
.net-framework interview questions

Top .net-framework frequently asked interview questions

Where is the MachineKeys folder in Windows 7?

I know where the MachineKeys folder in XP. Anybody can tell me where it is in Windows 7?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to tell whether I need to keep a version of .net framework?

Overtime I accumulated a bunch of .net versions. I'm rather certain some of them are not used anymore by any installed application. How do I check that? In other words, is there a (simple) tool, which perhaps is part of .net itself, that can scan my .net installation directory and tell me which versions are obsolete/unused?

thank you.

Source: (StackOverflow)


How do I change another computer's network settings from Powershell and/or .NET?

How do I change another computer's network settings from Powershell and/or .NET?

Target computers in question are in the same domain as mine and I am an administrator on all machines involved.

Any simple answers?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Windows 8 asks DotNet 3.5 to install DotNet 3.5

While trying to install some tools in Windows 8, it showed me a nice message saying it requires DotNet framework. Well, it's fine. But the bad part is I have offline installers for v2.0 and v3.5. While I'm trying to install those installers it shows me the same message as it shows above.

I can't consider the web installer, because I don't want to download around 100MB. The file I have works fine for other versions like Windows 7 or XP.

Any fixes?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why install for "just me" as opposed to "everybody"?

I'm using windows installer for a client's app, and they are complaining that sometimes multiple instances of an app appear on the computers they are using for testing. This problem has gone away since I hid the option install for "just me" and "everybody", and just set it to install for everybody. New versions are downloaded and installed about once a week and over a period the multiple versions have appeared, even though each installer supposedly removes older versions.

Is there something wrong with this? Am I likely to run into problems down the line?

Why would someone want to install for "Just me" anyway?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What version(s) of the .NET framework are included in windows 8?

If I install windows 8 what version(s) of the .NET framework will be installed before any auto-updating?
What about after applying any automatic updates?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Do I need all Microsoft .NET Framework versions?

I have 4 Microsoft .NET Framework versions:

  • 1.1
  • 2.0 Service Pack 2
  • 3.0 Service Pack 2
  • 3.5 SP1

Do I need them all?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I install .NET Framework 3.5 on Windows 7?

I need to install version 3.5 of the .NET Framework in Windows 7, but when I try to install it, it shows the following error:

"Turn on/off .NET Framework" option in System Features

I tried doing this, but I don't understand what it means. Can anyone help me?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to enable .NET Framework 3.5 on Windows 8 without downloading it?

Since I installed Windows 8 Preview on my personal computer, during the installation of some programs and drivers (Windows 7 ones) it started to pop me a message warning that .NET Framework 3.5 was needed:

Enter image description here

I could use "Install this feature", start to download some dependencies (300 MB) and that's it, but I don't want to have to download it every time I want to enable this feature on every machine that I install Windows 8.

Is there is some way to install .NET 3.5 on Windows 8 without having to download the entire Framework from Microsoft?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I install .NET framework 3.5 on XP machines without internet connection?

I want to install .NET framework 3.5 on a couple of machines that do not have internet access. If I install the "no internet access"-package it still wants to download something. How can I figure out what is missing? Are there other installation packages?

Edit: I would present screenshots but I cannot upload anything from here and the shots would be in german. So I present only the text translated back to english...

Installing the "full redistributable package":
At the bottom of the license agreement page it display this text:

Size of download file: 67 MB
Appoximate download time: 2h 44min (56KBit/s) 18min (512KBit/s)

It shows the text even if I installed Windows Installer 3.1.

After agreeing it displays the "Download and Installation Status"-Dialog with a progress bar labeled "Download:" and

Status: Connection to server attempted (try X of 5).
Total Download Status: 56MB/67MB

I tried it in a VM with no network connection. It tries 5 times while the progress bar shows progress. Later the progress bar is labeled "Installation:". Even later it reports problems during setup and provides two buttons "Send Report Later" and "Don't Send". Now here it comes: "Setup completed" and "Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 has been deinstalled successfully." (Emphasis is mine)
"It is recommended to install current service packs and security updates. More information at Windows Update (link)."

Edit2: Installed Service Pack 3, but still no success.

Source: (StackOverflow)

.NET 3.5 installation comes up with Error 0x800F0906, then 0x800F0081F using dism

I've recently tried installing .NET 3.5 for an application on Windows 8.1. I used the OS's popup thing to download/install .NET 3.5 and always get error code 0x800F0906.

Upon further research, I found I would have to pop in my Windows 8 CD and install it with this command, where "E:\" is where my CD is mounted:

Dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFx3 /All /Source:E:\sources\sxs /LimitAccess

This and any derivative of it (e.g., removing /LimitAccess) has not worked for me and has either given me the same error code (0x800F0906) or a different one, 0x800F0081F. I've even copied the sxs folder to my hard drive, just in case something was going on with the CD Drive, only to have the same results. In that case, I used this command line:

Dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFx3 /All /Source:C:\dotnet35 /LimitAccess

I find this surreal because in both cases, the files are indeed there but the program thinks it's not. Here's the CBS.log file.

Any ideas on how to fix this? Any help is very appreciated :)

EDIT: I now have a proper dism.log file, I'm not sure what happened to the last one or why it did that. Here's the link to the new log file. It's interesting to note that it doesn't recognize some of the commands in the script such as "featurename" or "source".

Source: (StackOverflow)

.Net Framework 3.5 SP1 on Windows 7 not recognized by installers

Windows 7 Ultimate RTM already comes with the .Net Framework 3.5 SP1 preinstalled. However, some installers like the Azure tools and SDK 1.1 seem to check for it and fail:

Windows Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio requires .NET Framework 3.5 SP1.

Since the framework is preinstalled there seems to be no way to reinstall or repair it (see also).


  • VisualStudio 2008 SP (9.0.30729.1)
  • VisualStudio 2010 RC (previosly beta)
  • Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework contains folders for all 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0

Any ideas on how to make the installers recognize the 3.5SP1 framework (without reinstalling the OS), or maybe to somehow reinstall it

Source: (StackOverflow)

How often do users change their IP address (average time needed)?

Basically, i need to know how long (on average) and ip address is used per user, this can be US-only stats or World-Wide stats, if you have a source please state it. If its your own data please let us know how you've come to this determination. If its off the top of yoru head (which is fine) please feel free to elaborate on it.

Because some routers stay on for days, weeks and months, this really throws speculative accuracy off as many people i am assuming are holding onto the same IP address for really long amounts of time. In the earlier days most people would have a new IP address when they reboot (dialup etc), but i fear this is no longer the majority.

this information is crucial to me in programming an interface that needs the average amount of time an IP address is used (on average) to determin a few things. Any form of information will help, also, im not interested in an alternative way of doing what im trying to accomplish, which is why i didn't want to get into that detail, but rather, just this time average for anyone who has any idea of it.

also, i tried google. i really could not find the stats, i suspect i don't know how to construct the query for this. also, this information is for non-mobile internet (by this i mean excluding cell phone, ipad, blackberry, iphone etc internet access). also, i am not tracking the person, just the ip address and how long it is in use by any given user until it changes or is unleased. thanks.

Found Suitable Answer:

Here is a suitable answer for anyone interested, if you find this answer useful please feel free to upvote. thanks.


This report is written very well and has more than just average information, if you find other suitable reports or sources, please post to comments (since discussion/answering was closed), comments are accepted!

Source: (StackOverflow)

What does the percent CPU mean?

I am watching my CPU percent utilization by a process. How does a process use only 50% CPU? Doesn't a process use 100% then 0%, then 100%? Its not like every other instruction is a different program.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Does Windows 7 have .NET 4 installed by default?

I offered software where .NET 4.0 is needed and promised, that Windows 7 already comes with this framework. If not, the user can use the integrated "Windows Update" function to install the framework. My client said to me there is no Framework on Windows 7 Professional installed already. What are details about the situation of Windows 7 and is there an option to install .NET by using the update function of Windows 7?

Source: (StackOverflow)