I have seen of a friend.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to hide out-of-range locations for LinkedIn news feed "jobs I may be interested in"?

I am a frequent user of LinkedIn, especially the news feed. The news feed includes activity updates from my network of contacts as well as LinkedIn suggestions about jobs I may be interested in. For instance, in the news feed, I see stories of the format:

FrobozzCo International posted a job you may be interested in: Senior Magic Widget Developer in The Great Underground Empire, Zork Universe.

If the location is too far away, I don't want to see such jobs cluttering my news feed. Is there a way to hide out-of-range job locations from LinkedIn's "jobs I may be interested in" suggestion generator?

Specifically, I need to know the preference setting for "Don't show me jobs that aren't within __ km of ______"?

Clarification: These recommendations are for jobs at companies I am not following on LinkedIn.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Facebook: don't show news from TV shows I "like" in my feed?

Can I "like" a TV show on Facebook but not see news from it in my News Feed?

I'm not interested in the news and just had an unseen episode spoiled from the show's own news feed item.

I've looked in the Facebook settings but did not find anything obvious to get rid of those feed items.

If nothing else works I'll just remove them from my "likes" entirely.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Where to find are all the Prismatic (getprismatic.com) keyboard shortcuts

Found really nice automatic news agregator service http://getprismatic.com. I’m a keyboard centric user, and there are shortcuts on Prismatic website like greader’s j/k for next/previous and etc. But what are all the shortcuts? Can you show where is the list of them?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Hide friends' page likes from newsfeed

I like seeing when my friends like a picture or video. However, I'm tired of seeing pages that they like. I could care less about that stuff. Is there a way to hide just the page likes?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Where can I find a minimalistic news summary site? [closed]

Surprisingly I have not been able to find a site which does this:

  • has a craigslist minimalistic design with paragraph summaries of the most important 100 news events that has happened around the world in the last 24 hours
  • the closest I have found is the two-page news summary in the print edition of the Economist in the front, I'm looking for something like that
  • news.google.com is close to what I mean, but its purpose is more of a "launch pad" for you to go read headlines and then click to read the news stories in more depth, the site I'm looking for has a different purpose: for you to spend 5 minutes reading it (on screen or print) and you know pretty much everything important that happened in the last 24 hours, not in depth, just the bullet points
  • just like at news.google.com you can search and customize it, so if you want the top 100 news "things that happened in Sri Lanka" you can get it with a simple search

I just went to Google News and read through five articles in about 10 minutes. I summarized them here in the format that I am looking for, which takes about 10 seconds to read:


TECH: Bing has cornered 12.7% of the market in the 12 months since it launched. / The top five top search engines are still Google, Yahoo, Bing, Ask, AOL. / Apple acquired Canadian company Poly9 which creates browser-based 3D software, last year it also bought PlaceBase which produces maps that can be layered with private, public, or commercial data.

POLITICS: U.S.-led United Nations Command met with North Korea about sinking of a South Korean warship, North Korea maintains innocence, the result of meeting will probably be just more talks. / Argentina granted full rights to gay citizens. / Russia and Germany concluded talks: Medvedev welcomed German enterprises' participation in the hi-tech hub Skolkovo outside Moscow.

If a site like this exists, it would probably be best created by crowd-sourcing: people reading the news and writing reviews such as the above. I know I would write for it since writing those reviews helps you pay attention to the news you read, remember facts etc. Would be cool if a site like this existed.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Does "Hide this Post" train Facebook?

Facebook now has an option to hide individual posts? Does this train Facebook as to which posts are interesting?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How does Facebook determine what the Top News is?

Anyone know what algorithm Facebook uses to determine what to show me as Top News in the News Feed? Many times I see items there that are quite old, and not particularly interesting. Is there any way to help Facebook (via Like, for instance) determine what is Top News from my perspective?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Facebook - Likes and comments not showing up in news feed; Photos tab is not visible to everyone

My likes and comments are not showing up in my newsfeed (after days). The Photos tab is not visible to everyone.

Here are my privacy settings:

Account -> Privacy Settings -> Connecting on Facebook - View Settings -> "See your likes, activities and other connections" = "Everyone"

Account -> Privacy Settings -> Customize Settings -> "Posts by me" "Default setting for posts, including status updates and photos" -> Everyone

Account -> Privacy Settings -> Customize Settings -> "Edit privacy settings for existing photo albums and videos" -> Photo Albus -> Everyone

Newsfeed -> Most Recent -> Edit Options -> All of your friends and pages -> Edit Options -> Hide posts from >

Apps (left hand column of Home page) -> "To control how your friends see your activity, click here" -> Info accessible through your friends -> [Boxes checked] "Bio," "Interested in," "My photos," "My links," "My notes," "Activities, interests, things I like"

(Note that I did not select "status updates" in the Apps setting. Facebook documentation says "status updates" are exclusively that - you used that named function to post an update - it's not likes, comments, photos, etc.)

Source: (StackOverflow)